What were the primary differences between german and italian fascism?

What were the primary differences between german and italian fascism?

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One of them actually worked.

one was entirely focused on racial purity with thirteen asterisk, the other didn't care about that

both were just capitalism

nazism was better under any points of views

>both were just capitalism

Communists everyone

I'm a commie and I agree. If you're gonna be a nuisance just go all out.

Italians were Pan Roman Nationalists and tolerated other races while Uncle Adolf put everybody on a tier list with non europeans at the bottom with few exceptions like the Japs

Germans weren't facists, for starters.

National socialism was much more concerned with the racial aspects of phenomenon of radical national rejuvenation that mussolini branded fascism (examples of this can be traced back to the formation of the roman empire under julius caesar) along with a more drastic approach towards the view of the betterment of the working class.
National socialism also was, by some theorists of the movement, a more long term solution to the chronic that have plagued western civilizations since the industry and invention of athens turned towards decadence and degeneracy.
This would be supposedly accomplished with a dogmatic fanatical care for the "volk" (translating roughly as the people but meaning more accurately
in high german people with a common soul) across all class and gender lines to form a communial effort against all forces that would seek to destroy the nation.
Not the state mind you, but the nation. In its original ethno-national meaning

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Honestly if leftists have gotten to the point of calling any system but marxism capitalism, just like the neo conservative movement use to call any system but capitalism marxism, then the right has already won the war for the intellectual members of society and everything the left does from hear on out is must delaying the inevitable

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Umm. Fascism is without any question capitalism. I can sorta imagine someone coming up with a fascist system in a society that doesn't rely on capitalist ideas but that has never been demonstrated.

One takes naps in the middle of the day

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Well, no. Fascism is not inherently capitalist, but fascism is actually a meme. It doesn't mean anything useful.

one was based and the other was Italian.

What are the economic beliefs of fascism? How do you prop someone up?

I never understood naps.
They always just leave you feeling like shit & having to work through the rest of the day that way.
You're already wasting 6~8 hours at night sleeping.
Nap cucks are inferior to non-nap chads

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fascism had free market but with heavy state intervention. If the state deemed something was inappropriate for the communitu, then they wouldnt allow it to be distributed. That is the opposite of capitalism where sellers/producers are motivated by profit

Fascism is not an economic system bu a political movement driven by the will of the people to purge degeneracy weakness from a society
National Socialism is neither an economic system or even a pure political movement but a world view. One based upon putting the best interests of the race above all other concerns.
For instance
While many disagreed with Strasser
perhaps for good reason
one could not say he was not a national socialist for his proposals were maid from the frame work of the good of the volk
he could have been and perhaps was wrong and political dangerous to unity in germany
but he was not a traitor to his people
and because of this he was inherently a national socialist

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Actually this

Like I said, Fascism is a meme. The only consistent and inarguable why to determine if something is fascist if the subject agrees they are fascist.

For instance, German Fascism has very little in common with Portuguese Fascism. The Iron Guard and Franco's Spain wouldn't exactly agree with each-others definitions either. Was Stalin's USSR Fascist? Arguably.

Italy was just an opportunistic group of gangsters capitalising on German success. Literally no different to ten-a-penny African dictators being greedy pigs who are happy as long as they get to eat juicy steaks/delicious spaghetti every evening. They ideology was all fake and a front.


Both wanted autonomy and sovereignty of its workers which was being used by jews as a platform to elevate the shade man. Pale with black hair and entirely forgettable.

>fascism had free market but with heavy state intervention
But that's just exactly what todays liberals want.

That should be the reason why Hitler inspired his doctrine based on Mussolini's fascism.

Meanwhile anglos were just sucking the kike dick 24/7 and have the guts to judge other countries.

If it was up to me you'd be nuked.

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Ah yes, I remember that German Fascist state in the 1920s that Mussolini copied

>National Socialist German Worker's Party.

Yeah, that sounds right wing as fuck.

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Read fascist literature to get an understanding, my personal recommendations would be doctrines of fascism by Musso or "For my Legionnaires" by Cornelius Zelea Codreanu.
Or a bit of a long video.

to tl;dr it though, complete state control over the economy where every economic question is put before "is this decision beneficial to the nation and people?"
To some degree there are elements of both socialism and capitalism, small scale enterprising is allowed, with a heavy focus on supporting local businesses and regional production. Jobs are not to be outsourced, rather complete autarky, that being the ability of the state to produce everything it needs within its own borders, is achieved (removing the slavery instigated by predator multinational capitalist companies like Nike, and numerous other clothing brands in countries like bangaladesh. youtube.com/watch?v=PfkRunYJ-ME&t).
Thus, despite the small amount of capitalism which occurs within the fascist state, the worst aspects of capitalism, ie the reduction of human worth to a number in GDP is removed.
National Socialism is similar, but with greater emphasis on state welfare, and greater governmental interference in the lives of citizens.

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The nomenclature of the NSDAP does leave room for debate, but when one takes into accounts the actual reality of Hitler's state and the man's own quotes on the matter, what the third reich instituted was neither of the left nor the right exclusively.
It boiled down to simply a similar form of socialism with low level enterprising except for a few, large but government affiliated industries (Krupp, MAN, Fokker, B&V etc) used for manufacturing. The key difference was class divisions were replaced by national differences, in coinciding with the whole 'volkisch' idea.

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Germans really hated Slavs mainly Eastern European Slavs and of course jews.

Ironically Italian fascism started out hating Austrians and Germans the most above anything else. Italians wanted an overseas empire mainly in Africa while Germans wanted a European empire they wanted to conquer and colonize Slavic territory.

italians were just larping as romans

>who is Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
>who is Codreanu

Hitler wasn't remotely communist he believed in property, class cooperation, and the German nation above anything else. Communism is about abolishing property, class, and nations.

Fascism is a good idea but ultimately lacks the key to true success. Under Fascism all is done for the benefit of the state, who in turn enforce the culture of the nation and prevent degeneracy and communism taking root. And it goes in a cycle. It works but lacks the key which is race. National Socialism is similar except all is done for the betterment of the race. The state and the people work together to further the race of the nation.

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so were Germany, but to make up for the fact that Romans were southern Europeans, they bigged up the concept of Aryanism to shoehorn their ideology into it, creating the most bizarre neo-paganist nationalism.

As a capitalist, I’m in inclined to agree. I honestly dont see the difference besides “intent”, fascism works for the whole and capitalism works for self and both struggle to balance the two as they cannot be completely one or the other realistically.


That filename is just to trigger the nattys.

I'd say he's a center left authoritarian. But he's certainly not right wing in the free market sense.

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>Nazism was capitalism

No they wanted to reject the past and establish a whole new system that totally ignored the past. That was the point of futurism, read the Fascist Manifesto by Marinetti. The Italians had already renewed civilization once during the 12th century renaissance once before they wanted to do it again.

Hitler was to the right of Marx though that is the point. And to Anarchists/communists anyone to the right is Marx is le evil fascist. Id'd say Hitler was a center authoritarian obviously he wasn't a devout "Austrian School" member but neither was anyone else during the Great Depression. Austrian school types like Hayek, Mises, etc certainly preferred Hitler over full Marxism though.

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Anchovy pls go

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pls stay

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fascism =/= national socialism

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Italians had better food.

Pizza in Northern Italy wasn't a thing until the 50s

Arguably this.

Both doctrines were nationalistic, but in the Italian model your race didn't matter as long as you behaved like an Italian. Sort of like modern France.

The Germans were better at it because they were more desperate, scared, and manipulated.

Other than that, very little functional difference.

Y'know that's really a myth