They're getting desperate nowadays since nobody wants to fight (((their))) wars. What do you think, Jow Forums?
US Army using rap videos to recruit "Gen Z" kids
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The front line bullet absorbers need to be the black and tans until there arent any more of them
They're about 20 years too late with this bullshit.
They would probably get more people showing them killing brown people with the CoD/BF weapons.
This will work though, it doesn't take much to woo the cattle.
ah, appealing to the nigger population?
It won't. Muds hate America and the military. They're going to atrophy along with the white population that did all the grunt work for five hundred years.
pffft theyre gonna need a miracle bone density growth for these fairy faggot generation of cancerous cysts
Why should I care if the US gets conquered is borders aren't real and countries don't mean anything :)
They need rope too, faggot
Gen Z reporting in
I got a marine package yesterday, do you think it means something?
Dye 4 Izrael's newest single : Shootin Tha Muzzies (Islam Diss)
The US Military in time, will be used AGAINST whites.
Already, the US Military is a breeding ground for SJW Nutjobs in the Pentagon, and transgendered surgeries. The Military is also FULL of brown people, I often read on here about how the US Military will in the future protect White America and our borders and bring about a white ethnostate - that is beyond a pipe dream.
It's sad to say that the US Military has fallen so much, the Military is now just a handy haven for people who fail out of their local Community College and who don't feel like getting a job at the local Dollar Store for $12 an hour... so they join the Military instead to get some free benefits.... the Military is essentially one giant Dollar Store made up of riff-raff, tattooed obese freaks, lesbian women, hispanics with mild criminal records, and blacks who failed out of Community College Math 101.
how much longer until the US Army is completely black/latino?
Encouraging a thug culture within the armed forces sounds like the worst idea I've ever heard
>interracial rap
Eminem called he wants his worn out 90's wigger persona back.
the US marines have been recruiting literal criminals (who are often gang members) straight out of prisons for many decades now (not sure if it is still a practice in 2019 but it was still around in 2003).
Why make rap videos, they would probably be better off telling the truth:
“Ok, so you’re not fighting for your country. What we want is for you to kill a bunch of poor dirty brown people to secure oil for mega-corporations. You’re poor. And without money you’re going to die without any access to health care, education, or employment. Join or die, slave.”
I know that bitch tits
Now listen kids, if you got the blues, come join the army and die for the jews* wikka wikka wack, wikka wack*
About 20 more minutes
Best of luck to Israel's foreign mercenary legion as they work to create huge swaths of refugees in the middle east and south america
That started in the 90’s when bullshit rap was pushed in everything like it was cool.
Theyre actually closer to 30 years late.
>Tim Kennedy
10 minutes of this fucking retard bitching and complaining that zoomers are finally waking up and not making the same autistic fucking decision he made in joining the military. He literally looks like he’s about to cry now that the modern generation won’t give a shit when he sits around trying to weave his little war stories about how brave he is. What a sad little man.
>What do you think, Jow Forums?
Hope niggers jump in and die for israhell
LMAO Military Industrial Complex faggots BTFO. Hopefully in a decades time people will look at military members like they look at retail stockers now.
>generation zyklon
They should have done the floss
Is this real/official? What is TRADOC and why do they have a Romanian flag?
Also they're literally rapping about gibs
>the Military is essentially one giant Dollar Store made up of riff-raff, tattooed obese freaks, lesbian women, hispanics with mild criminal records, and blacks who failed out of Community College Math 101.
This. The only way to succeed in the military as a white is to have an Academy education and a 100 PFT
Meanwhile be a cunt or a shitskin? Free gibs!
You’d have to be retarded to join the military, if you’re white and male.
Hyperinflation will take care of these worthless leeches
Why not just make a foreign legion? I'm sure there's plenty of volunteers who would fight for Israel if it meant being able to live in the US following completion of a five year contract.
the kids like the rap
This is Chink version:
former soldier here. do you know how many niggers and spics are in the army user?
Finnish army rap:
>US Army using rap videos to recruit "Gen Z" kids
When they're not sniped by freedom fighters and posted on liveleak after.
Go die for Goldman sachs you dumb goysters.
Mopping up the ones that Planned Parenthood missed.
Only kidding, US military is just a socialist work scheme, you don't do war any more.
>current year
>putting white lives at risk
Unmanned drones, satellite guided missles and high altitude bombing raids.
I'd disagree, more like 5,2,3,4,1. The far right one gives me 50s housewife vibe which is a want.
i'm so happy i left this fucking place.
>video of raping soldiers
>raping soldiers
>help recruit gen-Z
>wtf are gen-Z into rape?
>oh, rapping
small mistakes can light your mood
I'd rather enlist in the French Army because they let you pilot Flyboards. US Army is not cool anymore, and their planes suck.
Impossible. The thrice daily mandatory SAPR meetings will prevent that
Go fight for Israel goyim.
I thought this shit stopped in the 90s
I just google it and looks like it's decades away:
Hispanics are increasing their portion of the personnel, and among Blacks the women are over-represented for some reason.
>zoomers grow up in a jew ran world
>vidya is sexist
>being white is racist
>if you dont think women deserve to divorce rape you you're a bigot
>all the institutions spit on you on a daily basis
>best case scenario for a future is that the world collapses so we can rebuild
>hey kiddos dont you want to die for israel?
Imperial expansionism is fake and gay
>gen z
>not mumble rappers
no wonder it's not working
> cut 100,000 soldiers in the last 3 years
> oh shit we need to recruit soldiers
I got let go over a disciplinary infraction from 5 years prior, after I got back from an Afghan deployment and I was a Captain.
The army can suck it, only join for free college if you don't have any, and duck the fuck out when your GI bill is maxed out.
They should film a platoon doing the fortnite flossing dance in order to recruit gen z.
5 years ago...
>I'd rather enlist in the French Army
US citizens may as well join the Israeli, Canadian or UK army to be honest. Same team but you get paid more. Most countries pay more than US army. Better (fast) food though I hear.
Country Private (OR-3) Sergeant (OR-5) Lieutenant (OF-1)
Australia $36,300 $47,600
Canada $27,400 $52,800 $43,800
Germany $33,600
Ireland $30,600 $41,200 $37,200
New Zealand $33,200 $48,200 $42,000
United Kingdom $26,000 $47,000 $43,900
United States $23,100 $28,000 $37,300
If (((they))) get desperate enough, there's going to be a draft. It's silly to think that this shit is desperation.
As a zoomer, that wouldn't recruit me.
Fuckin' asking me to waste years of my life on the possibility of me dying and not serving a higher cause that isn't corrupt. The army ain't no joke.
And the rap is corny.
>I got let go over a disciplinary infraction from 5 years prior, after I got back from an Afghan deployment and I was a Captain.
Sounds really damn awful. I hope things are going well for you now.
This. Also the negroes and Mexicans flock towards the support jobs. Infantry units and special units like rangers and SF are almost entirely white.
if you're jamal,. shlomo or ahmed
I leave ya all dead raw lead to the head
black women love the military. A real world 3/10 becomes an army 5/10. They also get to order people around and not be held accountable for terrible decision making
They are just as cucked as previous generations. Have you actually interacted with them? They love nigger shit and jew shit. Mind numbing entertainment please.
live rap to street niggers
Why would zoomers enlist for the Army when they could play Fortnite instead?
Nobody wants to join the fag brigade. The only kids out of high school I know who joined the Army were lazy, retarded, or gay. The rest went Air force or Marines.
I was very bitter, I'd broken curfew in Korea (literally 15 minutes late from a dinner I had in Seoul, trains stopped running earlier than I intended and I took a 200 dollar cab ride back, driver dumped me in front of the main gate instead of my apartment off post) 15 minutes late.
Finished Korea, went to next duty station, immediately deployed, came back, prepping to go to the captain's career course, a month before I show up, they cancel my orders and keep me there for 6 months with little/no correspondence. Then they said they were starting a board of inquiry.
I resigned my commission that same day.
Have full 9/11 GI Bill (after having a bachelor's) and married to another vet with GI bill with a masters.
So now we just collect some disability and go to college for the BAH.
Worked out well overall. Lots of bitter emotions though.
>Fellow goyim, it is our duty to defend the only democracy in the Middle East.
This. America's Army is always recruiting too. In-game that is.
Should have used Fortnite
oops forgot link
They really don't understand Gen Z at all. The Left wanted a diverse country, let the niggers and spics die for Israel.
exactly, but the cultural Marxism runs deep here
if we started a war against china and north korea i would join the military
im not doing any middle east bullshit or south american bullshit (if we start shit with venezuela)
Maybe they could try dying for Israel less?
They should be dishonorably discharged out of a cannon
Hopefully this attract niggers and they beat up the nigger out of them and turn them into black people
>rapping for Israel
>dying for Israel
wew lads
The Army is full of niggers and wetbacks. Alot of foreigners treat it like a ticket to citizenship. Tons of brown people. I was more surprised to hear there were still whites in the military.
>Wants to go to war with insects who are already bending the knee without military intervention
>Doesn't want to spend 2 weeks genociding beaners in Venezuela
Fucking fag
Rapping soldiers? That's funky fresh, some OG krunk shit, nigga. Those hip kids in the in crowd will for definite be down for some fighting for Israel, you feel me, home-skillet?
Omfg. Only the two in the middle look human. The other 3 look like demons. Are White girls getting misslead by demons or wtf is this?
hou get a shit load of money when you join the army and Don't pay taxes and theypay for your education. Why do kids want to be poor and stupid.
I don't know what to think anymore
The other three look like trannies. Tranny demons.
they arent bending the knee
I think you already told us what to think, so you can go fuck yourself.
wow tri-digits on some strange theory. you better be trained before we go to war with china, because if you wait, you won't get trained in any way you want.
The US military never would have done this in the 90s.
you know its bad when military starts to make rap videos to get recruits.