The true future of the European is to be out there amongst the stars, and how are we going to achieve that future ? There are obviously a number of things that must happen here on earth which will contribute towards a total victory but no matter what, we must ensure that /ourguys/ (that's you, Jow Forums) make it to Mars and are on the red planet from the very beginning.

Welcome to the Earth To Mars General.
This thread is dedicated to the discussion of creating a European Colony on Mars, not by direct funding, but through the commercial emigration scheme that will eventually come into play.

At the moment /etm/ is posted once a week every saturday around 10pm GMT (i've posted it earlier today) and is a place on Jow Forums to speak about all things space related. Please try to ignore the flat-earth fags.

Attached: Marsc3.jpg (398x517, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:


comfy videos

>NEW BFR Overview

>Educational Doc on Terraforming Mars:

>Space X Interplanetary Transport System:

>"Making Life Interplanetary" by Elon Musk:

>3 Companies Developing Game Changing Technologies

>Isaac Arthur - "Outward Bound - Colonising Mars"

>Isaac Arthur - Mars: From science fiction, to science fact

>Challenges of Colonizing Mars!

Attached: marsc38.jpg (1920x1080, 723K)

This should keep me busy for a while

Don't worry pa, we'll get this thread at the top in no time

the past few threads have been slow but not too bad

bump for space/pol/

Oh, so you are taking this seriously after all, despite what it may seem, i'm supportive of this, just have to be guaranteed that i'm going to be fine.
Do you do you have an answer for this yet:
>if the plan is to bring people there trough commercial emigration, then these people will be the extreme minority, meaning that they won't be able to be leaders in the planet. If this actually happens, the rich retards will choose an anarchist to lead the colony and the colony will go to shit very quickly

slow night
i might start posting these even earlier

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> so you are taking this seriously after all
I have posted the general almost every saturday for the past 300 days (i think... maybe longer)

>Do you do you have an answer for this yet:
you didn't ask a question

Okay, but how are you going to prevent (((investors))) from mandating diversity quotas?

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you have been posting for so long? i browse Jow Forums everyday and the first time i heard about this was yesterday. i'm talking about this thread

Luckily, the journey to Mars will be far too expensive for (((anyone)))) to impose diversity quotas in a way even slightly similar to what is happening in Europe and other countries.

Of course Mars will have some diversity naturally, there will be many asians... rich arabs, indians etc

Jews will never the mewling meat-things escape!

Yeah I think I started the general around february last year

we've even had 2 stickies
pic related is one

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so you have the answer to what i said?

I really hope the fractional gravity doesn't fuck up gestation. If we can't make babies, any colonization efforts will be for naught.

what is the question ? how will this minority of racially aware europeans reach places of power on Mars so they can make a difference ?

well put simply, that isn't exactly what this general is about. The short term goal of this general is to simply re-inspire each other on the subject of space exploration & colonisation. I hope to promote a new positive attitude towards life on Mars amongst those who value the future of the European peoples.

in regards to what this minority can achieve on Mars, I would argue that simply existing there, considering the way things are in our countries on earth at the moment, would be an achievement.

This discussion always comes up, a lot of people actually seem to forget that we don't have any confirmed data on what the Martian G would do to our bodies.... how tall would we grow, would it affect fetal development, would it affect a child's growth?. From what I've read, experts are saying that a strict weight lifting regime and perhaps some pills(i think?) to aid with bone strength should be enough to keep humans healthy and in a physical position to be able to return to earth without being at too much of a disability from its higher G


Howdy y'all. It's been a while.

The human body is made for parts of the terrestrial surface. Not for space. We won't keep its current config.

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lol he almost said 14 words too

Reminder that the eternal Normie will ensure that niggers will be allowed to populate Mars and Venus.

The spic-nig cycle will continue on other planets thanks to the eternal virtue-signalers.


What would you consider as interesting or necessary first/early scientific and technology experiments we should send to Mars in preparation of a human base?

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I think most of them are larping faggots, but occasionally some good aspects are mentioned.


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I think some sort of multi-purpose drone that can survey a place to land would be good
It could look into the geography of an area, is their frozen ice nearby we can use ? things like that.

Perhaps a large unfoldable pack of solar panels and batteries ready for the first humans would be good... maybe even some basic housing that again, like the solar panels can unfold and wait to be used.

i saved this pic btw. i'll probs use it for a future thread

Lol I remember that

Apart from this thread, the only others I have been in are the sticky and the one for falcon heavy launch (which I looked back through in the archives. that was a good thread)

I'll remember now to check this out on saturdays

falcon heavy was a great thread lol. I'm not sure if that got sticked too but it was moving really fast... i think i made around 3 more that night just to cover the hype. I'm gonna check it out on 4plebs for the memories right now lol.

AFAIK the problem for drones is the thin atmosphere. JPL's Marscopter [1] will test the concept, but it will be able to hover for like 15 mins or so.
Balloons are probably better. E.g. [2] I'm currently checking out balloons for light payloads and plenty of sensors.

Yes, sending habitats and equipment upfront is part of the plan. But what I was thinking of are (preferably simple) experiments to better understand the Martian environment (humans and machinery have to exist in it). And technology demonstrations to see whether they work and how they perform.
Any ideas for simple things? Not necessarily the whole package, but critical parts we could test early on.

[1] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JPL_Mars_Helicopter_Scout

[2] "Reaching High Altitudes on Mars With an Inflatable Hypersonic Drag Balloon"

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>Any ideas for simple things? Not necessarily the whole package, but critical parts we could test early on.

off the top of my head.... something that can drill into some ice and test the water ?


Let's think deeper (ha!) about drills. The usual thing is some long stick that gets drilled into the ground. Perhaps we could come up with something that is easily portable (mass, dimensions) and then goes deeper than conventional ones. I haven't looked into drills so far, so I'm speculating. Something that extends itself (like a drill within a drill). Or a semi-autonomous system (tethered so it doesn't escape and can be powered from a station) that drills itself into the ground.

I'm interested in things that are relatively easy to design and operate and yield useful results for later missions.

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Elon has that drilling company he started last year, he probably will use that technology for Mars.

>I'm interested in things that are relatively easy to design and operate and yield useful results for later missions.

hmmm im having a think. its a good question, but all the things that are coming to my mind are obvious stuff that will already be included in the first cargo mission anyway

what are you thinking ?

>that will already be included in the first cargo mission anyway
Anything to link to? Or just saying it's the "obvious stuff" that's mentioned in most reports and articles?

Perhaps something more political, what kind of opposition could we expect? What could their arguments and means be? What organizations could that be? I'm looking for (general) threats that we need to prepare for. Of course, most opposition will show up when it gets real, but we can anticipate certain kinds of threats already.

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>Anything to link to?
they've built a tunneling machine that's apparently really good
he wants to use it to build underground roads


Back to the inspiring stuff. I wonder what are useful narratives to motivate people to believe in this idea and work for it. Most of the stuff I see is either scifi (appeals only to a tiny percentage in that it has consequences) or it's "move your ass to Mars, we're explorers"-tier. While the scifi is strong with many who're now space enthusiasts, the impact is rather small. Ideas? How should we frame it? What are our stories?

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bump for space thread

I'm pretty sure there's an army of lawyers and politicians who would take issue with that treaty violation. And I really don't need to see a KFC & a Starbucks in the first Martian colony.

"white flight"

>commercial emigration scheme

when people can choose to move there

Remember why we fight.
This is definitely not about abandoning the problems we have here on Earth, I believe that the European peoples are not only strong enough to overcome those problems, but are able to dedicate themselves on multiple fronts, Mars is one of those other fronts.

Under what flag and funding? Call me a burger, but public and private are different. What are the incentives and where do they go? What is the legal framework?

lololol this is the most hilarious shit I've seen all day. Europeans? On Mars? no fucker with a dumbass accent is even going NEAR my spaceship. all you cucks are gonna stay here on earth while America goes First and Colonizes the Universe

Kek, delicious.

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>What are the incentives and where do they go? What is the legal framework?

Elon said he wants SpaceX to get the price of moving there down to 800,000 (roughly the price of a house here on earth that you would no longer need)

Reporting for duty, when can we start

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this lol
i don't know why americans keep forgetting

Immediately. What would you like to work on?

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>Under what flag and funding?
Flag: most likely US
Funding: mixed (private, public)

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Hey britbong, you still making these threads? It's probably been like a year or two now since you started, anyways I wanted to ask you what your opinion was on Asgardia.



>why the star wars gimmick
>why do the guys look like a strange mix between Astartes and Transformers
and why are the fourth reich and the order of heaven the only ones who don't look completely cancer haha

>all these t*rks, indians and chinese joining
nice theory, fucking awful reality

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>Not wanting to colonize Europa and have an underwater European colony on a moon while praising Jupiter the God and planet

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Incentives: political, tech development (and partial utilization already on Earth), economic power

Where: materials, AI+robotics, life science/medical, space science (general), defense (likely), mining/ISRU + manufacturing tech

Legal: US space law (which, if it comes to it, will interpret int'l law so that it works or will make modifications to domestic and int'l legislation)

Just generally speaking.

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>you still making these threads
yep every saturday

>I wanted to ask you what your opinion was on Asgardia.

its all pretty strange.... seems a bit pointless since it's just a satellite.
I find what SpaceX is doing far more interesting

its a shame europas gravity is fucked to be honest

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Imagine being so obnoxious that thousands of years of ideas on the heavens are disproven and then beaten with a stick simply because white people don't want to live next to you.

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btw NASA is sending a probe to Europa next year. Most likely won't be a landing craft but if you land you want to drill through the ice and find the vast underwater ocean below.
Think about a live transmission of a submarine breaking into another ocean and seeing completely different species and life.

The ice will act as a protective barrier from radiation and you could probably find parts of the ocean that would be swimmable. Not to mention the ground (if cleared of water) would be farmable.

Isn't the gravity whats keeping the ocean existing?

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Fuel and Oxygen production, using H20 and C02, are the two most necessary things that can be tested and set up with drones before sending people, which means that somehow greatly surveying and finding easily extracted, usable water is priority #1.

If you slingshot europa off jupiter and have it orbit Mars or Venus it would make for a great Ocean world home.
My point is, the experience we can gather from this project
>creating a self-sufficient artificial city in orbit of earth
Maybe we could ignore planet requirements alltogether and build huge artificial moons of our own around X planet of your choice with simulated gravity and everything, use the planet for mining n shiiet and you'd be golden.

Asgardia... is a bunch of larpers with some pedo tastes.


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Even worse is "Rise to Mars" that they forced the poor Mars Society attendees to sing. It's terrible. :)


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Hardly any gravity mate
Not enough for humans to live there comfortably


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what would that be like under water though? If you had a shelter on the floor wouldn't there be water pressure?

>reatly surveying and finding easily extracted, usable water is priority #1.
Yes, that's one of the priorities. I think there should be a bunch of water detection and extraction experiments on the first missions.

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This is for any future /Loonies/, which can also be expanded to Mars. There's a plan to set up a Lunar archive containing humanity's knowledge. It's called the 'Arch Mission Foundation' (pronounced 'ark') and was inspired by Asimov's Foundation series. They have actually already sent 5 quartz discs containing the series on the Falcon Heavy flight. The aim is to have as many arks as possible put wherever we colonize, the storage is supposed to last for billions of years.
Some current tech storage method testing includes:
>5D laser optical data storage in quartz
>Nickel ion-beam atomic scale storage
>Molecular storage on synthetic DNA molecules
>Durable space-based flash drive storage
>Long duration DVD technology
>Quantum information storage


Library of Alexandria round 2 anyone?

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And why do you think so?

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I like pic related's loonies more.
>Space Australia but you get to throw rocks at the earth government really hard

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damn what a shit anthem

that's actually not bad imho, reminds me of 'Land of Hope and Glory' for some reason.

>Rise to Mars! Men and women
>Dare to dream! Dare to strive!
>Build a home for our children
>Make this desert come alive!

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Robert Zubrin says that loonies would need to import a lot of shit as fertilizer to make up the nitrates or something for crops lmao. Also I can totally see Moon/Mars as kinda ancap bros against the devious Earthers

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actually improved

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>Men and women
What a shitlord anthem!

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Do we have any Martian flag proposals yet?
I think this is simple and to the point, easy to imagine spray-painted on ships and made as patches on Martian Marine uniforms too

Attached: GwnTjb8.png (891x592, 17K)

What I don't like with orgs like Asgardia or singing anthems (as with the Mars Society) is that it's mostly larping. It doesn't accomplish anything useful. People who tell each other what great things await us. Then perhaps some gong show tier "nerding out" about space facts. Some insider lingo. Who's working on the hard stuff? On the next concrete steps? Usually not them. This is mostly fanboy shit.

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Ballistic hoppers and blimps are probably better on Mars than propeller craft.

This looks actually nice. Yeah, there's one pic related, based on


Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Mars.svg.png (1200x720, 5K)

Not to mention anyone who goes who isn't competent and mentally stable will more likely than not die due to a tiny mistake, and may kill everyone around them too.
Skip to about 3:00 for what happens when someone loses their mind in such a hostile environment.

Is Elon /ourguy/?

The Mars 2020 rover will have an oxygen plant

based on what?
did you just pull that number out your ass?

Let the Davos elite pay for their own fantasies.

sorry but that looks awful, really african-tier. Space, dirt and iron

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weve already colonized a large moon with water and trees in the next solar system.

He's played Deus Ex. He must know.

what the hell is wrong with you people

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I dont really like any of the current suggestions

How bout this?

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yeah all the good flags are already taken desu, historical flags were way better, I wish we could dig some up again

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looks like a baltic inuit nationalist flag lmao

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2bh I find red a bit too overused
>Mars is known for its red colour

I know I know.... But still

Damn, based as fuck.

British Merchant navy ensign is literally called the 'Red Duster', used to be the old canadian flag before they turned into a fucking leaf, still used for the Bermuda flag.
Red, dusty, don't see anything wrong with maybe adopting it in some way or another

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"Flag of Mars" and similar things will probably have the most heated, toxic debates. According to the law of triviality.

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that looks like a /comfy/ bar

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