>Yeah my girlfriend dated and slept with a couple of guys before me so what
Yeah my girlfriend dated and slept with a couple of guys before me so what
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a cuck, that's what.
>being this insecure about women
It's probably not a big deal if your gf had sex with other guys before you but at the same time no guys like the idea and nothing that feminists say will ever change that.
This is common sense and if you disagree with me you're a turbo-cuck or a turbo-virgin rather than an intellectual radical cuck-virgin centrist like me.
There, I made everyone mad at me.
Imagine using an already used fleshlight. One that had been cum in hundreds of times by 5 different guys. Even if it had been washed, that's fucking gross.
No hymen
No diamond
Yeah, so what?
god forbid.
what's wrong with being insecure? why is it that the only people who care about looking insecure are liberals?
right wingers feel more disgust, and insecurity is often intertwined with disgust.
nah, you're sensible.
better than being a virgin incel and women with multiple sexual partners are much experienced at sex and are much more hotter.
My wife dated one guy before she met me at the end of high school. He once tried to force her to suck his cock and she ended up clocking him. 18 years together this year. I've fucked and tongued every hole.
>what's wrong with being insecure?
Just boldly asking this question shows remarkable security, user. Actual insecurity is wrong because it's weak.
Hey dude thats no problem for me since it‘s YOUR girlfriend. I however think that women who sleep with a lot of guys show that they are unable for long term commitments and will always see their current partner as replaceable which is in my opinion not good fir a healthy long term relationship. but jedem das seine
>thinking with your dick
Good good goyim.
>don't date, fellow white people!!!!
gas yourselves, rat kike shills
>slept with 9 different women
>think thats a lot
>meet a qt pie
>"How many people have you slept with qt"
>"20 guys"
and I thought I was trash
Cuck you will never be her first
yeah how does Astrid feel, after Machmud had her, Sven?
it just means women is not your property and is free to leave you if you are unable to please her.
He's enjoying her tonight as you seethe, incel.
are you saying women who had multiple sexual partners don't have good personality?
you are just a bitter incel who will never get a women and now you cope by saying that oh I only want a untouched women.
All this proves is the pressure on men to be charismatic is greater than the pressure on women to be chaste.
But the fact is that unchaste women and involuntarily celibate men are BOTH undesirable. Even so, a good looking woman who's kept other men out of her pants is way more rare and valuable than a guy that's fucked other women, which is standard issue.
Virgin or death.
are you a racist? what does arabs have to do with our conversation?
>t. virgil the virgin
Good luck with that.
holy shit you type like a retarded woman
Nothing wrong with some experience, assuming she used protection (if you ask).
lmfao I was her first everything, dipshit. what a shit reply. must be all that pent up inceldom. go shoot some people and get it out.
It sucks especially if the girl has been with black guys.
My small white penis will never be able to satisfy her as good as they did.
and you type like a sexist retard.
>been with >40 women
>recently tell a fwb I won’t date her cause she’s had 3 boyfriends that she slept with
Her look of incredulity was delicious
>it just means women is not your property
I never clamied that they were
>and is free to leave you if you are unable to please her.
True. However I think that sex shouldnt be something where you have to prove something, you understand? I want sex to be something where I „make love“ to another woman and not show her how hard and long I can pound her without cumming, how great I can eat her out, how well my finger game is.
And thats something that I never felt/had in the three relationships I had (20yo guy here)
>are you racist
>are you racist
ITT: seething incels, how does it feel that its more acceptable to be gay then a whiney bitch that only sees other people for a hole to fuck?
I Am the Voice of the Anons REEEEEing out in the wilderness. I Say to you Comped Mods and Shills... LET MY PEOPLE GO!!! if you harm this post or fail to unban the anons , God will send 7 plagues to the entire Shill, Janny and Mod team... LET MY PEOPLE GO GOOKMOOT!
>Philosophy of hating Men Gillette breakdown
>Are you an Anti-establishment Accelerationist, RACISM DEBUNKED
>college educated women ARE THE PROBLEM
>Cyberpunk dystopian future prophecy warning
>100th monkey effect are you the ONE to change the world
>Jewish rub columbian NXIVM pedo cult first to cover it
>eternal memetics esoteric meme symbolism
>David IckeWave, music video
>proof of pizzagate history of symbolism
>AI and the pedo elite-tech pizza
>JONESWAVE vengeful gestalt
>Jow Forums and the Nature of CHAOTIC-GOOD
Problem is that she now has dna from other guys that will mix into my future child
Kill yourself discord tranny
At least I can sleep knowing I never tasted another mans cum and never will
I think insecurity is a mechanism for the opposite. It is a willingness to change your surroundings and take on a standard for/ others in spite of extortion.
user really. I'm a very good driver, I've owned a number of cars, and Im experienced with different sizes and where all the different buttons are and how to get the most pleasure out of them. If I were to be offered a brand new car, or one that has had 10 previous owners, which do you think I would pick?
>met gf when I was 17, she was 16
>lost virginity to each other shortly after
>have sex in the back of my car on Friday nights
>Start talking like we're going to get married
>Go to college
>Stop caring
>Drinking or drugs every single night
>Ended up breaking up 6 months ago cus she 'didnt like me drinking'
>Found out she fucked another guy after getting blackout drunk right after we broke up
>Refuse to talk to her since
>This wasnt how life was supposed to turn pol.
Enlightened post.
Maybe you shouldn't have been a nigger.
Okay? Wouldn't bother me if you had. Debasement comes from within, not without.
Not sure I understand you. Insecurity is a willingness to change your surroundings and take up a standard? I think of insecurity as a sense of embarrassment about things relating to oneself.
So date only virgins?
You have Aids...sorry fren...
College/Uni effect,
Same thing happened to me except it was "I just feel like I haven't experienced life"
Which translates to "I have to be a whore for awhile before I settle down"
2d women may be able to get my dick up when properly drawn. But theyll never get my dick wet.
Look, everyone goes through this from about 16 to 24. Its a rough 8 years but youll come out of it married or a true player. Theres a reason every civilization in history had free for alls on conquered women and untouchables. It just didnt work here.
>using feminist psychological terms to insult men
3D women won't get my dick wet either, faggot.
You're both wrong. If a woman has been with a lot of men it's because she's been baited into relationships out of pure and noble trust, only to be pumped and dumped.
There are sluts too but I don't think this alternative situation is given enough attention on Jow Forums.
Women date inferior men because they haven't been guided properly in life. That's what "daddy issues" means.
And those men are inferior because the culture hasn't had a handle on womanizing since the 19th century when that word was still a pejorative. They also hear that it's better to be drunk and violent.
This, and they hear constantly that girls wanting to be girly and go shopping is a problem and that "it's so hawt when a chick can change a tire hurrrrr".
So what happens when girls stop wanting femininity? They want to be like men. And what are men? Womanizers and drunks.
So they act "bisexual" or they sleep around with loads of men and get rugged manly tattoos and get turned on by choking.
And when they don't? When they see there's a problem, and start being feminists, without the guidance of rational men? They miss the point entirely, and go on letting their pit hair grow out while demanding men chop their cocks off. And the men oblige, for more sex and attention.
Our whole society is out of fucking wack because being a gentleman is seen as white knighty and cringy. The principle has been completely wrecked.
I'd rather have a Lamborghini with 10 previous owners than a brand new Kia.
>18 years of making her my cheap whore
I think he's saying that thinking with your cock is bad.
>hurr date slutty women because they've practiced fucking more and they can fuck your penis better
Whatever women gain from being slutty is a huge tradeoff.
>not wanting an asian cutie
I have to announce I'm a femanon because it's relevant to this. If you have questions to the female perspective on this I'm open. I can't for the life of me understand why guys are ok with this. Girls hate it. Even slutty girls will cry and sob that their boyfriend fucked his ex girlfriend. I've had to hug and pat on the head girls who were crying for weeks about it. And these girls weren't even virgin either. Imagine how sad a traditional girl would feel. It would be so painful. Don't do that to her. Be a virgin for her. Please. But back to what I was saying... Imagine if a man has literally cummed in your girl's pussy. How are you not driven insane with sadness. The only way I can imagine understanding how a guy wouldn't care is if he simply doesn't like the girl that much. I've seen plenty of people have a "crush" on someone - like a celebrity or a person they knew - and they didn't even care that they had a bf/gf at the TIME. Imagine all those girls who obsess over justin bieber. They don't care he's married. They didn't care years ago either. They're not jealous. They're just down for justin bieber, they don't care. Because they're not actually in love with him of course. So they don't mind he put his dick in other girls. If you don't need your husband or wife to be a virgin, you just don't like them that much. Simple. You're infatuated just like bieber fangirls. If you loved someone you'd want to share that part of life with only them.
>become a nigger by taking drugs and alcohol
>break up with your girlfriend
>complain that she has sex with other guys now
I said multiple partners like 2-4 before me not a prostitute.
>he likes his women ROASTY TOASTY
any person who chooses to have sex with ten people is not a lamborghini
I stopped reading
because I observe the world around me, I studied history (and law) and draw conclusions from this.
it was bait anyway
Take the number she offered and cube it. She has discounted anal, facials, hand jobs, blowjobs not to completion and anything else as "not sleeping with".
Did you not notice that you were on Jow Forums, this is a board for multiracial white supremacy
what does "insecure" even mean? i've never figured that out. you're insecure because you don't want the person you love having sex with other people? what does that mean? honestly?
>Get a virgin girl
>omg ur a pedo
Get this: the person you love had a life before they loved you and to shy away from reality is to be "not-secure" in it.
She is impure and will always lust for another mans dick.
Are you racist to all races?
I know but it was really relevant, and basically all the insults people use are geared towards men so I want honest discussion not insults
what? that's not how the term bait is used.
and you still answered to my post, Sven >201916487
women shouldn't have sex outside of marriage
>being a beta male
Haha, I know right, can't understand how stupid betas can be to think like this.
My girlfriend was a pure virgin before she met me, told me so herself. Although she rides horses so she didn't have a hymen the first time we slept together but that's okay.
ooh that's all it means? so if you don't want something bad to happen you are "not secure" in the bad thing happening? that applies to anything then. like i'm insecure about it being cold outside.
and it's the same life. there is no "life before." she has one life.
Because "a couple" actually means "a couple hundred". Women today are absolute skanks.
>I've had to hug and pat girls on the head
neither should men
>are you racist to all races
What is that supposed to mean?
men are men, women however carry children therefore shouldn't have sex
No one should. 'tis a sin.
Yes it is, sir.
"To happen" = future tense
Nobody wants their GF "to fuck" a guy
But if their GF "has fucked" a guy before they ever met,
Yeah strong people can be secure in that knowledge and not fall to pieces.
I suppose linear time is to a mystery to some.
haha but it's sad though
you hate every other race that is non white?
>I think of insecurity as a sense of embarrassment about things relating to oneself.
Then the three of us are using different words.
My definition for insecurity is: that feeling of a lack of security in your current situation.
In itself it means nothing, what you do with it makes you "strong" or "weak".
If you're insecure about being fat, the strong thing to do is to work to stop being fat. The weak options are...anything else. Saying it's impossible or unfair to change, bringing down everyone else less fat than you, or even just ignoring it altogether.
You can let everyone else live their lives without criticism but it makes no difference. You feel insecure about something, and you're not taking action out of self-consciousness for being recognized as being insecure.
There is no reason for that.
If you haven't bagged over ten or more ladies then yeah, you're a cuck.
Yet another goddamn non-political thread. Where are you goddamn niggers coming from this time?
it means that you're not confident and overly defensive because someone has had sex before they had sex with you.
In context I find it more pathetic than sad. Not that it means much coming from me.