Why do black women pretend to hate white men? They always act as if they are the greatest evil in the world...

Why do black women pretend to hate white men? They always act as if they are the greatest evil in the world, but will jump on a BWC at the first opportunity that one appears to show interest. Do they secretly want to be BLEACHED?

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>estonian using a leaf proxy

>being such a newfag

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black women absolutely worship white men
if you are even halfway in shape and are white with decent hygiene, its a mudslide
black women really are alright. especially the older ones

Racemixers get the rope

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once you crack through their stand offish exterior they actually really love the gentlemanly yet assertive nature of white men. Half the fun is taming them.

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Women are looking for someone to support them and they know that isn't going to be Tyrone.

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Yea. I have an anti-white black trans neighbor, only wants to date white guys. It's a compensatory sentiment.
Black woman make surprisingly good partners for whites, with the most stable marriages in the US. Even though there are few worthwhile black women in the US, you can actually date up pretty easily with one of them. WM/BF kids are always pretty based, BM/WF kids are almost universally degenerate criminals.

My gf is black. Her pussy grips my cock as I fuck her, and she orgasms tens of not hundreds of times as she takes my Big Maori Cock. There's nothing else I need to say.

So many woke black females like Francesca Ramsay, are married to white guys. White guys are far more willing to put up with their shit than anyone else.

Samoan or actually black?

A combination of Maori aggression with black impulsivity is not a good combination for offspring.

the black boi fears the WHITE BVLL

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They would have to pretend that black men (there therefore their forefathers) are worth a fuck.

damn gamora is even lusting after that wyc0ck in real life

my tiny black pp will never be able to taste her honey dew

Who is your muttfu?

For me its Logan Browning.

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Browning by name, Browning by eugenics.

Lightskins aren't blacks

Stacey Dash

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The post was about Black girls and you guys are posting pictures If lightskins girls

I love black women. Im going to makr mixed raced offspring
>pic has a white (Danish ) dad and black mom.

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If lightskins girls were Black too

If seems like beautiful Black women are lightskin insted of black

They want to be loved. And more white men should be open to black women

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Dark black women are my type like pic

seething macaco

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Nope. I will make many mulattos

Do the math: impregnate a half black girl, have quarter black kids and raise them as white. Make sure they marry whites on pain of shunning, have 1/8th black grand kids.

it really doesn't take long to bleach black people out of existence. some may rage at coal burners, and it is lamentable, but then again if we find ways to cease black on black reproduction it could be very beneficial.

If you breed with a dark black woman your daughters will look like her

I want a dark black woman. A 100% pure Africa woman

goddammit, why are black women so hot?

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incorrect, learn2genetics

They are the most natural women.

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I’ve been hit on exclusively by black women. I’m not sure why.

t. Mostly white guy

they're the most aggressive. others may be interested, but they won't hit on you.

Are you sure that the black woman you are secretly in love with isn’t Indian?

This woman would beat the shot out of you if you don’t buy the right macaroni for her at the shop. Things get worse if you don’t compliment her on her new weave. You can’t handle this woman unfortunately.

Help the movement brother. #stopblackgirlshillthreads.

Copy Pasta this to all threads.

Tag all Black female shill post with this tag, so we can search them on 4plebs.

Maybe that’s the case. To be honest I’ve been a shut-in most of my teenage and adult years due to illness so I can’t socialize and read ques for shit.

It's easier than you think. No hints for pro isreal persons

quite a few black women don't fear physical conflict, they don't really view themselves as easy targets for rape or murder. and they're not because they fight back.

tfw no qt black gf to blow loads in and have mixed babies with.

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Yes on the down low all black women want to be cream pied by white men.

Especially fit well groomed white men.

You don't even have to be face wise good looking just fit and we'll groomed and the negress goes into heat.

tfw will never have daughters like this

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you can fuck them without making children with them

make babies with white women, fuck the other women of the globe

I would tell her how beautiful she is everyday.
Black girl white guy couples are very cute and redpilled.
You can, just find a nice black woman

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maybe cus white men enslaved black ppl for hundreds of years yeah?

Go out and talk to some

This. Most black girls have friends or family who became single mothers and the smart ones don't want that.

>BM/WF kids are almost universally degenerate criminals.
It's almost like having a father matters.

>beta male can't handle a woman
if you don't know how to properly assert yourself over/with a woman in a way that benefits both of you then your genes need to die off unfortunately.
Bleaching is our duty.

pic related is what I want my daughter to look like, and then I will instill within her a preference for white males and forbid her from dating low class nigger men.

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Too bad there are no black women where I live only senegalese males, now that I think about it why are they coming here?

I unironically think they do. If I even glance and black girls they'll jump on my dick. Its bizarre. If you're a decent white guy you can walk up to a 10/10 black chick, ask them how their day is going and they'll practically blow you on the spot

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>now that I think about it why are they coming here?
Dude they will leech onto any nation where there is still meat to be picked off of the rotting corpse of western civilization. They literally don't care.

I noticed the daughters of BWWM couples almost always go with white guys. I do hope I hope I also have many daughters like that pic, I would not let her dress like that though.

It’s interesting when you’re a white boy dating a black girl they become very docile and less agresssjve and submissive .. and I noticed this when I was 16 race mixing

>when two people date, they become nicer and more willing to compromise with the other one

no shit, incel retard.

>Too bad there are no black women where I live

Too bad? 80% of sheboons are obese and they're loaded with STDs

it's true. and even if they do get loud and uppity, you can just laugh at them and act like it's nothing and they fall in line. it makes them wet to disregard them.

I want mixed offspring

There's nothing wrong with loving a black woman

You can easily have daughters like that. Just find a nice black woman and breed with her.

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man this bitch doesnt count as black

Most women are great, unless they are those east Asians. You have to be mentally stunted to glorify those slant eyes.

>My gf is black

They’re called bruises you violent cunt

dated a filipina, felt like i stepped on a land mine

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jesus, those nipples.

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Actually know a guy with that mix he's dumb, but really nice and would only kick your ass if you talk shit about him.

Please sir, I'm on NoFap

which is why their hoo-has all smell like dead bodies.

any port in a storm and all, but jayzus

My exact thought before I read this post. Let’s get the fuck out of here user...

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You probably look well off. Are they Ameriniggers or Africaniggers?

African chicks are fully aware that black African men are fucking deadbeats and want a white man who will provide. They will try and trick you with their big booty's and exotic looks. My mate got trapped while he was working there. He told me all these black chicks were hitting on him and he had gotten himself an absolute babe (she was pretty hot). He ended up knocking her up, then marrying her and taking her back to Australia. He says that she was on the pill so he was just nutting in her. I have no doubt she stopped taking the pill once she was getting bleached.

At least she is pretty good missus, cooks, cleans, and the kid looks like a really tanned white guy.

>At least she is pretty good missus, cooks, cleans
I want nothing more than to walk in on my nigress misso cooking up a fat feed of fried chicken and greens.

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Truly a beautiful dream

I love African women

Ameriniggers from what I’ve encountered. I don’t really dress like I have money though. I’m a shirt and jeans guy. I have really long straight hair though and I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it. Maybe because I don’t look threatening? Pretty much any black girl could beat the shit out of me. I’m 120 lbs and 5’ 10”. I blame Crohn’s for that.

Died of ebola-aids, many such cases, sad.

This pic is one of the advantages of having a black wife

Why not try to make it real

Racemixing is a sin against God and Mother Nature. That said all colored women long to be knocked up by white seed.

I for one (blue eyed white devil that I am) hooked up with this Black Beauty on Tinder.

It's great. Bent one over my knee and spanked her until she couldn't take it anymore.

Oops forgot to add pic

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You're right, I should. Suppressed paternal instincts are eating me alive so I need to start fathering children.

Hope you're doing alright, Chris.

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they don't?


This. I dont really go to bars ever but any time I have, black women have ALWAYS approached me. This thread convinced me to search out and marry a black woman. Sorry Jow Forums you messed me up


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Just bang em, don't procreate with them fool!

unironically this. earth is fucked anyway let ME fuck NOW

Me too.
No, I will procreate with a black woman

What I’m trying to say is

Natural urges to find a mate a procreate often trumps many other things.