What should the voting age be?
What should the voting age be?
land owner
After puberty.
Also these:
all of the above and 35
also 25
The voting age should be land owner (mortgages don’t count, fag)
30 and male only
No one who has not been employed in the last 5 years should be allowed to vote, and the voting age should be 18.
Age doesnt matter.I can live with with 5y old elector if he pays his shit. Electors should pay taxes equal to 10 days work a year in private sphere if they want their voting rights.
>over 25: one vote
>married with children: additional vote
>land owner: additional vote
Fixed the system boys.
>The voting age should be land owner (mortgages don’t count, fag)
I guess only the Chinese vote in Canada?
Alliances will bid up land prices and make it impossible to own, so ownership cant be the only criteria. This isnt 1700, theres digital currency and jews would be running that system like an apocalyptic serf farm in 15 years. It should be 25+ years old males with either land ownership or a certified profession or MARRIED with children. Keeps retards and noncontributors out
>What should the voting age be?
>voting age
These are all reasonable. But will never happen.
30 and you'd have to have worked for the most of your adult life.
Male 20+
>Land owner
>Business owner
>(Ex) Military
At least two greentexts have to be fulfilled to receive voting privilige
>Alliances will bid up land prices and make it impossible to own
>what is the modern West
If you're too young to be the president, you have no business choosing the president.
Age shouldn't be the only factor. It should be based on how many generations you have lived there, military service, marriage, years of employment and so on.
When we are ask for "years" we are actually asking for qualifiers I think.
35 year old white male parent
At least 20 or 21, but there should be one single age of majority for:
>signing a legal contract
>military draft
>purchasing firearms
>consuming alcoholic beverages (and cannabis, where legal)
Pick. One. Fucking. Age.
(Leftists want 16yo voters so their blue-haired lesbo teachers can propagandize them in school with cultural and political degeneracy)
Age should absolutely be a factor. Fuck anything under 25.
thats right, serves the canadians right to cuck their lands away
They should have a max voting age of 60 to level out the M/F votes ratio.
Change my mind.
31 male.
25. Landowners only. Eat sauSAGe, u fuckinng 1 post pedofag.
35, Employed, White.
>voting age
Restricted to patrician class, ideally no voting and ruled by monarch/despot
fake .. ?
Normiechan cannot be salvaged.
There should be no voting.
Voting should be tied to home ownership, not anything to do with age. Until you tie yourself to the wagon of America, you don't get a say in which direction it is headed.
I said it shouldn't be the only factor. There is something typical to certain age groups, but that should not be the end of it.
You can't say that 16 year olds shouldn't vote for this or that reason and deny why that is.
>Voting should be tied to home ownership, not anything to do with age.
Are all snake flaggots so short-sighted? Seems so...you really want my neighbor faggot who inherited his house from his dead grandma to vote? He's a nigger too.
If you pay tax you get a vote.
> He's a nigger too.
He's a rare nigger
ITT boomers who supported the 26th amendment in 1971 now taking out their regret for voting for Reagan well after they turned 18 now think we need to raise the age
Voting? WTF guys, are we really on Jow Forums here?
Voting ages should be abolished, and replaced with a test you have to pass in order to get the right to vote, similar to driver's licenses.
And property owning.
Why should there be voting at all?
Same as the age of majority. Anything lower or higher is just the left/right trying to tamper with elections and swing votes in their favor.
Now fuck off.
The voting age should be white male.
State workers and federal contractors "pay taxes"
No income of any sort from public funds (aside from combat military) no state or federal workers, no state or fed contractors or suppliers or employees of either, no police, and must not have taken any form of welfare for the past 4 years
Yeah I'm sure that won't be abused at all.
Post Military service
agreed. That would reduce the number of Grüne Voters by 100%.
Since the general assumption in society is that younger generations are refusing to grow up, maintaining adolescence as long as possible, I propose 24 or 25.
Not bad user not bad at all
21 or 25
Politicians shouldn't be able to hold high office unless they are married with kids at the time of election
Contributing member of society.
21 years old
Voting age should be when a person can pass the citizenship test. Test is only available after 4 years of national service.
When you qualify to pay income taxes and own land
30 years old, people need to have some skin in the game and get past all the indoctrination that was thrown at them.
14 and under, 90 and over
if not enough votes are cast to pass a threshold (99%) the candidates/bills/etc... are each tied to a horse, and the winner of a flat race decides outcome
How about this: Must be 25 or older to vote, after which age you receive 1/3rd of a vote. Landowners over 25 get 2/3rds of a vote. Landowners over 25 that are married with kids get a full vote.
and rapists only
30 unless married and paying taxes or serving in the army for two years
I think a land-value tax would go really well with this tax structure. You have more of a vote because you are giving more support to society.
male, 30 and father
Yea, I've thought about scaling voting power with some metric of contribution/merit. For instance, I think someone with an IQ of 150 should have more voting power than someone with, say, 85, don't you? It's just a bit messier to implement.
Given the choice between a wiser electorate or a more inclusive electorate, I will always choose the wiser electorate. There is no other area in life in which people are allowed to make decisions for no reason other than being present.
Male: 18 if conservative. 25 if liberal. 45 if liberal college education.
Female: 25 if conservative. 30 if liberal. 50 if liberal college education.
If black add 10 years to every demographic.
Nobody should vote. Voting is an act of violence.
Fucking lol, fpbp
No vote until you've paid more into the system than you took out. This includes cost of state funded schooling.
If you fall back into the red then your voting privileges are revoked until you're a net contributor again.
No exceptions.
This solves 90% of our problems.
I actually think voting power should exist.
So if you lived in the country for over 20 years your voting power should be higher than people who just got citizenship.
If you're working, your voting power should be higher than people who aren't working.
If you're a parent your voting power should be a bit higher than if you aren't a parent.
1 vote per family with >3 European white children.
1 vote per soldier that fights for the army, navy, etc
But what if I don't want to die for Israel?
Military and Vets only.
Own land and have children.
18 + the number of acres of land you own minus 8
or 3-year's military service, one with combat
>>Business owner
so deshawn the weed dealer gets to vote?
wtf I meant to write -
better is
28 - number of acres of land you own % 10
Voting should be abolished and instead a public hanging of 1 deep state member is to occur on the election day, that 1 deep state member is to be elected by people of all ages. That way deep state gets to run country as is the most efficient way, but also people have real power over them.
I accept.
Wait, I thought you said age of consent
25 (or younger if you've served or are currently serving in the military).
Checked and kek'd.