I use cash app to pay jewesses to beat me at chess and words with friends then to make videos taunting me about their superiority and their braps
Dylan Moore
>character from 2014 >reading snarky articles by out of touch new york liberal journalists telling working class miners to code >time travels to 2019 >the same journalists are being laid off and throwing a shitfit when people tell them to learn to code
The best part of that press conference was stolen from us. When that reporter asked him if he could still moonwalk he surveyed the area to see if he had room but looked at his wife who told him not to do it. We almost had Coonman moonwalk at his mea culpa presser.
Zachary Smith
Alinsky's 4th Rule is the most fun thing to throw at libshits.
My area is around 35 percent black. Get on my level.
t.deep south
Jackson Ward
What if we cut power to the hospital?
Adrian Nelson
>wife who told him not to do it Fucking women I swear.
Jordan Baker
Reminder that MJ was innocent
Blake Parker
>I am not the man in blackface in that photograph! >That said, I did wear blackface in Texas one time. >By the by, you know how fucking hard it is to wipe shoe polish off your face? >I won a moonwalking contest. >I like beer. >I can still moonwalk but my wife won't let me. >I have black friends. Best press conference ever.
Grayson Miller
This works perfectly.
Sebastian James
>(D): trump is an evil offensive racist and shouldn't be in office! >also (D): coonman the baby slayer moonwalking into the delivery room taking a hammer to infants
Leo Allen
Please its only the beginning of the year, We're not going to get another 2016 are we? I cant take that much winning
>/ptg/ goes outside and AWOO~s at the Super Blood Wolf Moon during peak eclipse >two weeks later Moonman Coonman is basking in dead nigger baby blood and has to be restrained from moonwalking on camera while talking about wearing blackface DO YOU FEEL IT, EVERY WAN?
Mississippi was 60%+ black because of slavery. I am glad I wasn't born back then.
Wyatt Richardson
>won't apologize for wearing blackface >grand wizard in the KKK >lynches black infants the moment they leave the womb sorry guys i am off the trump train NORTHAM 2020
He absolutely was. The Hollyjoos tried to take him down for 20 years.
Jace Sanders
i dont know or care who bradley is i dont know or care about racist stories in the msm
focus on the baby thing. don't get divided
Joshua Sanders
It's a white boy pretending to something he isn't, like a faggot claiming to be a sand nigger when he isn't one
Grayson Lopez
>this blackface picture isnt me >i did do it another time though >tough to get off your face >*moonwalks out of press conference i have lost the last vestige of my sanity, as i drift off into an endless abyss of insane laughter
The only way he could have won is if he was combative with the press and furiously denied being in the photo or even a part of making the year book. Instead, he tried the cuck approach of apologizing for something that probably wasn't even his fault
like i promised, i sent a letter to RNC chair Ronna i havent worked for the RNC in some time, but given the fact that I did, as well as my donations, give me hope that this will reach the desk. also, the RNC building is much, much smaller than you'd think at least the DC office anyways, I told them that they shouldn't spike the ball yet, but find out who fucked up in Ed's campaign for Gov. I have three theories, but any competent manager would never have missed this gold mine.