Is there any realistic way for a male to make $150k a month?

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Drugs, but the CIA will kill you and sell your children to pedos

>2,383 perverts and losers


hmm, are there any nudes of her or are they paying for glorified anime pinups?

But she can only realistically continue doing this for another 5 years or so. Average out her monthly earnings over her entire life and it all balances out

Start a successful business user. I don’t make $150k a month. But I make near 12k a month with my business. If you make around 75k to 100k a year. Trust me, you’ll have everything you want and more. Women. Cars. House. Ability to support your hobbies. Just work hard. One step at a time. Actually it was Jow Forums SIG that got me off my ass a few years back and I’ve never looked back. Quit pot. Told roasties to fuck off. Quit working for the kikes. Started my own way. Now employ 28 different people to help me. You can do it too user.

that pic is fake and gay

If you're dumb enough to have to ask then no, not for you.

The latter.

What's your business?

>Is there any realistic way for a male to make $150k a month?

If you mean the same way she's doing it, yes. You just have to be ripped, nice jaw line, attractive with a 6 pack.

but what is the point then ? I don't understand the thought process behind the people who give these chicks money

Getting this much cash this early in life is a huge boon. She can either live from it or get a normal job and let her fortune accrue value.
What this means is that she basically never has to worry about money if she is not stupid.

become a shameful liberal politician

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Just some lonely betas with more cash than brains.

Larping on pol for the cia

*process of the people

LARPing on the internet for free

Own a successful business

there was some collection of her premium snaps or something floating around Jow Forums, but not worth a single penny imho

take away the meme fetish faggotry, 20 pounds of makeup coating and over 9000 hours in photoshop and you got basic bitch scamming e-cucks

we've been over this before, online thots are just like real life thots.
We need to convince her patronage base to stop sending her money and attention.
She will get desperate.
Once she's started down this path and her sustenance starts drying up, it's only a matter of time before she starts doing 5 on 1 Brazzers scenes.

To put it shortly, if you want to see her swallow a load, stop paying her to tease you.

that is a dude. you've been trapped. fag.

t.jelly 40 year old kissless NEET virgins

Would this work?

>take out a loan for business
>computer company???
>hire employees

I'm not even upset at her. I'm just utterly disappointed with all the orbiters who part with their money so easily for something so intangible and useless.

yeah, but surely finding like an attractive escort and telling her to dress up and do the same stupid shit would be a much better experience?

Playing pro sports.

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They probably have too much anxiety to deal with a woman in person.

It's just money.

Get a decent amount and don't fucking spend it on stupid shit. You don't need that much.
All this excess wealth is just a form of posturing. "Oh look he's got the new iPhone9, that means he's cool."
Get in shape and live your life man. Yeah, you'd need 500k to own a Ferrari and 100k to drink champagne every day.. But do you really need that?

Good friends don't cost money.

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>according to americans this person is better than you just because she makes a lot of money
Death to America

I heartily kek'd.
Fuck off, camel nigger.

Doesn't Ninja make about 700k per month from subs on twitch alone?

I own a private school for homeschool kids in Texas. We have 4 locations now. Rich white kids. No nogs. They can’t afford it. Don’t ask don’t tell situation with everyone including families.

>old Jow Forums
Would figure out a way to ruin her life using weaponized autism
>new Jow Forums
Sits around all day bitching about this cum receptacle

I own a private school for homeschool kids in Texas. We have 4 locations now. Rich white kids. No nogs. They can’t afford it. Don’t ask don’t tell situation with everyone including families.

Get a pitch shifter, and become a virtual thot.

so they instead throw money at the screen and fap to the delusion, fantastic.
i mean, even commissioning artists to draw smut for you seems better, since that is at least personalised and cheaper probably

Yes. Pimp out a girl like her online. Be her "manager" or whatever. Pay her 30%, if that.

I hope this stupid white bitch gets rape

ill take the 5 years of easy money so i dont have to be a wagecuck the rest of my life.

her life probably revolves around degenerate jews, cocaine parties, and sodomy. i'm jealous actually.

Fractional Reserve Semitism

That's the biggest if I've seen all week.

Smell that? Smells like someone’s jelly

Where does she live? Acid to the face would work wonderful as a chemical peel.

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>You don't need that much.
t. billionaire jew

>Bell Delphine communism thread #9684059

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That's kinda shitty that it's expensive. I sometimes dream to go to some poor white area and do free tutoring for poor white children.

>go into a dead career field

What did he mean by this?

Old Jow Forums liked Stephen Colbert, trolled the Westboro Baptist Church, raided Habbo Hotel and dealt with cat abusers etc.

The overton window has moved

>if she is not stupid

So 2300 people pay her around 60 dollars a month ? For what exactly ?

Invest in dividend yielding stock.
You'll have to invest at least $500,000,000 though.

Suck 15400 dicks at $10 each.

Yes, but ... he's a special blend of adolescent-friendly performer and extreme skill in the world's most played game / online daycare. Not realistic to replicate. Whereas most women could make a moderate living camwhoring if they really wanted to.

Yea. However we do offer scholarships through various grant programs and fund raisers. Was thinking of going non-profit but don’t want any assholes on the board to override my decisions in how I steer the business.

i legit thought this was a boy and everyone jsut kind of decided to give a pass on the anti-tranny rhetoric for reasons no one wanted to discuss.
what about the hit or miss cosplayer?

For the privilege of paying her 60 dollars a month I guess.

I literally don't even know who this person is.

That's just because they don't like competition, if you join up with them and send them a cut it's okay

>if she's not stupid
welp she's fucked

>For what exactly ?
to make efficient allocation of resource

No really, tell me what would you need it for?
I want to know.

Billionaire Jews have created a hell for themselves with their insane wealth. You think Paul Getty was happy with his life?

Exactly, soon as she takes the braces off and he looks start to go in a couple years she wont be able to sell her pussy for 100 bucks on the corner of the street. Just sit back and enjoy the show anons. This dumb bitch will get hers soon enough

What kind of business do you have user?


Although i live very well.

What kind of business are you running, user? can a law clerk achieve the same?


>what would you need it for?

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Yeah, shits's kinda sad. But nothing can really be done about it.

don't be so jealous, Jow Forums

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Well being a discord tranny who wants communism certainly won’t achieve that.

Shroud makes about that or more for basically similar thing

get a good sex change and do what she does. then when you made enough, revert back.

Literally the body I had as a 9 year old boy.

It's not "realistic" for women to do it either. She's not just shameless, she is a flawless beauty with talents for makeup, cosplay, and self-promotion, who worked hard, kept a pragmatic attitude, and also got lucky. Even so, those earnings are going to dry up as people get bored of her, or she ages or settles down to have a family. You might as well look at professional athletes or rock stars.

For every girl striking it rich degrading herself, there are ten men making ten times as much money without doing anything humiliating, and a thousand whores degrading themselves for peanuts.

>realistically she can only do this for another five years
Paco, do you understand compound interest? If OP's pic actually shows her monthly income, then in five years before she "has to stop" she will have made NINE MILLION DOLLARS. A braindead goldfish could live off the interest on $9M for the rest of its life, easily.

>what about the hit or miss cosplayer?
She's really a girl. Here's an interview:

God damnit, men are such fucking losers. My life is absolute shit but I have never given money to some fucking thot online. Do these idiots no know about ... goddamn google image search, let alone porn in general? Why do they have to give money so some bimbo says their screenname during a stream with 1,000 other losers? I'm god-damn pissed.


I wish there were a good right wing sketch comedy show. I had an idea about a sketch where a guy goes back and forth with sex changes so many times his genitals look like ground meat.

this person is gonna die of a drug overdose in 5 years

>flawless beauty
pedo detected

she doesnt earn that much

its like 30k a month

>software engineering
u wot m8?


I should've become a trap when I was cute boy. Now I'm old and can only ever be a hon.

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>sex changes so many times his genitals look like ground meat
So 1 time?


Buck niggers in the NFL get signed for millions in one year.

She's only a few months out from doing porn at this point. I give her 2 years before she starts fucking niggers and becomes irrelevant.
She'll make maybe 5 million dollars in total total and make herself completely socially invalid in the process.

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So what does this basic bitch do that gets her that much cash?

She panders to cosplay and anime nerds.

kek, I refuse to look at the pictures. Won't click anything remotely vaginal looking on this site for that reason.

belle delphine is a recognizable name and face and whose pictures i've seen on every board on Jow Forums. it doesn't surprise me the least that she's making bank, but don't make it sound like every girl is like this

huh. k.

so she is a coaplayer? And fags pay her for dressing up?
I like anime but absolutely hate faggots that donate to thots like these, dont want to be associated with them.

Nigger I want a +100' yacht to travel the seas with a fully staffed captain & crew tending to my desires, gonna need that cream bruh

trannyism is a mind virus. check yourself before you wreck yourself