uhhh g-guys?
Uhhh g-guys?
Other urls found in this thread:
Q predicted this
Bump for interest but no idea who this is and why i should care
predicted would this you Q say.
Same bullshit.
Bump. Happening?
stopped reading there
>more Q garbage
Disinfo twitter LARPer.
dont remember Majestic 12 ever talking to me actually
could Q make a prediction so unpredictable that even he himself could not predict it?
some schizo from abovetopsecret.com just found out about twitter and thinks qanon is real
Is that the same dudes that hacked the big globalist website? and told them to basically repent or be exposed?
hah loser
i wana see dead jews
>tfw cryptocount in the nwo
>Trust the plan, you stupid boomers
>This time it's for real, unlike the previous 27 times this year
>Even though America is deeply divided we have this one silver bullet that'll convince everyone that we're right
I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I'll assume it's a hoax to trick stupid boomers into being complacent and wasting their money on merchandise.
Majestic 12 is just another LARP accoutn for Victory of the LARP.
Thread theme
>referencing the thoroughly debunked Majestic 12 hoax perpetrated by (((Stanton Friedman)))
>another fucking stupid Q copycat
Yawn, these LARPers are literally edfgy teens pretending to be le e/b/ic hackz0rz XDDDD
Larpers gone larp
What a shame
You can crash on the moon if you want, but Earth is full so fuck off.
Fuck man thats some 1337 h4x right there. What are you using, IPVanish? Check me out hacking Buzzfeed last night
They control it?
Mista Jay Cee Denton in da fwesh
>Open source intelligence
This is a terrible idea... And will most likely not be followed by any sane government. "I know! Lets design a system that allows our enemies to know exactly what we know and when we learned it! Nothing could go wrong."
Personally? I think it's legit.. I didn't at first but I have been following it for awhile now.
Maybe you should try getting a job
Trump is a time traveler confirmed
Ironically the A.I in DX is the same
Meant for
Never know when I might come up against some heavy armor. Give me the GEP gun.
Th4nk$ m4n, wh0 $h0u1d I h4x n3x m8?
Why contain it?
Why are you Israeli faggots trying so hard to fear monger about Aliens and UFOs right now? Maybe it's because flat Earth disclosure is coming as well as The Watchers who are gonna shut down Israel's nukes. Guess what? Your reign of terror on this world is coming to an end. Humanity isn't gonna be enslaved to zionism, babylonian money magick or this false reality of lies any longer.
It's fucking happening whether you shills want it to or not.
q faggot tier dumb shit
>they put "plan" in quotes
Made me chuckle somehow
No like
Stick with the PROD
I'm starting to wish it wasn't cold.
>flat Earth disclosure
I'm one of those israeli faggots, as proof I just ate six hundred and sixty six foreskins.
No one will know about fat earth because I say so since I'm a Rothschild.
Very bullish for LINK
I like to make a silent takedown
You have to go back.
Let's try some word-association. First word: GEP gun.
If they've seen the evidence why don't they just release it?
i have that one here ya go
1 it's a larp
2. because the mods allow it
3. sometimes these are good, about 15% of the time.
Because it's a big gay LARP, just like Q.
What did Majestic 12 mean by this?
I also wonder this, it's the same with the guys who hacked the bildaberg website or whatever and stuck a warning on it.
Then they just stopped, I figured they got got or never had anything to begin with.
>IIRC they said something about conditions
>Their name had a number in it too, but I cant remember it which is odd for me
Mah nigga.
The Plan. Onions?
>Le daily wacky conspiracy threads by JIDF
Kikes like to push irrational conspiracies like faked moon landings, le Illuminati/Masons, flat earth, absurd 9/11 theories (there were no planes), le lizard people etc. etc. to do one thing... to make people that discuss information outside of what the (((MSM))) gives us look retarded and to cover up for jews.
This is called well-poisoning and gas-lighting. Jews do this to keep normie goyim from looking into or thinking about legitimate non-MSM information too much, e.g. the jew subversion of our media and government or the exaggerations and outright lies surrounding the holohoax made for political gain.
9/11 is a good example... Israel had a big role in 9/11. How to well-poison this subject manner? Make sure any threads about 9/11 include discussion of "there were no planes", "it was CGI", "a nuke brought it down", "a energy weapon brought it down" etc. and other absurdities. This will get any normies to reject ALL non-MSM information about 9/11, including what they want to cover-up (Israel's role).
Fuck these threads and fuck JIDF.
Whats the difference between releasing the info right now vs waiting for some arbitrary date in time?
To drink your ovaltine
Sounds like something a clueless 16 year old would write.
Never tried it.
Only Q knows the answer.
It's all about momentum and slowly dismantling the current world order. Dropping everything at once would be counter productive.. by dropping bits and pieces and allowing momentum to build, you gain more credibility as events become true.
Dropping everything at once would just be a waste of time, and would take away any validity at all.
They would only "ramp it up" if we were heading to executions and all out war imo, otherwise it makes sense to me to just dump everything before someone can stop you.
>Why let people suffer when you have the ability to end it all ya know?
>Q perdikted dis fello goyim
>turst da plan guiz
>drain dat swamp
That was the end, flip flop.
it begins with one snow ball and end with in an avalanche.
>They would only "ramp it up" if we were heading to executions and all out war imo, otherwise it makes sense to me to just dump everything before someone can stop you.
Yeah I don't agree with that at all, so I'm just going to agree to disagree with you here. I think the way they are doing it now is fine.
>Why let people suffer when you have the ability to end it all ya know?
that is true but it isn't that easy. that doesn't invoke change, it just causes chaos.
there is no such thing as beginnings and ends
feels stinky
That's a painting of Saturn, not Moloch.
Is that blue bit holding his fake hair in place
Formed by executive order after the terrorist attack on the statue.
nice larping
Based and linkpilled.
Stopped reading there.
this thread is going so smoothly that nobody will realize the NWO is headhunting for an Emperor and being a Christfag is a prerequisite.
ohhh and ahhhh.jpg
Oh look, more Victory of the LARP bullshit.
dumb seeposter
Same deity. Saturn is the God of 1000 names.
>I don't agree with that at all
But it's the best course of action with truly shocking material.
>Like if it's really bad, really good, really worrying, really dangerous and all at once
Think of it as a doctor telling a patient something while the insurance company is trying to drag you out before you hear it, that's how I see it right now,
>I also dont like peeling bandages slowly, but some people just like that I guess.
What a shame.
This shit seems to happen almost all the time now. WHEN IS IT ACTUALLY GOING TO HAPPEN!?!?!?!?
When it isn't a big gay LARP.
So never.