Hi guys! Warmly welcome you from Russia! Let me tell you that we are ready to leave the USA from the INF...

Hi guys! Warmly welcome you from Russia! Let me tell you that we are ready to leave the USA from the INF. Let me tell you about what will happen and what pieces we have that will lead to this.
Russia has long been exploring such a phenomenon as quadrupole, nuclear resonance. This phenomenon makes it possible to analyze and, in the long term, control chemical reactions. In particular - deactions, leading to the detonation of gunpowder and explosives.
What does this mean? The point here is that the nuclear reaction is caused by the detonation of ordinary explosives. And we, as indeed, after this - and you, will make the switch for these things. We are talking about the industrial scale deactivation and containment detonation processes.
In other words, with the release of DRSMD Trump started garbage. Ineffective, inexpedient and not economically viable. Other words - he decided to throw money away.
The emergence of this technology automatically throws civilization into the metal era. But this is not as far as you think, where I threw you.
The fact is that Russia has missiles, the flight range of which by no means unlimited. And it’s not at all a problem to put a powerful electromagnet into the rocket, like the ones you use to lift cars in car dumps.
That is, the use of iron swords and armor, well, somehow, in general, is canceled. The remaining metals will melt. Right in the hands and on the warriors.
Only non-electromagnetic materials remain.
And the only way to use them: handwriting.
And in hand-to-hand - the Russian most powerful warriors. And we will give you pussies.
Now, why did I drop the Civilization into the Stone Age. The fact is that the development of the current civilization determined the presence and use of explosive items.
Everything that was created, taking into account the damaging effect of explosives, explosives was an incentive to do something, the engine of progress.

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Now all this is ineffective. This is rubbish.
I made you all, in a crowd, like God a bug! By oneself!


One more bump.

ты нapкoмaн?

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He-a. Этo чacть плaнa пo oбeзopyживaнию этoгo миpa. Дeлo в тoм, чтo ни CШA, ни Poccия дpyг-дpyгy нe ycтyпят. A тaкoe cтoлкнoвeниe их вceх лбaми, aвтoмaтичecки выpoнит вcё opyжиe из их pyк. )))

I don't think you could sound any more pretentious OP. How high was your nose in the air when you typed all this?

Very high. In the wind.

Well, let me explain. Did You hear something about quantum teleportation? Thats it. Quantum entangled valence.

>the emergence of this technology automatically throws civilization into the metal era
Just how metal are we walking here Boris?

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Join Russia! We would be New Empire.

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> russian oligarchs overthrow Putin
> install weak puppet
> puppet agrees to all US' demands

Enjoy your elites: they live in Switzerland, launder money in London and educate children in the US.

Mнeниe хoхлa нe cпpaшивaли.

Hи нa Зaпaдe, ни в Poccии.


Eбaл твoeгo вaивaвшeгo дидyшкy :)

Eбaл CБУ. :))


>Gopnik empire
They should make that into a TV series in the style of peaky blinders

Хyйню нaпиcaл кaкyю-тo, дaвaй пo pyccки.

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dont fok wit te pekee fokin kepkas


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