Jow Forums humor thread

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>the perfect joke doesn't exi-

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So based! so Redpilled!

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It irks us white men. Think about it. They could easily spam East Indian or Chinese or Latino men and we wouldn't really feel threatened by it. But there is something about the negro male that intimidates us that when we see him with our women we get nervous.The rate of intermarriage between white women and black men is very low, yet every time a white women gets murdered by her black partner we are giddy to post "Yippie! The toll is paid!"
I see similar cases of men of other races being implicated in the murder of their white significant other but these never bother us. Why? Simple.We are not intimidated by these men. There is something about the black man that scares us. The Jew knows this and that is why the type of porn chosen to demoralize white men involves a black man and a white woman. In order to overcome our negro-phobia we have to first acknowledge that it exists.

The scariest thought a white man can have;

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children." This has been my guiding motto since the first day I read it. However, with the inability of whites to maintain even a population at replacement levels and the influx of immigrants into white countries a very terrifying thought occurred to me; Though raising them and teaching them properly I may ensure my children and even grandchildren will help to perpetuate the existence of the white race, but after I have departed my mortal coil, how can I be sure that one of my female descendants won't lay on her back ,legs spread wide moaning in delight as Tyrone empties his African jungle milk into her womb, his nigger tadpoles racing for her Aryan egg.

What is going to be the future of our race? Look at pic related. This could be the fate of your descendants. You have no way of knowing. You are afraid.

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Nigga please...

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And what good has our kindness done for us? Those who are merciful to the cruel end up curel to the merciful

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>Racism and bigotry is so funny LMAO

And you wonder why there aren't right wing comedians

HA. That's pretty funny. Everyone knows jews are cheap. I work with jews and sometimes we do lunches and after work dinners and I've literally never seen a jew tip. They usually always make some excuse to leave early or go to the bathroom.

insulting a man who is quite literally the most powerful man in the world sounds like a good idea; lets give him 'fairness', you know, this way he won't utilize his power... cause that sounds sane

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This pic is almost as gay as a Canadian

God's kingdom =! this world.

google USA and Russia(aka the #1 and #2 military superpowers of the world) vs ISIS underage faggot.
You don't realize what guerrilla militia is like

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butthurt israeli NEET shitting up a humor thread

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>takes pic but cant look into camera
>niglet knows to look in camera more than mother
>bent blinds
>dirty floor
>just starred in the movie "brave" hair
The toll? It's being paid as we speak.

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Hope Gangweed doesn’t show

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Nigger phobia is rational, they are WAY WAY more likely than a human to commit crime and violence, it's not an irrational phobia, it's the logical response to danger.

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they are a bit off with the ugliness

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I remember that shit. Was about mma or something right?

Ayyy lmao

JIDF manages a response after only 2 natural messages, impressive work you degenerate kikes.

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Let's hold hands and close our eyes and pretend the world is an inflatable bouncy house. Feel better now, thin skinned pussy?

Shut up, mednigger fag

Whatever happened to those "shave for Beiber" or "cut for Beiber" hoaxes? Shit was hilarious. Anyway, a cut to show hatred for Trump or Dem support hoax would probably workl.

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Why does her head looks so squarish?

The pepe cake really seals it.

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who? did this really get 175k people's attention?


4 across, 4 down is pretty cute desu


It was a disgruntled journo


This pic gets me every time.

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walls don't stop human catapults

>Giving money to a lazy bum
>being homeless and producing nothing in the richest nation in history
I guess jews are based and redpilled.

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Based and Jewpilled

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Preach my nigga

they claim that they defeated the arab world in 6 days.
your pic just kills it all, tnx for the redpill

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jesus christ

protip: the increase of open anti- semitism is another jewish ploy to get skilled workers to move to israel

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Hes banned, for 3 days.
2 left.

Buckle up

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Toontown rewritten still kicking I see, though I didn't expect to see that in the slightest.

What is this from? Anyone know?

no but here's some feels

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>I am the Jewest

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The based German guy is called "Der Volkslehrer" on youtube. I don't know which interview that's from.

Holy shit that DBZ hat

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Found it searching for "german school teacher discussion jew translated":

Take this pill as well, but be wary, it's a suppository.

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