>but but but officer, the light was GOING to become green! So i didn't actually run a red light.
Pro-life idiots
>But but but user, that fertilized egg was GOING to become a person! So if you kill the cell, you killed a literal baby!!!
>but but but officer, the light was GOING to become green! So i didn't actually run a red light.
Pro-life idiots
>But but but user, that fertilized egg was GOING to become a person! So if you kill the cell, you killed a literal baby!!!
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they are pushing for post birth abortion now, spin that you satan worshippng kikel
Literally no one is pushing that. Stop spreading fake news.
Anyone who posts in this thread without saging should look into collecting a check from Shareblue.
the typical unplanned pregnancy isn't even confirmed (approaching a month) before all the organ systems of the fetus are differentiated. I mean... if the user-base of late-term abortions was competent enough to hit the plan-B post-coitus we wouldn't even be having this discussion. (course that level of competence might mean the apt use of pregnancy prevention methods in the first place).
What exactly are the racial & demographic breakdowns of the fetus/babies/life-that-would-have-been-you-monsters!? Because at this stage of the game I could give a shit how many ghetto babies with fetal-alcohol-syndrome are being aborted.
Granted - I'd rather just cut a check to the welfare queen for 100k over X years to get sterilized (its a net win economically and she can't manage money so it will just go right back into the economy). Abortion is certainly wrong, then again so is adultery, I don't believe it prudent to be made illegal.
Ebin ignorant retard
They literally started discussing it after "during birth abortions" was passed.
Idiot, the egg wasn't going to BECOME a human after being fertilized. It already is a human. What else is going to pop out of a woman's vagina? Do they give birth to cars? It's alive from the first moment, or is the woman herself dead? At conception it's already going to be what it's going to be when fully grown. Only people trying to avoid the guilt of being a filthy murderer latches on to the false idea that a baby is just a lump of cells. What are you made out of? Fucking cells.
This, the childs DNA is ser from the moment of conception. They are murdering a unique individual that can never be recreated.
It also damages women with a conscience. Half of these "pro abortion" women are just trying to come to terms with their guilt.
> Virginia governor literally describes delivering a baby, keeping it comfortable, resuscitating it, then deciding whether to abort.
> literally no one
The picture doesn't say that it isn't human.
Very few, if any, on the pro-choice side tries to deny the fact that a fetus is a homo sapiens, they just don't think non-conscious humans should have legal personhood of higher status than the woman.
>No source provided
And when you inevitably post the source, I'll either be fake, misleading, or you simply didn't read it.
>He was talking about killing a baby
You know as well as i do that that's not what he meant. The word "abort" doesn't even make sense at that point.
>Life doesn't begin when a human egg is fertilized with human sperm, it begins when the sky mother touches the new child's brow with her magic moonlight in leaving the mother's womb.
Do you even know how retarded you sound?
When did i ever say it's not human? I said it's not a person. I can scratch you and have thousands of skin feels under my nails. Did i just kill thousands of people? Obviously not.
The discussion wasn't about delivering a healthy baby you idiot.
It was about delivering fetuses with fatal illnesses/malformations and then choice being to keep it on life support until it dies at a later date or simply not putting it on life support to begin with.
>legal personhood
So, basically, the government becomes god and chooses who can live and who can't.
In all fields
That has pretty much been the case for most of recorded human history. I mean you live in a country where the state can legally sentence you to death and execute you on tax payers dimes
They would look at a fertilized chicken egg differently
He said resuscitate it, Moloch
Powerful people have been able to execute people throughout all human history through the use of military force. However, legal codes are generally constructed by specific ethical principles (such as the Julian code, which most western ethics, including the U.S., are based off). This is different from the state or an individual just deciding to murder someone, which isn't ethical.
this is not a person
Why is an infant a person but not a 9 month fetus?
There's no fundamental difference between the two besides the utterly arbitrary distinction of "inside the womb" and "outside the womb"
If the egg was fertilized it'd be a chicken.
Alright, cool. I guess comatose people, hell, people in a particularly deep sleep are "less human" too.
Are babies and toddlers not people either because they're not fully sapient?
Why not have it be a picture of a fetus? And a sapling and a fertilized chicken egg.
Retard projecting: the post
Why isn't this pruned
abortion is mostly just killing blacks and spics.
when a white girl gets is, 70% of the time its an interracial child.
the abortion doctors are WAY WAY WAY ahead of you pussies in the race war. imagine personally squishing more niggers like bugs, per year, than hiroshima was able to take out, then multiply that by a thousand.
Making abortion illegal would be worse than doubling immigration
>a person
No shit it's not a person. It is a living being though. A living being that literally is your child, no matter how many logical hoops you jump through. Abortion is a murder of your child, that's a fact. Whether your child is a person, well that's up to debate I guess.
You idiots fall for the fakest of news. He was talking about a law already on the books amd concerns a nonviable deept deformed baby. Go fight an emu and don't come back until you win.
You would be surprised how little conscience women have. They are experts of passing out blame and responsibility.
They already chose who counts as a person for us.
So then, is a miscarriage manslaughter?
However, if this was not an eagle, you'd be in jail right now. If this was not an american chestnut tree you've have a valuable seed. If this was not a monarch butteryfly you'd be contributing to the decline of a species and finally, if that were you, we wouldn't be annoyed with your falacies.
>Which is why you should let us murder babies right before they're born because while the umbilical is still attached it's just a clump of cells.
Anyone in favor of mandatory abortions of liberals up to the 243rd trimester? I mean, really, if you're under 60 years old you're JUST A CLUMP OF CELLS amirite?
When does a fetus become a person?
A chicken egg, an acorn, a worm, a red light - none of these become human. None of them could grow and read these words. To even compare human life's inception to a chicken egg is beyond the bounds of all conceivable stupidity.
Abortion is for savages. Gtfo my country.
yes. but for different reasons.
I like abortion, its great. kill that baby.
HOWEVER, I am most sickened by the hypocrisy.
all the people screaming its so bad, its murder, life is sacred, are telling EVERYONE who disagrees with them to kill themselves and screaming death threats in the same breath.
either your pro LIFE, or pro KILLLING PEOPLE. not just babies, born or not.
Halifax, respect Burger.
When it has unique DNA.
human life is not sacred to nature, only to us, and only the ones we like, and only sometimes.
what is so valuable about your average canadian that you wouldn't trade an acorn for him?
This is not an argument for murder.
besides that, with "it's just a cells" logic you can justify literally everything from murder, pedophilia, rape, genocide, etc.
i think people should rape pro-abortion women and say "she's just cells" and that it's our right to rape them.
So someone is scared?
Whatever. We
And PP will hang if they try to do so once we're done.
The best thing to tell roasties that got an abortion. Is that the child's unique dna will be floating around in her head forever.
I’m convinced that abortion and normal murder are morally different but both wrong, does that make sense?
>its a zygote it doesn't count as a human!
Where is the line drawn then faggot?
Good good goyim, stupid goy hehehehe.
So you can kill someone who's passed out and not get convicted. Nice, Sven.
>unfertilized chicken egg == fertilized egg/developing fetus
Shit bait and you're a retard, sage on all fields fellas
>all the people screaming its so bad, its murder, life is sacred, are telling EVERYONE who disagrees with them to kill themselves and screaming death
There is nothing hypocritical about that. Heretics should burn for they are full of sin!
A baby in the womb has done nothing to deserve murder. The people outside the womb who kill the baby have.
I guess if you want to be autistic about it, someone who is against abortion, but has no problem with someone being killed for a crime, isn’t really pro life. If that’s what’s really getting to you then fine I guess?
If a pregnant woman gets stabbed and because of the stabbing the clump of cells become nonviable, does the stabber get charged for 1 murder or two?
>Resuscite, verb
revive (someone) from unconsciousness or APPARENT death.
So nobody died. Kys.
>unfertilized chicken egg
ohh nonononononon