How can ONE White Italian JUST be so Based in life ? For all we know when it’s all said and done he will save Europe

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Based White Italian

It happens.

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Salvini hasnt realised he is coming with UK yet....


Some faggot judges are trying to indict him over "kidnapping" dark invaders because he stopped a boat of human trash smugglers.

We need a cleanup in the institutions. Far and wide.

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Salvini apparently doesn't realize that Trump is a bullshitter who has no intention of doing anything he claims he wants to do.

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He hasn't deported 1 nigger.

Based and redpilled

At least hes refusing to fucking take the god damn trash though

You only just proved how much more based Salvini really is

As of now, expulsions are facing some """bureaucratic hurdles"""
But according to official data 5k niggers, arabs and whatnot have already been successfully expelled

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so sad that berlusconi isn't there anymore, they could have been such a team kek

The big B is still here, but as a shadow of its former self, desu

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Well he campaigned on deporting 500k niggers. So he needs to get his shit together.

Trump bangs pornstars, faggot leaf

Well he campaigned on deporting 500k niggers. So he needs to get his shit together.

Assuming current polls, if an election was held today salvini could form a coalition with FI and FdI. Would forza drag their feet in the coalition? Or would salvini dominate them into doing what he wants.

ah yes, leaders surrounded by who they care most for

>FI and FdI are merchs, they will follow whoever has more votes/influence

All Italian (filo-American-Democrat) media Is literally brainwashing 24/7 that Salvini is a fascist and a kidnapper. That gives me hope in Salvini's possibility to change something.

>"hic et nunc"

If something went to shit into M5S, splitting the alliance and making the Conte government fall, a shitload of votes would move to Lega and some to the hyperfractured left
FI is becoming a meme and will be probably dumped. They became the embodiment of the neocon crony spirit. FdI is a nice help but mostly irrelevant as a voting bloc (but kinda influential culture-war wise)

It's not even impossible for a perfect storm to push Lega to the olympus of a lone-governing party.

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this holy shit
i can't belive how little it is shown of the actual laws reviews in favour of showing that mongler martian speak about literally anything for no (((apparent))) reason at all

It means based Italy and not cucked UK will become the bridge from US to Europe.
The country that manages this deal will become immensely rich, moreso if they are actually intelligent, talented, and hot unlike bongs.
Too bad my country is too cucked by FreeMasons to propose a counteroffer.


Italy and US have connections at a deep level. It doesn’t get as much attention but it is so.

What do you think the chances of Lega dumping M5S after the european elections are?

Also when is Mattarella's term up? Ideally we want a Lega stacked chamber of deputies to pick the next president

tfw no qt italian waifu

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That''s a rare Silvio


Isn't Salvini only the interior minister? How does he have this much power?

I fucking love Pizza-bros and always have

Anti-Trump faggots dumping their "I hate him so much it was her turn" folder

>wanting Italy as an ally

Why are leafs the biggest black gobbling cucks in the world?

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>he wants a country that’s notorious for switching sides to be his ally
Okay retard

You know what Italy didn't do?

Burn down the white house the moment we looked away like a sucker punching cunt.

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>holding 200 year grudges against a country that didn’t exist politically at the time of the 200 year old conflict

>Cucknadian suddenly acting like he doesn't post that shit with pride in his heart 6/7 days a week

I unironically have more respect for a mother fucking islamist in Egypt than any random "white" nigger in Canada

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> I Can Be Your Closest Ally in Europe if that means 0 effort and me still being on vacation

Who pushed that law, the (((landlord))) lobby?

>What do you think the chances of Lega dumping M5S after the european elections are?
unless they choose to full-on occupy the void ecological niche of the left and embrace their inner wing of pro-immigration retards.
Then it's open war on the M5S

This scenario is particularly worrysome because it would start a de facto theatrical system of politics like the republican-democrat dualism (until they became overrun by retards and outsiders started to have political weight)

And one more thing, you will NEVER turn me on Italy no matter how much you try you little cuck.

They might have made mistakes during WW2 but they're still they only country in Europe with a proper set of balls.

>1 fat orange goy slave to Jews who had more border crossings than Obummer while LARPing he will build a wall
>1 fat limey goy slave to Jews who can't stop 1(uno) boat from unloading negroids into his land and tell Turkey to fuck off with the refugees shit
oh whoah, we needed another toxic, useless, lying shabbos goy to shit up EU politics

>Why doesn't the god emperor just demand the wall and use emergency powers to force it through
>While every judge and duel-Israeli citizen in the country obstructs and lies waiting with venom to call him Hitler

Italy gets niggers wants better relations with USA ... color me surprised

4th Reich when?!

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Yeah you controlled their government from the shadows for 30 years a'd fucked their country up through the P2 masonic lodge.

I really want to believe this and actually it's the only thing that is keeping me to become a full doomer.

With that said what people abroad don't understand about us is that we, as people and country, are corrupted to the bones and we need to be ruled by strong people who enforce the rules with violence if necessary.

We also phisically need to divide the country because since the creation of unified Italy southern Italians have only proved to be niggers that ruined the rest of the country, they spread their behaviour like wouldn't believe the things you have to live with and accept in everyday as if they were the normality...

I'm literally going to the therapist because our society made me depressed and it's forcing me to become a fucking nigger in order to survive (like in: following rules is for weak people, social norms are for retards, etcc..)

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>Southerners are niggers
>Meanwhile racism is alive and well in the South while the North is full of niggers
Really makes you think, huh?

Same kike bullshit they've been trying to push down our throats for last 20 years

>we wuz mafia and shit

Even sandinggers are ultra racist towards niggers but this doesn't automatically mean that they're superior or evolved people.

The same goes for fucking terroni like you.

It doesn't matter if you're racists towards people who try to steal your gibs, you're just like them if not worse because you're leeching from your own countrymen unlike the niggers who behave that way because they have 2 digits IQ.

The day of the rope will come for terroni too, don't worry.

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Divide and conquer as fuck, off yourself you fucking cunt.

>save Europe

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>virtue signalling

Maybe try to live here for some time before spouting memes about divide and conquer, because there's a VALID reason if terroni are hated here and I really don't care if you call me a D&C kike for stating the unpleasant truth.

It's like this since the 50s and everyone knew this at the time too...

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>There's a valid reason to hate ivory tower liberals as the cancer they are while they screech at everyone else for being inbred hicks

naw m8, you're a complete cunt with Jew-strings

Why do you post like such a faggot?

He can start by torpedoing the ships escorting niggers into europe.

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>Look how based we are!
>We are just like Germanistan and the Islamic Republic of France!
>Can’t wait to have a higher percentage than the United Caliphates!
The fact itself that you try to use kike data to prove that you’re better shows that had it been for you Polentoni we would have been full of niggers ages ago.
After all niggers are good for the economy, haven’t you heard?
Off yourself, cuck.

Based. But what does Italy actually do? Like what goes on there? I can’t think of them having any large amount of natural resources, strategic land positioning or specialized manufacturing we benefit from.

“What has to be explained is not the fact that the man who is hungry steals or the fact that the man who is exploited strikes, but why the majority of those who are hungry don’t steal and why the majority of those who are exploited don’t strike.“
“If the psychic energies of the average mass of people watching a football game or a musical comedy could be diverted into the rational channels of a freedom movement, they would be invincible.“

- Wilhelm Reich

If believing this is going to help you sleeping at night, so be it.

Idiots like you who always reply with this very bullshit argument always ALWAYS forget to say that since the 50s - again - Northern Italy was flooded with southerners who brought mafia and corruption.

I don't know why you're accusing me of being a globalist cuck but it may surely be because you're out of arguments.

If it wasn't for cities like Milan (by the way I live there and I would gladly nuke this shithole) the rest of the country wouldn't have their gibs...

The real jews at the north are the fucking regioni a statuto speciale who don't pay taxes and have special treatments...this has to be fixed.

Becuase my ideals upset you deeply and you accelerate any preconceived slight.

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>Italy keeps me up at night

Nigger shut the fuck up, you know you're just trying to turn Italian against Italian like the subversive kike faggot you are.

History likes to repeat itself

Yea, but who is buying that stuff?
Mediterranean domination for sure, if you cover the naval base thing and can transport fast enough across the mountains.

not anti-Trump, just think Salvini is way more based than him and deserves credit for it

These guys forbid free masonery.

That is just awesome.

Next step is forbidding circumcision. If he does, I'll consider him the great IMPERATORE of all the latin people

Our main export partners are Germany, France and the US in that order (around 30% overall). If you add Spain, the UK and Switzerland you get around 50% of our total export.

And I have a folder of your prime minster being a complete piece of shit, the question is do you think your shit doesn't stink?

Becuase that's the question that makes me wonder about how much dick you consume on a daily basis.

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Don’t hurt my feelings

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>can't understand good faith actions
well, let's hope this faggot is dead too.


Oh it's schizo poster... How's it goin?

>JIDF sighted

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Dude fuck off implying something like JIDF would care about a shitty anime website like Jow Forums

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Thats so antisemitic and you know it. Shame on you

I fucking love this guy. Gives me hope for the future of my home country.

Fuck your feelings

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>implying i like trudeau

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Imagine being this much of a fucking kike

I've really been liking this guy

Good, italy are more than welcome to serve us

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fatburgers using jew flag and jews using fatburger flag. Jow Forums is a magic place

The audacity of these NGOs, and in plain sight too.

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is that Molymeme?

When the combined forces of the Muslim world exterminate you from the world I'm going to executes duel citizen Israeli kikes in government before they can screech their dying words.

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Why'd you delete it? Did your mangled monkey paw with 10 year cuticles embarrass you?

I keked at the Trump pic even if I like him