Where do I start with the Bible? What are some good sources if you wanna go DEEP AF BRAH?

Where do I start with the Bible? What are some good sources if you wanna go DEEP AF BRAH?

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Jesus never existed

It's just a book dude. Start at the first page and go through it. There are "study bibles" if you feel uncertain.

literally genesis

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>it's just a book
Not very Christian of you.

Start with the acts of the apostles, then move to the gospels. After that I would recommend going back to Isaiah, and then on to the epistiles. You can discern which books to read from there.

t. Trad Catholic

Book of Daniel is redpilled

In terms of sources, any commentary by St. Thomas Aquinas is the best bet, but it is very extensive and philosophical.

If you want something that is more readily accessable, there is something called the Haydock bible, which has a compendium of commentary from various church fathers.

gensis go slow and digust all the words in your head.
every day just read alittle morning and night
bugger off kike

read the Apocrapha. Buy the Book of Jasper and the Book of Enoch.
Read Genesis, Jasper, Enouch and then Macabess 1,2,3,4 then read the Gospels, Acts and finally read Galatians REALLY REALLY slowly

Deep. You want to go really deep?

Read plato.

It is just a book. There's no need to be afraid of it. I like the KJV translation personally, but even then it's not going to be like learning 10 new languages to try to figure it out in its original form.

The point is just get started.

Useful advice from one of the wisest men who ever lived.

Spotted the kike

>solomon wise


Better yet, read Dionysius The Areopagite. It is the ripened fruit of neoplatonic philosophy fulfilled by Revelation

It’s up to you op, you can start from beginning if you like but also a another good idea is read two chapters a day, one from the Old Testament and one from the new

Look imma get serious for a sec yo!

The bible isnt for you. It is written for jews 2000 years ago. You could read every word and totally miss the point because youre not a bronze age jew.

Thats the straight dope booooooyyy!

start with the gospels...then let the Holy Spirit guide you

The Gospel according to Mark, the other 3 gospels are forgeries

You’d like that, wouldn’t you Shekelberg?

I'm not down with the Mormons, but they put a copy of their bible in every hotel room they own. Somtimes if you're bored it's fun just to flip it open to whatever page comes up and have a read.

A whole lot better than being bored.

Acquaint yourself with this style of interpretation. Learn he different types and how they connect with each other.



Commentary on the book of Roman's by the greatest living bible scholar

Not even close, that's how I know you haven't really read into it.
How was Noah described at his birth ?
Who were the Macabees related to that are VERY famous on the world stage and many movies have been made about ?

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Job. not Joking. Job.

Tear out anything to do with Paul. Read the shit talking they did about him. After you clearly understand that, bring him in bit by bit and you'll see what a whining bitchy fraud he was.

Ask this in /lit/, you'll get better answers.

Start with Genesis. Then go to the New Testament and read the book of John. Then go back in time and read Exodus. Then go forward and read the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke).

Jesus was 100% real. The resurrection occurred. Catholic Mass is a recelebration of the Last Supper. Go to church, user. Fuck sports. Jesus is calling you.

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Book of Proverbs

Go to the Jehovah Witness. They are awesome and wholesome.

wew way to hate on paul
(you're not entirely wrong tho, but everybody gets to have a say)

I don't think JW are Christians.

>What are some good sources
Once you've read the bible, go back and read Plato's Republic, then Plotinus' Enneads. The idea of an immortal soul that reunites with The One did not originate with Christianity, but it WAS fully revealed by Christ.

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...and don't believe in the Divinity of Christ.. After a year or so they'll tell you that Jesus was actually the Archangel Michael.

You, young man have never opened a Bible.

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Christianity is a slave faith for Jews to have a vast army to protect the (((chosen people)))
Return to the Irish faiths of your ancestors. Dont rely on the harpings of a foreign desert Jew.

the Celts chose Christianity, it wasn't forced on them.

I have and I have also met JWs and discussed it with other people who think there's something good about what's in the bible. I don't think JWs are following the right message.

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read the bible from old to new, then delve into Ep of Gilgamesh, Egypt pharaoh Akhenaten & sun god Aten

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Whatever you do, don't read it in order. It's a really shitty thing to do if you're new, especially when you get to Leviticus which is a bunch of retarded rules for Jews. If you want to Start off with the OT, just do Genesis and Exodus. Then see how you feel.

I'm sorry. Was I talking about it being forced on anyone? or was I talking about giving your allegiance to the whims of a foreign faith over your own people?

This guy gets it.

What was the Jews collective sin?
Through “logic” “pil pul” pedanticism and other mechanism they had perveted the word of god so it “had no effect”

What does paul do? The same exact thing!

>You can do whatevs you want just like say his name yo!!!!!

The other apostles (and jesus) preached only to jews and still wanted to chop babys dicks and not associate with non jews and basically be jewish.

The “bible” isnt even for gentiles. Its literally just about a bunch of jews who think you should try to live the spirit of jewish law.

All the foregiveness and sacrafice and atonement and faith bullshit comes from the heretic Pharisee paul. LMAO

The Protestants got together and came out with a study Bible it was first published in the 60's. The Life Study Bible I believe is the title. Or The New Life Study Bible.
I'm a papist heretic even I liked it.
Everything is explained in detail and everything Jesus said is highlighted.

Start with the book of John. Or read the NT. The Old Covenant is the New Testament concealed. The New Testament is the Olt Testament revealed.

Salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. Not by righteous works. (turning from sin is works -Jonah 3:5)

The Jews have a veil over their eyes when they read the old testament. They reject the messiah.

>But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. 2 cor 3:14

Get a KJV (God's perfect English translation).

You can use other versions to help understand a passage you may stumble over in the KJV, but do so cautiously as they are corrupted.


try reading the original hebrew

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Mmm look at all those people on the left who died for Jews

Out of all the Catholics/Christians, they are the one relying the most on the Bible. A lot of Christians never read it as a whole, only listen to the priest. They actually try to have an understanding of the book. The Trinity sham is something I cannot get passed and every Christian group preaching that is just ignorant. Same goes for the celibacy of the priests that is clearly not something that is recommended, it's even "forbidden".

Their dedication is somewhat impressive, but they don't act like Christians or do a good job re-telling the good news. That's just my opinion. You don't have to agree with it.

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Read the book of John 1st, salvation is clearly explained. Then read the whole new testament. Then read the old testament with an understanding that it sets up the history of what transpired to make the new testament important.

There are a lot of reading plans. The Our Daily Bread plan will get you through the bible in a year. But I think that starting in the Old Testament without some knowledge of the concepts discussed within it can be confusing.

New Testament was written in Greek, dum dum.

This guy gets it.

So you know better than the Celtic Kings and their people about what they believed was best for their people. Do you know where they believed they came from ? Do you know anything about them other than muh pagans ? Do you know who Beli Mawr was and where they believed he came from ?

I never realized you had to like your slave chattel, and fodder army.

Ahem: ecklehagg shashkenaw lehoy Itzak
Matzoballs gloshkenacht chaunakua!

Dwell on the sermon on the mount, user. It is to be memorized and used as a constant source of wisdom.

>being Jewish is a religion

Look at this based Christian!

>The other apostles (and jesus) preached only to jews
to Isrealites and Judahites, not to Jews.. there is a HUGE distinction.

"They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"

See they are not Judahites (Tribe of Judah) or Isreal or Hebrews.

"We have NEVER been slaves."

Well youre a cocksure aint ya

Yeah that comes from studying this in depth for 30 years, padawan and having family documents going back 200+ years about it.

gotta learn Greek and Hebrew

>Jesus never existed
true, Jesus is an allegory for Caesar Vespasian to attempt to trick jews into praising Caesar

Roman law allowed you any gods, so long as you also worship the head of state as god

Isaiah said those who call on him will be saved. Jesus said just believe on him and you'll never perish. People try and twist both the words of Christ, the prophets and the apostles so they can trust in themselves rather than God.

Nothing new under the sun.

Osas and faith alone from Genesis to Revelation.

The demons hate this.

Yup>They wasnt Jewish acccchhhhhutttley their were twelve tribes and one tribe which was destroyed and two from Joseph cuz he had his technicolor dream coat!
>do you know who played his character in the 1970 musical spectacular! Nooo!!!! Ommmmmg your so dumb!!!!! Checkmate!!!!! Get on my level pleb!


Um, I'm gonna say... the Bible? You can read different translations and compare I guess. Make sure you read everything including the apocrypha, and also the pseudo-canonical books like Enoch and Jubilees.

there are two books, the old testament and the new testament

There's literally dozens of pseudographia and apocrypha books. Some of them honestly aren't worth reading.

LOL for a second I thought you were talking to me with your first reply because that's what KJV haters always say. "kjvs not true because I wanna be a pope over the Greek interpretations".

But you get it. The Bible consists of multiple languages. Do you think, when Jesus spoke Greek, the Jews were going "but if you look at the Hebrew..."

Isiah can mean whatever you want him too.

Next please site Davids mesianic writings.

Truth is basically the god of the old testament is a trickster god. None of the Jews were allowed to understand what christ said. In numerous places he syas shit they clearly dont get, but is “technically correct”

Basically he says straight lies and then says well if you dont get it; its because god doesnt talk to you!

Therefore hes always right and you have to interperet everything to prove he was right

See the problem? No matter what he says hes right. He can never be wrong. LMAO.

Enoch, Jasper and Jubilees are definitely worth reading.
Tobit and Macabees as well.

Join us on /christian/! Info in pic related! God bless!

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tbhwydesu the israelites were always shit at listening to God. they turned their backs on him even after he emancipated them, even after he died for their sins. they killed him, the blood of a god is on their hands, and they will reap the whirlwind.

It makes the OT funny though. It's like
>huh who would ever think of doing X even God smote people for doing that what's their problem anyway?


why should i give a fuck what some fallible humans said?

Read the book of John, it was the last Gospel written, and is an excellent summary of it all, it's also one of the most beautifully written books ever translated to the Kings English.

I started at the beginning. I finished 2nd Maccabees last night and began Job today. Tobit and Job are my favorites so far.

Corinthians, then Romans

did you read the part about how the Macabees were related to the Spartans ? Pretty cool eh ?

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Good recs but OP needs a foundational understanding of the creator, the created, the fall, and the origin and experiences of Jesus Christ before getting into the Pauline epistles.

Isnt that idol worship? I think jesus would prefer people to live like pagans did. With nature.

>y'all a bunch a jackasses u shud live like the fuckin pagans
-Jesus 1:3


I doubt it, they've gotten pretty far.


THEN READ THE BIBLE UNDERSTANDING THAT ITS OLD INTERPRETATIONS OF THE ABOVE. MARK OF THE BEAST ETC ITS ALL LEGIT. IN ADDITION AFTER READING ABOVE LINK READ THIS: The baby eating aliens have created a superintelligence which has taken over their universe. At the time of creating the superintelligence, the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics was not fully accepted and a few scientists held to their version of the Copenhagen interpretation.
When creating the superintelligence a values handshake was performed between the scientists and as a result the superintelligence has a stronger preference for baby eating in their own universe than in the rest of the multiverse; it isn’t 100% sure the rest of the multiverse exists.
This means that this superintelligence is unwilling to make a values handshake with the superentity which weighs everyone’s values evenly across the multiverse – the child eater superintelligence won’t accept the inevitable reduction in the child eating of their home universe just to make a slight increase in the multiverse-wide baby-eating tendencies.
Instead it will only perform value handshakes with similarly minded superintelligences which will accept babyeating whilst demanding things which the babyeater superintelligence is willing to give. This new superentity ends up including only those superintelligences for whom babyeating is an acceptable price to pay, who desire things which the babyeaters are happy to give, and who find this arrangement more appealing than the original superentity.
This superentity would want other intelligences to join it and would have similar (if lesser) powers to the original superentity. If you lived your life closer to its values then you would awake after your death in a baby-eater affiliated simulation, doomed to cycle through an eternity of being eaten as a baby and eating babies.
Thus hell and the devil.

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>Where do I start reading a book
Page 1

>dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat dude begat

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>promoting war and division, rejecting christ, being the very literal hands and arms of satan on earth
>"gotten pretty far"
I'd like them to go to hell where they belong.

It literally says

>Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the LORD your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Therefore the LORD your God has commanded you to observe the Sabbath day.

You forgot the part where Joephat was given 3.2 cubits of land between the river and a famous rock.

He was 100% right.

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>Where do I start with the Bible?

I'd Genesis and Exodus and then just a summary of the rest of the old testament. After Exodus its mainly just a mythologized history of the Jewish people.

Then read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Then Paul's letters.

Exodus is just John the Revelator's craziness and isn't worth your time.

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It's a book, it's supposed to be read from start to finish. Start with that. Then, if you want more you can start looking up different studies and interpretations to help you understand it if you feel like you need some guidance.

Get a copy of the Jerusalem Bible, or the Challoner revision of the Douay-Rheims, as these are two of the most accurate translations, while also retaining literary beauty (J.R.R Tolkien helped translate and write the Jerusalem Bible).

Then look up Bible reading plans, which will give you a list of verses to read each day, in order. I would recommend a 90-120 day reading plan as this will give you enough time to contemplate as you read.


check out this guy, he will be able to answer any of your questions about the bible hes an absolute expert, but you better be quick, he is literally dying

My parents had a Jeruslalem Bible. Something seemed a little bit off about it, but it was still a good read for a little child.

The Book of Romans for the overview of what God is doing through Jesus Christ.
Mark the oldest Gospel that talks about Jesus Christ.
Mathew Luke and John (in no particular order afterwards since they are telling the same story from different viewpoints and contexts)

The Book of Acts to see what happened after Jesus Christ.

The Book of Hebrews to see why Jesus Christ is the Deal from God that is superior to Judaism.

The rest is utility, interest, circumstance specific or for historical records.

read the gospel and burn the rest. the old testament is jewish propaganda, its books were selected for canonization with jewish input. literally materialist trash. jesus is Lord.

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What says that ? John 8:33 ?

"They answered him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never been slaves of anyone. How can you say that we shall be set free?"

Showing that Jesus was right about them and they were not the seed of Abraham.

wait you mean the jews were such assholes the egyptian army had to chase them out after they splattered blood all over the doorways?