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get an mba or a phd

those are lead engineers
i.e. furry marxists that have been playing the Jew's game for at LEAST the time allotted and proved their loyalty to the Jewish system.

Most junior software fags are making 1/10th of that or less.
But I suppose you know that, considering this is a bait thread.

Still won’t get paid anything near what a software engineer in California makes in a year. Unless you’re also in California. Then again the cost of living is 5x higher than the Midwest. Which is probably why software engineers in the Midwest make 1/5 as much

>tfw software engineer in three years

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You'll get $10 an hour and you'll love it goyim. Goyim need to work hard and struggle because that is how America was built. Pablo will work for cheap, so don't lose your job by complaining!

you got it the other way around. wages are higher, thus the cost of living is higher.

mo money mo problems

and they still cry

other than housing, cost of living is actually cheaper in California

Yeah all the girls cream their pants when you say you’re a programmer barely making enough to sustain your studio apartment and ramen diet

I'd be dancing in the streets if I made $400k/yr.

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a lot of them do actually

just because they are forced to work for shitty "woke" companies doesn't make them any less skilled

>other than the most expensive thing anyone pays for california is cheap
you forget about the taxes.
I visited there and they actually charge you to use a debit card at a gas pump. Fuck that place.

When will you anhero?

>replying to bait

Those jobs seem really stressful and you're surrounded by woke people all day

I'll take my $130k Midwest salary instead

oh i assumed that doing software engineering in california was a viable option for you

You don't game by bragging about your occupation you fool it's about having the money to go places. Fuck the NEET life.

not when your cost of living is 500k/yr

I don't think you guys understand the value of someone that is both knowledgeable and actually has the ability to lead/organize a team. These people are insanely skilled in multiple ways and are very few and far between. They are rarely even involved in these projects for money. It's usually some life long passion or idea they want to see come to fruition. The average pajeet engineer in the Bay Area probably makes $150k or so which is significantly less. The people that actually get shit done are legitimate local celebrities here and again very few and far between. They deserve every cent of that $400k

(not even a lot of money btw. half goes to the government)

t. someone that lives in the bay

I'm not in the greatest of health. We all die. All I can say is be patient.

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>get an engineering degree
>get a job on a project
>project is a success
>start a new project
>be the team leader
>project is a success
>repeat this for 5 years
If you can do this you deserve $400,000

if this is that guy and not a larp--where did it go wrong?
Did it start with you making poor grades in school and not having any friends?

Being as software engineer is neet and man's place isn't behind a desk catering to commands of billion dollar corporations

Have fun earning like $200k and immediately giving $150k to various Jews who own all the shit in your work area and charge obscene rates.

Pretty interesting. The cutoff to be an evil 1 percenter is right around $400k.

I wonder if these liberal occupy-loving faggots hiring these engineers realize that.

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Jewgle is owned and run by Jews. I don't know how you've got your information twisted.
Also, Lindsey Graham is a closet homo and a Zionist puppet.


>pajeet makes $400k a year
whiteoids btfo

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If you're a faggot that doesn't understand money.

I love you walmart user (no homo). Hope you still remember me.
You legit are a humble and genuine person. I wish you the best of luck in your life.
Keep making these posts every now and then so that we can check up on you.
My offer still stands, hit me up on Kik if you ever want to chat.

bullshit, pajeets who are long enough there make 300-400k easy

t. I work at fang

>Food prices
>Gas prices
>Sales tax
>Income tax
>Insurance prices


Don't forget property taxes and a fucking expensive license for anything you do.

I just want $400,000 a year.

everybody made 400k a year, it wouldn't mean anything.


5+ years? More like 15+. I don't know a single principal/senior sde under 40.

Ive known a ton of software engineers and none of them made more than $200k. These dudes making $400k are jews. You dont just learn to program and make $400k unless you are jewish. Thats just something someone super bluepilled thinks.

Anyone have tips on how to make more money as a software dev? What are some lucrative technologies one can learn?

Sounds like these are the guys that report to the CTO and manage the team issues more.

tfw Pajeet who makes $400k USD.

>how to make more money as a software dev?

>tech jobs
>woke people

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Cost of living in those areas is a factor.

Name one thing that is cheaper in california. News flash you cant.

You better live in a van or you'll lose all that money to housing/food/rent

heating/cooling cost

Those jobs are all consuming arnt they

why not both

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I'm a 20 year Silicon Valley veteran. Salaries over $200K for engineers without management responsibilities are rare, though not unheard of for very senior engineers. These numbers listed aren't salaries. They are total compensation which includes things like stock options, restricted stock and discounts on employee stock plan purchases. In short, these numbers are only this high because tech stocks have soared over the past decade and everyone who has been at the company for more than a couple years is rich from their stock compensation. This will evaporate in the next recession.

I don't think prices in the Netherlands are as retarded as SF or something.

>His greedy kike family destroyed what Sam built.

Something that's interesting about the commies complaining about high compensation for software engineers is that these engineers are rich because they own stock. They actually own a piece of the means of production. Isn't that what commies want? Apparently not, because when an engineer actually does own part of the company as the commies advocate for, they criticize him for it. It just goes to show that commies are actually just motivated by envy and resentment. The whole thing about owning the means of production is just a ruse.

wish I wasn't a brainlet so I could >learn to code and be a meme codenigger making like 60k

t. dumb mcwagie

How many of them are there?

Every job posting I get lately is machine learning
So that

Dude. We are the HIGHEST taxed state in the country. Sales tax. Gas tax. Income tax. Gun tax. They tax every thing.

All California

If you join a startup at the right time and it goes public, you can easily make over 200k from the stock grants. Next year I'll make over 100k in stock alone.

>where did it go wrong?
When I became homeless in March of my graduation year.
>Did it start with you making poor grades in school
I was never perfect, but nothing that would have prevented me from graduating on time.
>not having any friends?
No help from them. Fuck 'em.

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My cousin was an engineer for Goldman Sachs in NYC. Got headhunted by a competitor in Texas that offered him a 10% pay raise. That competitor was in Texas.

He went from a small NYC apartment to a 5000 square foot house with a nice yard of a few acres in Austin.

He was middle class, now he lives as upper middle class at about 150k per year.

Well that depends if it was caused by inflation or a genuine rise in production.

With inflation, it wouldn't make a difference ling term.

With general rise in production it would mean a preportional rise in Land prices and land rents, but otherwise Costa would stay what they are now allowing higher consumption

Wait, you can't go to the clerk and give them cash to fill up at the pump? What the fuck?

>Be contractor who jumped through the hoops to create a proper business rather than just freelancing under my own name
>Sole employee and owner of the business so I can choose any title I want
>Mfw I put "lead programmer" on my resume and nobody is the wiser
If I ever choose to get a job at a big company I'm going to milk that title for all it's worth

I know a few mid 30s.

And I'm working to impress them.

Want to join that leadership team sooo bad!

Because a PHD in most fields is worthless.

I know lots of higher interest managers that will like you LESS if you have a PHD in certain fields.

(Business PHDs are basically failed businessmen unable to do anything but teach.)

PhDs in STEM are pretty useful.
Some companies like Google advertise certain engineering / programming jobs specifically for PhDs, so you don't even have to go into research.

>Most junior software fags are making 1/10th of that or less.
>But I suppose you know that, considering this is a bait thread.
I started at $49k and make about $78k on a non-Californian wage. Getting a "staff" or senior position requires a lot of office politics, luck, and dick sucking.