Should he resign?

Should he resign?

for those unaware, this guy is the Governor of Virginia

here's the twist: he's a Democrat

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Why should he? Maybe he has evolved on the issue.

CNN comments

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Yesterday he said he was in the photo. If he doesn't remember taking the photo, then why didn't he deny it yesterday? Is he senile, and doesn't trust his memory?

what issue?

Don't care, white people can play dress up if they want to. Only fags get mad at this.

>Should he resign?
What was this man saying during the Kavanaugh debacle?

He consulted his lawyer.

People shouldnt have to take responsibility for things they did before they were 25 unless it's illegal

Did he get to decide what photos were included on his yearbook page? I'd be surprised if he didn't.

That is not a "twist" it's the norm.

always blows my mind to see how much more mature these boomers looked in high school. guy looks older than i do
and so what if he made nigger jokes who gives a flying fuck

Fuck no.
Sick of nigger outrage.
Something new every fucking day WHITE MAN BAD

CNN told me he's a Republican.

Attached: CNN - Gov. Ralph Northam Speaks Out In Video After Racist Photo Surfaces - Republican.png (3407x701, 932K)

Who cares? the damage has been done.

More hypocrisy for the evidence pit. more bias displayed arrogantly before the public (in black history month no less)
>Once again the media looks like a clown show

hatin’ niggers

as nice as it is to see some demoshit get a taste of his own medicine, i really do not care about harmless shit someone did 25 years ago. the fact that he and the talking heads endlessly called his opponent in the election a racist should be the discussion.
im still enjoying this sweet sweet irony though. fact of the matter is no one is free of "sin" in this hyper culture of outrage world.

Well shit apparently a lot of ppl at that school did it

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They should lynche him

Reminder this whole charade is just to distract from the fresh post-natal abortion bill he supports. Notice nobody gives a shit about it anymore.

Wow the leftist propaganda machine sure put that out fast

Circling the wagons around a right thinker democrat. Would have crucified a wrong thinker republican.

Of course he shouldn't have to resign for a 40 year old yearbook pic. He should be taken out because he is a leftist.

I kind of hope he gets to stay just to show the hypocrisy of the left and the weakness of the republican faggots.

Not even mentioned in the top 10 posts on Jow Forumspolitics. This is a non-story.

Lol good bait

>"The person I was then is not who I am now."
>"Also, I don't believe I am either of the people in this photo."
>"Yes, I was known as the Coonman, I don't know why."
At least now we know which costume he was wearing.

Northam and his whips stepped out in front of cuomo and bloomberg on the babykilling front.
There is fierce war between the dc/va babycannibal dems and the NYC babycannibal dems, complicated by mafia, remaining clinton cronies (((TERRY MCAULIFFE))), any leftover obama faction, etc....
How come this didnt come out in the Gov race?
Because the Ds had dirt on gillespie, the R candidate. So neither side couod risk going nuclear, possibly throwing race to outsiders.
Therefore it was a dem who threw this knife into northams back.
Most likely mcauliffe who has the dirt on fellow Va dems and stands to henefit by currying favor with the big money players in NY.
Also the whole fiasco is to distract from the fact Ds will lose on border security and other issues.
Remember RBG? Who was she?
Well never you mind, there will be something else in the sunday papers now goys
Added side bonus is this keeps the nigs chimpin (((incidentally proving the dem party is melting, else they would keep their plantation united with obama ray rah bullsihit, except obama, who dat? His star faded mighty fast didnt it)))
Pretty comfy in Va this afternoon I must say

There's nothing more to say about it. If shit passes, it's time for executions. Not "debate".

No fucking way. He's a democrat. It's in his blood. It's in his total being to be this way.

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(((She))) says no.

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>most dem candidates have real KKK, eugenics and sexual abuse ties
>libs are fine with it to further their agenda
>some nerd dresses up in blackface decades ago
>libs lose their minds

Because they are all compromised and he got a call from someone who told him he HAD TO take responsibility for it, so he did.
Politicians are puppets and sometimes they get humiliated by (((those who pull the strings)))

>plot twist
lmao core democrats have never viewed nonwhites as their equal since the 1800s

Calvin Broadus approves.

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>here's the twist: he's a Democrat
That's not actually a twist, that's to be expected.

Yes goy, the racist should resign and you can vote for a tolerant and accepting Republican who would never dare be racist.

>Because they are all compromised and he got a call from someone who told him he HAD TO take responsibility for it, so he did.
>Politicians are puppets and sometimes they get humiliated by (((those who pull the strings)))
Maybe he should walk into the closet, pull out a strong tie, and neck himself on a doorknob. He fucking danced like a circus monkey during the TV statement. Either own it and leave or neck yourself.

Explain how this is a negative for liberals:

>Northam resigns
>Black Lieutenant Governor gets promoted to Governor
>Since he wasn't elected governor, black guy can run again for governor even though Virginia doesn't allow governors to run for re-election.
>Dems get to pat themselves on the back for standing up against a racist white guy and kicking him to the curb

Meanwhile, republicans chase the sugar high of a politically meaningless resignation.

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>resign for hurt feelings
What stupidity

But he is refusing to resign and thus dragging his bullshit out for the next long while

goddamn im just waiting for the boomers to go full DR3 here and spend the next few weeks EPICLY OWNING THE LIBTARDS like "XD demuhkrats used to be thuh kay kay kay see they raycis not us we love based negroes".

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So fucking wrong. He fucking danced around it. He should have clenched his fist in the air and yelled, "White Power". Then throw his resignation at the press and walked out.


Go home and eat a bullet.

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No one evolves that's why your tweets from 10 years ago are fair game.

The parties never switched.

But he cant
The puppet doesnt choose
Only dances the dance

Shocking.... If he was a Conservative, they'd want him publicly lynched

Checked. This. Dems, the TRUE party of slavery

classic diversion

note that this revelation comes one day after national attention was focused on his government making infanticide legal.

>Black history month
You think this wasn't on purpose...
user, I....

He was 25

never parody

resign for a distasteful Halloween/party costume 30 years ago? no
he should resign for trying to pass that babykilling bill which they are trying to memory hole with this picture

It's literally nothing, just a costume from decades ago that was in poor taste. But considering how much the left REEEE'd over fart jokes in Kavanaugh's high school yearbook, I say fuck him, let this guy burn. Plus he's a baby killing degenerate, funny that all this shit came out right after those comments.

What, compassion and forgiveness for a known racist? We can't let the Repub-... Oh nvm

>never parody
The Party of Slavery. The Democrats.

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No, it's the Brett Kavanaugh bullshit over again. That being said it is just desserts, and it's super obvious the DNC knew about this, hid it up until now, and leaked it to distract from his abortion comments and have him be the fall guy for the ensuing PR mess.

That being said, why would anyone dress up in this shit anyways? It's not even funny and will obviously bite you in the ass later.

>I believe
Why would you say that? Is he seriously claiming he's not sure?

Of course he should. If he doesn't resign its probably because Justin Fairfax doesn't feel ready for the job.

This is the same guy that stood up for Tran's post-birth abortion bill, going as far to say they would rescue the child before discussing whether or not to kill the child with the mother.
>he's a Democrat
CNN reported him as a Republican.

But now it turns out his favorite film of all time is "Partial-Birth of A Nation".

Al Jolson


anyone else think its hilarious this retard governor admitted it was him originally then backtracked after he realized nobody can tell its him in the photos

He should resign, but more because he wants to slaughter children than because of a costume party.

I am just enjoying the Dems cognitive dissonance with all of this DESU. These cunts really believed in the "switch" of suddenly all racist Dems becoming Republicans sometime in the 70s like a bunch of fucking morons.

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>here's the twist: he's a Democrat

how is that a twist? Literally the party of slavery, jim crow, the kkk. not sure if you knew that or not?

he has evolved on the issue of weather or not putting shoe polish on your face 35 years ago makes you a horrible human being who has ruined so many lives that you must shamewalk through the storm of sjw virtue signaling in order to bring justice to this unmentionable travesty which makes 9/11 pail in comparison



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Yes, from a political perspective for his party it's best if he quietly resigns.

>Yes, from a political perspective for his party it's best if he quietly resigns.
And then eat a bullet. For the good of his party, that is.

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for fucks sake, was not expecting that

let him fall upon the sword that got him elected in the first place

Goddamn, he used to be based af

The bill was already voted down.

Time to destroy the man that supported it.

No. He's basically a lameduck and can't pass a progressive agenda and ruin VA anymore. His backup is a black far left commie and would accelerate the state's race to the bottom. So ironically, NO, he should not resign for the good of VA.

democrats don't really care about racism in the first place. it's all an act.

fuck him an all the other Democrats they switch black people for mexicans for cheap labor. lol

On onr hand, who fucking cares? It's stupid and it *used* to ne accepted that kids, juveniles, and young adults did stupid shit. On the other hand, he's a Democrat who ran a campaign smearing his oppenent as a racist who wanted to drag blacka behind a truck. So, fuck him. All we will see is either (A) the astounding hyprocrisy of the Left or (B) the strong, powerful POC of the Left pushing another "white ally" over something that pales in comparison to the insane violence they inflict on everyday people day in and day out. Either way, it's a win. Fuck all of them. They want a race to bottom? Suprise! I am already there.

"Brett Kavanaugh must go!"

-Steven Skinner and Vivien Fajardo, four months ago

Welfare is a powerful drug

Dems were trying to lynch niggers for pretty much the whole of the twentieth century, filibustered the various civil rights acts but no one knows the history of the party because fuck you the holocaust remember the six million

No he should dig in and refuse to resign. And we should support him in doing so. It's way better for the right-wing if he doesn't resign.

I dont see anything wrong with this picture

We should back him, right wing backing democrats always leads to fun times

baby's first time on pol?

yes, if i'm not allowed to do shit like that neither
should he, fire his nigger hating ass.

>here's the twist: he's a Democrat
A democrat "dressing up" as a member of the KKK is not a twist, it's been the norm since the inception of the KKK.

this just shows me democrats have 0 morality, they wanted kavanaugh's high school yearbook examined by the NSA for any trace of rapey comments, but this guy get caught rehanded with racist shit and "it's in the past" don lemon defended him last night, they are literally only about control and use racism as a weapon against political opponents

c'mon bro. Do better.

Neck yourself, faggot.

Actually Dems are calling for him to resign, which should make you think maybe it's not in your interest for him to resign.

You're the faggot saying "It's duh Dems who wuz da KKK. Not us goodboi anti-racist Repurblicurns."

Alinsky him, make them live up to their own rules.

Everything Jews create backfires on them

just pointing out the obvious and why nothing will happen from this.

There's nothing wrong with blackface. There's everything wrong with niggers. He's based and Democrat pilled.

Because it's the objective truth you subversionist shitheel.

Leave out the abortion issue and he did nothing wrong

who was that cnn broad that got fired just for saying that blackface could be okay?

>subversionist shitheel
your r*ddit is showing

based coonman

>it's not in your interest for him to resign.
The Lt. Governor is worse.