What does pol think about private prisons?

What does pol think about private prisons?

Attached: downloadfile-1.jpg (600x337, 83K)

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Gotta put the niggers somewhere

im more of a death penalty guy

bring back firing squads

Is that image implying the people going to jail didn't actually commit any crimes?

you commit hate crimes by posting on pol, let's put you in jail

The US has as many prisoners as the whole fuckin world

Don't defend this shit

>hate crimes by posting on pol

Attached: take yer swing.gif (382x554, 2.57M)

btw in the US you can go in jail even if you don't pay taxes

What do you think user? You think corporations that only care about profit would push for more laws to imprison people and longer sentence, or do you think they care about people enough not to do that?