>Mentally ill gets a new vagina.
>surgery has complication....
1:22 "you have the most beautiful vagina in the world"
2:16 "I am excited for Jazz to see her vagina"
5:28 "overnight my vagina suddenly changed"
>Mentally ill gets a new vagina.
>surgery has complication....
1:22 "you have the most beautiful vagina in the world"
2:16 "I am excited for Jazz to see her vagina"
5:28 "overnight my vagina suddenly changed"
Other urls found in this thread:
>1:22 "you have the most beautiful vagina in the world"
sickening. absolutely disturbing.
also, i notice how many times they call it "vagina" when it isn't
/tv/ said she was seeping shit into her lasagna pit, and went septic.
Poor guy never had a chance.
The Jews did this
the fuck. who would say something like that?
>Demented teen gets a mad science frankenpussy
I'm goad I don't have cable since this freak has it's own TV show celebrating this shit.
>I am a girl
Do these people use any logic? Does a guy who gets his dick and balls blown off in war magically become a girl too? An open wound were your penis used to be doesn't make you female
how do I get off this ride
Don't these bigots know that the term vagina is trans exclusionary and highly triggering? It's called a front hole now, for equality.
Mark my words, one day we will look back at gender "confirmation" surgery the same way that people see lobotomies today: A misguided and barbaric procedure.
fuck that was hard to watch.
this is why im canceling paid television.
TLC. Tranny Loses Cock?
This is the peak american culture of the 21st century btw, not Iphones, not the internet, not oil wars in the middle east but this, and people say america has no culture
Our society needs a reset. We're too far gone
>axe wound gets infected
>has to have multiple followup surgeries
>in constant pain for the next few years because lol dilation
How long until he kills himself?
I just cut my arm, but please don't call it a cut. It's a vagina!
Inb4 based Lychian poster.
the fact that this aired on cable television is truly disturbing. I just got hit with a serious blackpill. What the fuck. The way they are just casually talking about all this. We are all fucked. The jews won.
You are now on the arm arm spectrum, user.
This. I've been saying this for years. Lobotomies were pushed by "progressives." So was electro-shock therapy. So was eugenics.
>1:22 "you have the most beautiful vagina in the world"
I'd bet $50 he kills himself before his 21st birthday.
Jesus, those lips look like rubber.
This is why we need a big war every so often to cull the weak.
i would
I'll take just after 21, I feel the weak needs alcohol to go through with it. Put me down for $100
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
The end of the video is disgusting.
It's funny how when he got his "vagina" was international news, then the endless pain and suffering afterwards leaves him basically alone. The LGBTQ "community" is there only when you feel happy, otherwise they couldn't care less about your mental problems (on which they're also stocked up themselves), and will probably push you to suicide to get you to stop ruining their image and to crocodile cry some more over a trans death afterwards.
Yeah dude, I've been saying the same thing.
Poor kid was used since birth.
this is fucked up
lets cut perfectly fine organs out of someone because they are mentally ill and manipulated
Based and Lynchpilled.
>have open wound from cutting your dick off
>be surprised about the consequences
Because they're trying to push an agenda and everything that could possibly damage that agenda must be censored or ignored. You will come to find that most of the people who push the LGBT cause don't actually care about the "Victims" themselves, but they rather hate Cis people. It's the reason why they're pushing this degeneracy in the first place, to destabilize western civilization and the white people living in it.
Commies don't care about the poor, they hate the rich.
Liberals don't care about ethnic minorities, they the whites.
>perfectly fine
actually, his dick has been rendered mostly non-functional from years of hormone therapy.
>5:42 "i am shaking inside"
these people are bad at medical related issues. her whole body would shake, not just the inside.
Yep 100%. These people are mentally ill and need help but the left and these other lunatics feed into their mental illness feather than try to help them
Like literally feces or "shit" as in "stuff"?
>women getting vagina surgeries
>stop it ladies your meat flaps are perfect as they were
>jazz boy getting vagina surgery
>your vagina is the most beautiful in the world
Wtf Jews?
eugenics should be mandatory. culling of the weak so that the strong may flourish
also, if I knew you IRL, I'd actually keep my bets.
>my vagina
i wont believe he cut his pp off until I see pics...
>the jew mother did this
I'm so happy we got an update on Jazz. I was so concerned for her. Let is pray for those seven inches of depth.
i cant tell if this is real or bait. shit really is bad nowadays
6.5-7" good for someone 6'2"
lmao okay chinky boy
can you get your pp back if you change you mind in a couple of years
This is the shit our insurance pays for.
mother is sobbing because she knows what's coming.. in a year Jazz will be suicidal and regretting cutting off that tiny pecker and in few years after constant pus discharge requiring to change pads few times per day is when possibility of suicide becomes a reality.
don't these people read horror stories before doing this shit?
Probably bacteria colonies that managed to seep into the wound or the doctor didn't have enough time to thoroughly clean the rectum. Either way, he's got to deal with an unpleasant odor and constant infections for a good solid 5months.
try an exit bag
Was "she" active duty?
it's better than carving a 7 inch deep hole
but yeah you are right
>good solid 5months
Then he dies?
Literal feces. I read one of the botched stories once and it had the same problem, poop coming out of the “vagina”. It’s like a hole tears between the colon and hole or something can’t remember but Jazz’s gaping wound is made out of her colon.
your vagina looks
That, and dysphorias are never resolved by adjusting the body itself. You could liposuction all the fat out of an anorexic and they would still think they were fat, that's how the disease works: it's in your head.
So, after neutering themselves and mutilating their bodies, the reason so many people who transition still commit suicide is that the mental image problem was never going to be fixed by any amount of cosmetic surgery.
I'm putting 10 on no, not yet.
He's got an entire show behind him and a team of therapist.
When the show gets canceled or the license isn't renewed. Then the clock will stop ticking.
Jazz is stunning and brave.
Any doctor who does this shit should be banned from medicine and prosecuted.
Why are so many of these genital mutilating "surgeons" gooks?
>3:12 It looks really good! Like a cis gender vagina.
>3:15 Annnnnnd now I've got to dilate... This is the hard part now.
HAHAHAHAHA HAHA HA! They actually brought it up on TV! I Can't wait till dilation becomes a household word. Need to start referring to trannies as dilaters
>get no pussy because not trying
>get no dick for same reason
>literally get a pussy because jews said it would help
>post op no one will ever fuck you no matter how hard you try -- lose ability to feel orgasm so can't get yourself off -- go sterile so no chance of future generation doing better
the reason why they kill themselves isn't some abstract psychoanalytical bullshit you kike nigger
pain, then regret, more surgeries, depression, tv show gets canceled bacause it's starting to redpill people, suicide
i give it to the end of this season and then half a year till he offs himself
and then they'll blame it on transphobia
>higher % of suicides than people working to death in siberian camps after their whole family has been shoot.
>not mental illness
Jesus is our only hope.
RobinHooding: When a male with a penis penetrates a transgender males "vagina"(split penis).
ex.-John robin hooded nancy last night.
>explaining dilation and using the term vagina in the same sentence.
>acts like it's a normal thing for girls
it's not and you're not a girl.
should've gone for that nose job first
literally this.
You have to thank mr skeltal...until you die faggot
based Lynchian poster
We can only hope
Excellent and spot on observations.
so this guy is finally dead?
>rotten shitkin pussy
wow this changes everything for me. Just like ever celebrity before hers, my life will never be the same. Wow
anorexia and gender dysphoria is an expression of self-hatred. I think their best treatment would be a slap to the face. misunderstood compassion only affirms their delusions
I was hoping Omar Mateen would make a guest appearance during the operation.
this is horrifying. poor person.
Get dressed, the spore drive needs maintenance.
>The LGBTQ "community" is there only when you feel happy, otherwise they couldn't care less
This is objectively wrong. They're only there to make THEMSELVES feel happy and farm goybook likes. They don't give a shit about anyone else and will abandon the needy in a heartbeat.
Does anyone else feel pain in there dick just from watching this shit?
fuck niggers spics and jews
my female penis feels pain
this is deeply disturbing. my dick hurts now thinking about it.
Gotta make sure the golem are ugly so they know their place. If golem is always hiding in the shadows because he is ugly and worthless then you can take his gold before god between two towers under the all seeing eye.
Bilbo Baggins was definetly a masonic talmudic jew.
So what happened to Jaz after he got the second correction surgery?
somehow touching a tiny hormone shriveled penis is way less disgusting than touching these open-wound frankenstein venus dick traps. It's very ghoulish.
Don't they have to dilate their fake vagina every fucking day forever, or it will close up because it's a fucking wound and wants to heal?