Hello, I am a journalist from HuffPost UK. I'm currently writing an article on the Russian hacking of the US 2016 election that led to Donald Trump winning the presidency, more specifically the Russian propaganda agents used to spread misinformation and hack integral parts of the election process.
This website has gained a lot of notoriety in the last few years due to its ties with the Kremlin. As part of this case study I have a few questions for users of this message board, please answer honestly.
1. Are you using a VPN to hide your true location? 2. Are you employed by the Russian Government in anyway shape or form? 3. Is it a full or part time job? 4. How much are you payed? 5. What were you instructed to do during the 2016 US Presidential election? 6. Do you feel you succeeded by getting Donald Trump elected? 7. Do you feel what you are doing is immoral?
I look forward to reading your answers, the article should be finished within 2 weeks.
What's with you fucking pieces of shit always asking the most degenerate questions? you're not looking for the truth you push an agenda for your zionist masters. You're a soulless coward and a slave. Deep down in your fucking bones you know that everything you do is antithetical to what real journalism is about and you'll probably end up killing yourself within the next 5 years.
Michael Scott
Fuck off kike news faggot
Aiden Sanchez
suck it you commie faggot.
Oliver Green
>How much are you payed? >payed Even if it's bait, you should be ashamed
1 yes 2 yes 3 yes 4 average 5 post 6 do you? 7 do you? i'm just posting here to see if there is actually going to be a nigger cunt writing an article, using the phrase "we asked the notorious group Jow Forums" oh you can only use my answers if you quote us as notorious and benevolent and if the first letter of each paragraph spells out MARBLECAKE also I am every poster that replied on here, including and all the ones below this reply so you cannot use any of them unless you reply "i suck nigger dick" thank you kys
1. no. i'll give you my real-life address and phone number if you want. 2. no 3. n/a 4. n/a 5. get out and vote by the libcuck media 6. sure, i voted for jill stein though. trump is waaay better than hilldog 7. no.
Chase Brooks
honest truth I am a Kremlin infiltrator I do IT work for HuffPo You've probably met me.
Isaiah Gomez
> 1. Are you using a VPN to hide your true location? Yes, I'm actually not Russian > 2. Are you employed by the Russian Government in anyway shape or form? Every Russian is working for a Russian government in one way or another, whether he's aware of it or not. > 3. Is it a full or part time job? It's a passion > 4. How much are you payed? 10 liters of niggercuck sjw tears per day > 5. What were you instructed to do during the 2016 US Presidential election? This information is classified > 6. Do you feel you succeeded by getting Donald Trump elected? No, Trump lost, as we know > 7. Do you feel what you are doing is immoral? Lol what? Imposing you're not a troll, you're reading level of hypocrisy that shouldn't even be possible
Carter Garcia
> Implying
Mason Butler
Putin never gave me my rubles, fucking greedy cunt.
Henry Sullivan
You probably still can get your paycheck if you have the logs and screenshots of your activity. Contact the nearest Russia embassy. Spasibo.