Imagine having to work every single day of your life or you can't survive

imagine having to work every single day of your life or you can't survive

I call it slavery

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>body breaking labor
>sitting in a chair browsing reddit half the time
These things are totally equal. These studies are always so bullshit, probably not even counting holidays or having weekends off.

Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.

I want you sent to Siberia just get you out of your cushy office job and back to reality. Our society has truly achieved peak laziness and ignorance, I want a war so badly. Not because I like it, but because the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

This article only looks at the time medieval peasants spent working for their lord for free. They'd then have to do the same or more work on their own land in order to actually make money or not starve to death.

false you fucking kike read the fucking history

that's false. any real man is always working. there is no downtime. if you're not at work you're fixing something at home.

That's why you work at a place that gives you weekends, retirement, etc

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>i'm one of you guys trust me i even say kike and nigger

I wonder if Jane Burnett is considering learning to code.

it's true. We used to run around, kill shit, eat it, fuck, sleep and wander about happy as a lark.

Now we all work way too much for people we hate, in jobs we despise serving the worst of humanity for pieces of paper loaned to us by people who print it out of thin air and charge us interest to buy their friends techno garbage where we can role play, running around, sleeping, fucking and being happy as larks.

>brit doesnt know how feudalism worked.
They gave a percentage of their yield to the feudal lord who's domain they were under.

Well yeah, medieval peasants stopped working when it got dark.

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Is that medieval bard wolverine there bud?

>muh misconception about medieval peasants
If you want the quality of life of a medieval peasant, you have to work less than a medieval peasant today.
The average amount of hours worked after the Industrial revolution have always been really high, with 8 hour work days being a dream for many people.

Capitalism is jewed and needs to be destroyed. Everyone should be able to agree on that.
But you're not getting out of a 40 hour work week, no matter how much you'd rather watch Netflix shows about child trannies.

>Well yeah, medieval peasants stopped working when it got dark.
and for all the months that the harvest was stored.
Winter break for everyone.

As if all the shill threads were gone, Jow Forums would actually have something interesting and intelligible to talk about. Slide threads are pol. There is nothing besides slides

>americlap talks about history

In most cases part of the peasants feudal obligation was to work their lords land as well as their own. AFTER that they were expected to give tithes to the church and pay for other services that were also connected to their lord or the church.

Stfu millennial piece of shit. Kill yourself.

We have to work so much so we can pay enough taxes to support the retards who don't work.

Blame the jews that let all these mongrels into our country. Remember that Irish and Italians are NOT white.

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Here's a picture showing that different races have different SNPs (single nucleotide traits) that correlate with intelligence. Races are not equal on a genetic level.

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Races have different cranial capacities even when raised in good environments.

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Female promiscuity completely destroys a woman as a potential wife. Female promiscuity and sexual "liberation" is incompatible with stable households.

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Women lose most of their attractiveness before even reaching 25; while men are perceived by women as equal peers no matter the age.

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"Personality" is a myth. You either have high reproductive value of low reproductive value.

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Race predicts crime better than income and single motherhood.

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Women aren't just physically weaker than men, they also lack reaction speed. Women are 10% slower to react, considering that the effectiveness of reaction is very marginal, 10% is a very significant amount and is a perfect explanation to why women get out-competed by men in video games and other competitive intellectual tasks.

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