Unbeliveable! Nazis are NOT showing remose of what they did!

Unbeliveable! Nazis are NOT showing remose of what they did!
Explain yourselves, Germans.

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>jailing a 96 year old man for telling the truth
Kek, he'll lead the next insurrection after he buddies up to a bunch of kike hating shitskins inside. They're so high off their own farts they forget a mutual hatred of Judaism was far more important than petty skin color to natsocs

>hate speech because he expressed lack of remorse
we're jumping from hate speech to face crime at alarming speed

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If I was a Nazi who killed a bunch of Jews back then, and I was still alive to see what they did to the world in 2019, I wouldn't feel bad either.

>commit act of terrorism
>get shot

People are going to be killed for this. It just needs to happen sooner or not at all.

>after the resistance blew up a train
every single time
Soldiers that carried out retaliation strike. He unironically did nothing wrong

They literally blow up a train and expect not to be shot?!

>be German
>fight for your country in WW2 willingly or not (doesn't matter)
>muh resistance
>decades later get jailed not even on the basis of what you did but what you said about what you did
>get humiliated by the (((media))) because you did what was supposed to be done
>ebil nazis XD
When will this all end?

>86 french
And nothing of value was lost.

He actually would be eligible for asylum in the US, believe it or not. He wouldn't get in, mind you, but he could apply for it.

based magyar

Lol he won't go to jail because he is too old
Simular to the guy who got deported here from America (he died this year in a retirement home)

He btw can't be charged for killing those frenchmen

What a based, based man. if I was alive then, I would totally join

It's the same shit as saying something a king doesn't like and he has you beheaded. This hate speech shit really belongs in the trash.

Jews from the state media set him up, Google kikes bumped it to millions of views with their algorithms, then someone assaulted him and robbed him

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based Karl

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Gonna be a nah from me, OP. The rest of Jow Forums might be brain dead enough to take your side, but not me. I don't support Nazis. Never have, never will. I've been here since 2012.

Truly our greatest ally!

i'm unironically not a Nazi tho.

How do you do fellow oldfag

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This. Wermacht soldiers should and have been forgiven. SS soldiers should have all been jailed for life in solitary confinement for what committing the atrocities of WW2.

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Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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Interesting flag


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He was in the right though. History has shown and proved that the jews were actually the evil ones and the nazis were trying to unfuck the world.

The guy is 96, leave him the fuck alone.


we need to forgive. not hold grudges its over 70 years ago grow up.
all this for political virtue makes me sick.

Vive le Roi!

>conviction for Holocaust denial can mean up to 5 years in prison

If there was anything that could convince me Jews were running things, it's this. Get your shit together Germany. This is insane.

>Get your shit together Germany
t. fought for the international Jew with Stalin to establish this world order and occupies my country to this day AND literally created the laws with which he will be tried with

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Its called doing your job idiot. Let a guy run away then he would have been shot. Drown yourself jungle nigger


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Liberals taught me that now is not the time for hate but the time for understanding.

Tits or GTFO

fucking based

What is this? I thought it was at max 6 months, maybe. But HALF A FUCKING DECADE for wrongthink? START EXECUTING

yeah germany is the harshest on this stuff, in the nordic countries you get maybe a few months in sweden and fines or a very short time in norway and almost nothing in denmark unless very severe wrongspeek. i dont really know about finland so maybe finnfren can tell it

It's actually up to a decade. And Horst Mahler received just that.

good luck dude you fought for your country against an evil global power even though you never stood a chance that takes balls

Based and redpilled.

War is horror. The americans threw atombombs on civlians.

Just the old Vae Victis.

Oldfag is fag
Hey Shlomo, congrats on your stylish memeflag.

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It's almost like they want him to die in prison, instead of telling the young ones what life was really like back then.
Gotta keep up the Holohoax lie, right?