Yes we know they are niggers but why do we have 20 thread about some spergs obessing over them.
Redpill me on this other than the le subhuman and crime meme we know it's true.
Yes we know they are niggers but why do we have 20 thread about some spergs obessing over them.
Redpill me on this other than the le subhuman and crime meme we know it's true.
No one cares. Go get bread out of the race. Go away.
>create thread upon thread promoting X
>also create thread complaining about the fictional/artificial consensus about X
You said something nigger?
Because has a large contingent of impotent narcissists, which is a bad combination and usually leads to racism
Those 20 threads are coordinated shill waves. They aren't native Jow Forumslacks
race mixing with the lowest form of human on Earth is horrifically dysgenic
>T. Faggot
22 threads are dedicated to nigger right now. fuck off we want to talk about other shit other than >le niggersxD
We get it we all know niggers are sub human but I don't want 50 threads deicated to them fuck off already you storm fag/chimp mania spergs
>race mixing with the lowest form of human on Earth is horrifically dysgenic
way too obvious.
because hate is a derivative of love.
Jews post them you fucking Jew and you know it. Eat shit Shlomo.
>le straw man image
meanwhile in reality this is what race mixing creates
Were not.
Share Blue, Media Matters shill Jew Faggots posts this kind of shit 24-7 to try to shape perceptions and minds then once they think they won or destroyed our country, the will all fly back to Israel!
>upon being called out, the insecure incel cherry picks as hard as he can to continue coping with his impotent rage
post a single attractive mulatto, I mean actually half and half, go ahead
cope for micro penis
Jut accept you got low genetic value all along and sexual selection will rightfully wipe you out of existence. Stop coping with le jews and le brainwashing conspiracies.
You can't make a female from any species accept low quality males using any form of passive manipulation. Things are deeply ingrained.
Just accept you lost.
We aint obsessed with them.
All of these fuckers are actually fucking obsessed with us.
Who wants to endorse the creation of the modern world that is ours ?
Who wants our welfare ?
Who wants our money ?
Who wants to migrate into white country ?
Who wants to live in the west ?
Brown people are fucking obsessed with white people.
We arent. I'm not.
If they would have staid in Africa, i wouldn't give a single shit about those people.
I dont need them to exist. I dont want to go to their country.
See with the US. See how those niggers, chicanos and kikes are totally mad when you talk about white nationalism.
Look at just how insane they go when you talk about some whites just wanting to live with whites.
In fact, they want to live with us. They are obsessed with us.
Why on Earth brown people wouldn't want to separate themselves from racist white nationalist ? Why ? There are absolutely no reasons.
The real reason why they dont want this to happen is because they are freaking jealous of what we are, and because they realize they might be able to have a decent life when they live among whites,while they might not if there are only nigger-tier population in their living area.
Fuck those people.