__________/sig/_ >REMEMBER SELF IMPROVEMENT No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keep us alive, fighting for them makes us feel alive. Self Improvement information here pastebin.com/3Qv9B4r1
FACT: "No Deal" is the currently enacted implicit default. FACT: Only the passage of additional parliamentary legislation can override the above. FACT: To date, no parliamentary legislation to override the implicit "No Deal" option has been enacted. FACT: The date of withdrawal from the EU is currently defined within the legislation as "March 29th 2019 at 11PM". FACT: Only the passage of additional parliamentary legislation can override the above. FACT: To date, no parliamentary legislation to override the date of withdrawal from the EU has been enacted. FACT: Given all of the above, we are currently on course to exit the European Union on 29th March 2019 @ 11PM.
is it jsut me or the fact that social media private companies could declare war slightly worrying, like if @realdonaldtrump said fuck china we're going to support taiwan chinks, that would make it round the world in about 20 seconds.
Then everyone would adjust their porfoliois to accomodate or benefit from it, but it would stil just be twitter, some san fransisco hippie degenerate pit of filfth that published it and could control realdonldtrumps tweets at any time.
Then oyhu get Jow Forums millenials saying >but they would check it first you have about 20 seconds grace in a big trade and if @realdonaldtrump says somehting you are already 30 minutes behind the pack
lmfao. also they've been saying this shit for ages, just do it already
>There is also mounting anger across the party – including within the unions and the grassroots movement Momentum – at the way Len McCluskey, the general secretary of Unite and a key ally of Corbyn, has been holding talks with May and senior Tory ministers in the hope of securing deals on workers’ rights and more cash for industrial areas.
Yeah, THIS is what riles these people up. Trash.
Charles Torres
It's not your eyes bursting you need to worry about.
Cuckservative turning point is already freaking out the momentum bots.
Josiah Rivera
just a sucked a hundred dicks?
Eli Long
They're fucking OUT of me. Jesus I'm off sex for life. I didn't take out a student loan to suffer this sort of ordeal. physically pushed them downward from out side of my belly far enough to get a couple of fingers of purchase on them.
Thanks for fucking nothing
Alexander Smith
How come Tony Blair looks like a literal goblin?
Nathaniel Rivera
Nah MI:5 let him know about the vids/pics they have of him, that's why he stood down from the leadership contest and gave that speech with his 'girlfriend'
Ethan Mitchell
Good, I don’t want a new generation of anal sluts
Camden Kelly
One of the main ideas of cultural marxism and the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea of 'pansexualism' - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes and the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women.
These ideas are: >Attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children. >Abolish differences in the education of boys and girls. >Abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces. >Declare women to be an 'oppressed class' and men as 'oppressors'.
Guys, I'm officially disillusioned with British politics. I know this is weird but the news story of the university minister demanding more bureaucracy and work relating to the difference in white / minority university grades was the straw that broke the camel's back. May's surrender deal is horrific, plus the equality act, and many other things, so I don't know why this story triggered me.
Peter hitchens was so fucking right, it's unreal.
Jordan Hernandez
>Boys Nigel Arthur Charles Henry James Mohammed Oliver
Anus = exit. End off. I'm going to sit on a bag of peas or something. I've kicked her out now. Beads can go in the fucking canal.
Asher Garcia
Our politicians are lucky this country is so populated by such low IQ, slovenly idiots. In other times and places they'd all be swinging from the lamp posts by now. Tbqhwy lads I'd welcome a good hard military coup at the moment
Brody Brooks
>picrelated Must be because you stopped sending us your younglings to be killed and scrapped for blood and parts.
Cameron Barnes
Don't fall for the butt stuff meme
Daniel Wilson
t. Mohammad Abdul Jabbar Kareem Ahamdulillah
Ryder Foster
but why
Camden Scott
I don't know, but for what it's worth, they've denied it.
>FACT: The date of withdrawal from the EU is currently defined within the legislation as "March 29th 2019 at 11PM". >FACT: Only the passage of additional parliamentary legislation can override the above. Not true.Try actually reading the legislation and you'll see for yourself. A government minister can amend the date IF an agreement is reached with the EU.
Cooper Murphy
In 1923 Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs associated themselves with the communist party of Germany, founded institute of Social research at Frankfurt University.
Try actually UNDERSTANDING the legislation. Any modification is related to technical timing adjustments and cannot be used to push forward / bring back the date of EU exit.
Austin Butler
>>FACT: Only the passage of additional parliamentary legislation can override the above. Here you go: (4)A Minister of the Crown may by regulations— (a)amend the definition of “exit day” in subsection (1) to ensure that the day and time specified in the definition are the day and time that the Treaties are to cease to apply to the United Kingdom, and (b)amend subsection (2) in consequence of any such amendment.
Aiden Phillips
>i should be able to have anonymous free speech kike
Chase Johnson
>Any modification is related to technical timing adjustments Yes a technical timing adjustment being that we agree with the EU that there is an extension to article 50. In which case, according to an act of parliament, a minister of the crown may change the definition of what exit day means.
Stop being a fuckwit and spreading bullshit.
Brody Smith
Harry is punch drunk. she's an absolute marxist nightmare and has been from a very early age.
Julian Rodriguez
Welcome to Global Britain. This s Is what you wanted, right?
Anthony Baker
lulu why are you larping as a fascist?
Jason Sanchez
Hmmmm, appeared to have a mild stroke half way through this...
Owen Scott
So what kikery have Jews been up to in Wales then, luv? > that is best explanation, after all. > Anti-semitism, so called, generally rational, and generally reactive.
Drink 6 coffees, give it 3 hours, if they aren't out take your degenerate self down to A&E. Bring a book and a Playstation Vita, you'll be waiting a while.
>Following a commitment by the Prime Minister in the Daily Telegraph, David Davis proposed an amendment which provides:
>Clause 14, page 10, line 25, leave out from “means” to “(and” in line 26 and insert “29 March 2019 at 11.00 p.m.”
>Member’s explanatory statement > This amendment removes the power for a Minister of the Crown to appoint exit day by regulations and ensures that exit day is fixed at 29 March 2019 at 11.00 p.m. for all purposes.
> The effect of this proposed amendment is to set in stone the moment the UK leaves the EU at domestic level, to the cheers of many Leave voters. But the problem is doing so may unnecessarily tie the hands of the UK’s negotiators.
>Article 50 TEU > Article 50 provides the (skeletal) framework for leaving the EU. Article 50(3) TEU states that ‘[t]he Treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement or, failing that, two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2, unless the European Council, in agreement with the Member State concerned, unanimously decides to extend this period.’
>Article 50(3) therefore envisages that the EU Treaties will cease to apply (i.e. the UK’s membership will cease) on: >(i) the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement (option 1); or >(ii) two years after the notification referred to in paragraph 2 (i.e. 29 March 2017) (option 2) >(iii) some other date which is unanimously agreed by the EU-27 (option 3)