How does this place even exist? Let alone have an impact and legacy on an imperial scale?
Did the they cuck the Spaniards or just blow them the fuck out?
Sure I'm a burger but have never heard stories about the armada against Portuguese
Why is Portugal a thing?
Did you hear about South America
Pakistan::India as Portugal::Spain
Sure but they haven't been relavent since 1865
They are one tough cookie I can tell you that OP
They still USE CUTE YOUNG WOMEN to stamp on grapes in Lagars to make wine in 2019. (Porto is a Female Foot Fetishists Paradise)
Makes sense they became a legitimate power once reaching the new world but how did Spain even let them get that far?
>let me tell you about your country
Portugal is a place for down syndromed Spaniards
It's the Australia of Iberia
Geographical expertise.
Are there any defining battles solidifying it as a state?
You're just mad that we used to burn your kind at the stake
I'm dating a Portugese girl now and this is not even bait
Not even halaka either.
They founded Nagasaki, not makign it up.
They brought catholicism to Japan until the Anglos came, stabbed them in the back and Christianity was erdicated from Japan.
Yep, the kicked our ass in Aljubarrota. But I think you lack an understanding of Spain as a country if you think we could have just invaded them. We are already a multicultural country anyway. Castille united with León united with Aragon, engulfing Catalonia, the Basque Country and Galicia. We also took Andaluzia from the moors. Portugal would be just one more. It worked under Philip the II of Spain who was half Portuguese and legitimate heir to the Portuguese crown. But the two crowns seperated again in 1640 after Portuguese nobles plotted against us. They we mostly dissatisfied with the fact that Philip the IV didn’t protect Brazil and the Portuguese Empire in Asia from the Dutch. So Portugal got a new meme illegitimate monarch to BTFO the Dutch out of Brazil.
That was the closest we’ve been to annexing the last Iberian State to Spain. Any military intervention failed miserably with the help that the Portuguese had from the Eternal Anglo.
They are and will always be under Anglo-protection.
"Spain" is anglicized of "Hispania", so a blanket term of all the peoples and territories of Iberia. Theoretically, Portugal should fall under this, as the whole point of the naming of Spain was to establish a unified Hispania (Basques, Aragonese, Leonese, Catalans etc) all under Castilian hegemony. Portugal used to be a part of the old kingdom of Leon, until they rebelled, and established their own kingdom of Portugal. While the main central power of Spain under Castile absorbed the rest of Iberia piece by piece, they never succeeded with Portugal. There were a couple of times that the Castilians managed to bring Portugal into the fold, but it never stuck, and the Portuguese have had their own independent thing going for them.
I guess they are like the dutch to germans.
Unfortunately this. They served to stomp Iberian supremacy. The eternal Anglo always allies himself with smaller countries to boycott the expansion of the big fish
Siege of diu
Don't worry Iberian legacy in general is creating shitholes. It's their faults we have a Mexican problem as it is. Imagine if Iberians didn't stick their dicks in every Native American alive. Socal would be paradise.
and Israel is the special kids day-care of Jewmerica. complete with adult diapers, secure fences and a brick wall to autistically scream at.
As long as Spain exists Portugal is an anomaly
Conho Espanholito mira tu madre me segue chupando la pissa.... conho
>Falar em espanhol para um espanhol quando és português.
Manda o gajo para o caralho na língua materna que eles também entendem
The Iberian Union was nice tho.
Tava só a gozar com o Espanholito, troll do caralho... Ele que vá mamar na pissa do Filipe VI.
Paga impostos para isso...
Arrodillate ante tu rey,portugay
Iberia used to consist of many kingdoms, Navarra, Aragon, Asturias, Castile, Leon and Portugal. Castile merged with the other kingdoms and created spain, which actually did rule over portugal for a small time. Eventually the portugese gained independance because of the eternal anglo who just loved to fuck shit up for all the other empires.
He isn't legitimate tho. Don Sixto or some Habsburg, not this cuck who married an abortist divorcee.
basically this portugal is a maritime supported trolling psyop by the ternal anglo to don't let a greater iberian kingdom happen.
the eternal anglo rather draws the whole world into 2 world wars and drives its own global empire against the wall, resulting in the downfall of the white race, then letting any other european nation reign over the holy continent.
I mean, we are son's of an eternal glory, but that legacy is too heavy for us right now, we are heirs of giants, endless battles, endless fight for Portugal and for Europa, fight muslims, fight amerindians, fight turks,fight blacks, even fight our other european brothers in 2000 war's. Just a bunch of celtiberian tribes, lusitanians, no more than 1 million on the XVI century
In the past 25 years we v became cucks, our kids are teached in our schools that we are evil white men, and our politicians have opened the doors to thousands and thousands of immigrants
There's a part of Spain where they all speak Portuguese called Galicia, wtf?
Spain had multiple dialects. They also had Aragonese in the east. Modern Standard Spanish is based off Castillian.
Portugal is a nation, with a language and an ethnicity, much older than the spanish state. Spanish know this, they are still blood brothers. All europeans are brothers in a race and civilziation sense, we should not fight each other again, specially in these dark days we face.
So... You're full of Portuguese?
So Portuguese is just a dialect of Spanish because Galician looks just like (Brazilian) Portuguese to me. Is it like Italy where they all had their regional languages/dialects until like the 1920's?
galicians and portuguese are the same people. but that's a different issue. We must focus and gather our srenght to stop immigration, all europeans
Portugese is considered a different language that has a common ancestor with Spanish. And yes there was regional languages that have been dying out as standardized Spanish took hold over Spain. Although people still speak Aragonese, Catalan is the biggest which is why there's separatist sentiment.
>Any military intervention failed miserably with the help that the Portuguese had from the Eternal Anglo.
The majority of our wins against you, no anglo (on our side) or french (on your side) were involved, Only in the napoleonic war's that was a reality,
Based German flag. Portugal was created in order to weaken Spain, unironically.
We won Aljubarrota because we had English longbowmen on our side. They ended up Agincourting the Spaniards with projectiles.
Stop buying bullshit spewed in order to glorify cowards and traitors.
Com esse vocabulário deves ser um bardajão futebolístico.
Portuguese independence long precedes the Anglo-Portuguese alliance, so claiming that Portugal is the product of English intervention is simply wrong.
"Hispania" only exists because of the Roman conquest, and derives directly from the imposition of Roman administration upon native peoples who had for centuries bitterly resisted such impositions. There is no evidence that any concept of unity among pre-Roman Iberian peoples ever established itself organically. There are cases of Iberian peoples forming confederations precisely in resistance to the Romans and other alien peoples, but only in an ad hoc manner and never encompassing the entirety of Iberia.
All of this is to say that Portugal, when viewing Iberia through the long lens of history rather than purely from the post-Roman period onward, is more in conformity with the natural and proper state of things than is the state of Spain. And if you want proof of this, simply look to the precarious nature of Spanish federalism.
And none of this is meant as an insult to Spaniards, whom I love.
Someone please genocide us. I am ashamed to say I was born in the same shithole as these idiots who cant write a full sentence without cursing.
This is nonsense. It was the competent commanding of Pereira and his wise choice of terrain that won the day.
>Portuguese independence long precedes the Anglo-Portuguese alliance, so claiming that Portugal is the product of English intervention is simply wrong.
Complete nonsense. Our first "king" managed to conquer Lisbon and strengthen his grip on the Kingdom thanks to English crusaders and jewish moneylenders.
Smoking on maple leaf is bad for your health.
That's not true, in thousands of troops, the english were 100, don´t be pathetic. It'swell knwed that Nuno Alvares Pereira tactics won that battle
retard burger this place exist and was founded as a country by the knights templar, which main purpose was a safe haven to remove kebab.
Now you are just spewing propaganda. Dont believe everything you read in the history books. Portugal was the first client state to the British Empire.
>thanks to English crusaders
And german crusaders,and flemish. It was a nice and epic battle for Europa, somehow like Lepanto or Gates of Vienna
It's not nonsense at all. Yes, English (and other) crusaders assisted with the conquest of Lisbon, but the Kingdom of Portugal had already been proclaimed and vouchesafed by D. Afonso Henriques and his supporters a full decade prior to the taking of Lisbon, which was nothing other than the expansion of an already extant Portugal.
>the english were 100
What??? I do concede that he was a great general, but thats just plain wrong.
I liked your blue and white colors better.
Let me guess - you're the buffoon who goes around trying to claim that every Portuguese is a cristão novo except you?
100 it's accurate
Yes it's him. always the same.
No, thats the other guy. I am the guy that goes around saying Portugal was a mistake and we should have a united Hispania, under one king. Instead of selling our hind parts to low brow englishmen.
you are the same clown, fucking traitor shill, i bet you are not even european
100 longbowmen is enough.
The point I am trying to make is that Portugal is a meme country just like Belgium or the Ukraine.
Created in the Middle Ages in order to undermine the Union of every Iberian Kingdom, which would imply a serious new European power who could reckon with any superpower in Europe.
I did miss him though. This guy somehow always makes me laugh
What you people seem insistent upon ignoring is that if the alliance was being cynically used by the English to maintain a divided Iberia, then likewise the French were using Spain as the theatre of their proxy war against the English. I always see a certain subset of Portuguese bemoaning the Anglo-Portuguese alliance (and lets ignore that the Illustrious Generation were quite literally the offspring of that alliance) while turning a blind eye to French interventionism in Spain. You will obsess over a handful of English longbowmen at Aljubarrota and say nothing at all to the thousands of French gendarmes who took to the other side of the field.
Your king was a traitor, just like the ones who opened the gates of Toledo.
No wonder he loved to be pegged in the anus by (((merchants))).
When will you post your (((23andme))) results claiming you are 100% Portuguese? Missed you, you fucking kike
Thats right, because Castille was never France´s lapdog. Whenever the French acted out, the Spaniards would put them in place.
See Metheun Treaty if you want to see how the portuguese lash out against their overlord.
I am not Portuguese. Never will be. And I hope that Portugal would be erased from the map in my lifetime.
Sure thing Iohannes. Is there such a thing as a Portuguese thread you don't manage to shit up? I swear, you must be on your computer 24 hours a day.
cry about it kike.
>100 longbowmen is enough.
Because you say, kek, and 2000 french was not enough?
>The point I am trying to make is that Portugal is a meme country just like Belgium or the Ukraine.
It is not, it's quite the opposite, Portugal is the definition of a nation-state a real one,where an ethnicity has his own state,with a language, history, counciess, and the oldest defined borders of Europa. It's even a reconquista and genetic reality (picture) And older than middle ages ofc.
Respond with a solid argument, not with tuga babble. You must be one of those subhuman azoreans who managed to sneak into a ghetto in Toronto.
cry some more kike shill
traitors will get the rope
Knew you we're just a kike shill. Your entire bloodline should have been burned at the stake during the 15th century. Don't worry, when the day of the rope comes you'll be first in line rabbi
now and forever Portubro!
This. This is 100% correct. Nuno Álvares Pereira and his choice of terrain and tactics.
indeed, do you prefer a fall from the window shill?
portugal is an Atlantic country not a mudskinned med country, ergo theyre smarter x a thousand. this is why they btfo spain
Never trust a catalacuck
I have no connection to the Azores and only a small one to Portugal, which I no longer care about to any great extent.
If you would like an argument, the Castilians did the precise thing you are whining about the English doing in Wales. As the English supported the Portuguese at Aljubarrota, the Castilians supported Glyndwr's rebellion. And why did they do this? Because it served French interests. Tell me, where is your moral outrage there?
>They brought catholicism to Japan until the Anglos came, stabbed them in the back and Christianity was erdicated from Japan.
We were also the first to introduce rifles in Japan. They still have a few from that era. Seen one for real in 1992.
It's part of their shill tactics, d&c, while we are here debating about this between europeans, the immigrants are taking over. He always comes with that, or with the absurd that everyone is half jeww. All their shill tactics ((( )))
He's in every thread. I would love to know who's paying this little rat. I bet it is some publicly funded org
We are barely white and the “Portuguese Renaissance” is cringe and a meme please stop posting both of those things. Obrigado.
>We are barely white
Speak for yourself
portuguese made an old alliance, friendship with england, european countries had dozens of war's, all in the past, we have no time for more d&c, Portugal is a nation, spanish are brothers, but they have their country, we face the same struggle,protect the west, the white race and secure our borders, just that.
Portugal many times, helped Spain, asking nothing in return, from Battle of Salado, to Navas de Tolosa, to the spanish civil war.
Literally this. Thanks brother
yes, when you see someone claiming everyone is a jew in Portugal it's him, even if genetic tests show that his made up stories are a non.-sense lie
speak by yourself,if you are not white, you are not portuguese.
I said BARELY white. We are same level as Northern Italians and Southern French. We need out own identity. We are surely not Germanic or Nordic that’s for sure.
No one wants to be around the Portuguese, even to conquer them.
It was a pleasure bro. Time todebate real issues, like the decandent west, like mass immigration, like how do we stop the degeneracy.
there is no such thing, or you are europid native or you are not,and that's it.
So you’re saying Greeks and Southern Italians are as white as Norwegians? They will laugh at you. We are whiter than the former but not the latter, sorry.
Never claimed we were either Nordic or Germanic. But surely I cannot disagree with the northern italian phenotype comparison. That is, if by northern italian you mean white, but not totally rose cheeked white like the germanic and norse people