Here's a tip for political debates

Here's a tip for political debates.

If someone insists on fact-checking constantly, they are wasting your time and arguing in bad faith. Centrists love to do this. Even worse, they will attack any remotely conservative source as biased and then pull up Snopes a dozen times.

These people are a lost cause. Don't let them suck your precious time on this earth. They will never, ever concede their point or admit they're wrong.

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joe rogan is such a satanic little goblin.
and yes, couldn't agree more... the moment you hear someone utter the words 'fact-check' unironically, you can bet money they're hopelessly indoctrinated, and have a credential-bias that prevents them from thinking like an independent and rational human being.
Don't get lost in the details/weeds, always pull back to the broader picture

Joe Rogan isn't a centrist. He's a NWO shill.

Facts are for pussies.

Online arguing is a waste of time. 95% of arguments I have get responded with a whataboutism/false equivalency or the other guy attempting to twist my argument back at me. I'm dead serious this is how almost all debates are these days.

>they are wasting your time and arguing in bad faith
Can you back that up at all? It is easy to call your feelings facts. Sometimes we need to know the source is not just your ass though. Not interested in hearing about all the times your gut was right, just want the facts.

>snopes is bad because I don't like it
You do what you say other people do. Attack the actual information and if you can't, then you're probably wrong. Snipes shows its work, so if it's wrong about something, it should be a simple matter to prove.
Being butthurt by facts that contradict your feelings does not actually invalidate a source.
Call that shit out when other people do it, and stop fucking doing it yourself.

The SOTU will be responded to by a woman who ran for office while in 200k debt, wants gun confiscation, attempted the stall and court battle technique to stuff her ballots but is so retarded she attempted it with too far a losing margin, didnt care because shes a racist retard, continued to stall until a team of lawyers told her she is retarded. Also way to go to any white Georgians who voted for a black woman in 200k worth of debt, cause that not a recipe for racist corruption.

centrists are closeted liberals who don't want to be associated with the sjw crowd and seem smarter than they actually are by using the age old jewish trick of being a chameleon.

Joe Rogan is pushing the mainstream 'Russian Collusion' narrative harder than CNN. It's really fucking sad. He went from apolitical stoner retard to treasonous zogbot terroists. I'm pretty positive he's in a homosexual relationship with Sam Harris.

>Don't get lost in the details/weeds, always pull back to the broader picture

I like that, I'll have to use it next time.

They always cuck to the left, unless it comes to benign shit like guns or taxes. Embarassing. Libertarianism/centrism has very little if any place within the modern political game.

Centrists are liberals who don't want the baggage of being called a liberal because then they will be forced to defend certain beliefs so they claim being a centrist. It's nothing but being a dishonest coward.

>These people are a lost cause
Gonna need to see a source buddy

Snopes goes out of it's way to excuse typical U.S. left policies and nitpick those of the U.S. right. It's easiest to see in any 2nd Amendment "fact" check where they try to walk back how ignorant the average politician's statement on firearms tend to be.

>I like that, I'll have to use it next time.
i actually thieved it-
some very good content ^
along with 'way of the world' and 'vertigo politix' and 'morgoths review' and 'black pilled', the only creators I enjoy anymore

you all sound like male feminists

Snopes is absolutely ridiculous and 100% biased.

>Don't let them suck your precious

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Careful with these threads. Rogan’s shills will start shilling pagan garbage.


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That's the thing about manlets. Joe wants to be top tier podcaster, world class comedian, show host, black belt, and God knows what else.

Shit genes and insecurities.

This webm never gets old. Thanks user!

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Facts not relevant?

he makes my skin crawl, now...
hes mediocre at *everything* he touches, and he has the nerve to combine this mediocrity with ego, arrogance.. which causes his message to resonate with idiots, who always mistake confidence for merit

>Leftist love to do this.


Sorry that pic related doesn't fly?

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Debate is a waste of time
Lead by example, dont justify to subhumans
Their opinions dont matter

All you do is lie

where are your proofs? do you have proofs for what are you are saying. Are you christcucks or niggers? Here we discuss and posit theories supported by empirical data. Otherwise we are no different from the very clowns we are fighting against

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Fuck this. Fucking free bleeder leftist rant. Leftist tactic: Make you chase your tail with fucking lies that they claim as fact. Then lie about an off topic. Circle back and then before you know it, you're going in circles. I've learned to do the same fucking shit that my retarded sister in law does. And, no shit, she's a Shareblue fucking idiot.

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If it was good enough to work for Jesus it is good enough to work for us

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>Debating retards
LMAO, user I..

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