Coonman moonwalking would have been fantastic meme material. Just make a gif/webm captioned "all the niggers or dead" or "tfw killing babies" and spam it everywhere.
He got a MeToo'd which means he was a valid candidate to run a US department properly.
Brayden Adams
>Gillespie's campaign astute enough to run a splitter candidate in the primary, a guy from the Virginia Beach area (where Trump had lots of support and which won the state for him in the 2016 presidential primary) >correctly saw that he was in danger of losing to Corey Stewart >Gillespie's campaign somehow unable to thumb through Northam's old yearbook
maybe Trump knows something? towards the end it really seems like Gillespie was throwing the race at any rate it is good to be thinking "Man the VA GOP sucks and Gillespie really let us down." then see the president of the US tweet it out minutes later
Sandniggers and their ethnic headdresses, can't believe Fox put Bin Shapir on tv while wearing his. That's event horizon, how the fuck do you come back from that?
John Collins
it would be nicer to see no DNC/RNC. and just see regular americans running for office independently to remove incumbents. that's what's up.
Christopher Perez
Reminder to all neets: if the Dems get their way with "super late term abortion" your parents can abort you and save money thanks to not buying tendies.
Grayson Sanchez
>muh jidf yes we totally care what you think about Israel and want to control the minds of you silly little goyim
>northam ran his campaign on shitting on Trump >now Trump goes in for the kill
Hopefully Trump getting involved causes the #RESISTERS to fall in line behind Northam so that fucking cucked retard stays in the governor's mansion through the next year. Tired of liberals and ex-milfag "libertarians" fucking up my state, we need a fucking backlash.
>if you tell the goys and they don't rise up and murder you, you didn't do anything wrong! Yeah, guess what happens as more people realize that irony doesn't shield you
I wish I could convince the boomer wing of republican party to shut up about abortion and just let them talk...
Jaxson Davis
Honestly it makes you think about what blatant traitors Dems are
>hurr we was Confederate flag waving pro-white assholes in the 1990s >but now that that niggers vote we decided we've gotta pozz America with as many shitskins as possible to destroy the country in order to hold onto power, which is ironically part of the reason whites feel alienated by us
Add Mitch "Stay in Syria" McConnell to that list of cucks who were proud to fly the stars and bars 20 years ago but now pretend he was always a liberal and kentucky is california and you've got yourself a big room full of anti-white traitors who know exactly what they're doing but don't care as long as Schlomo and the Cock Bros pay them money.
Hope Democrats don't want any of the self-hating whites or blacks in general to vote. White males are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2004
William Sullivan Reminder that the US and Brazil are both massive, life-critical sources of food for China, and that nobody else even comes close to having enough capacity to provide for all the bugpeople. Trump recognizes this and is using it in the trade talks.
I'm just showing you that your priorities are out of place. Just like Israel's would be if it spent millions of dollars trying to influence what neckbeards on Jow Forums think about Israel rather than improving our military
Noah Adams
can you imagine the russian gangster accusations lol
Jack Scott
As much as it hurts; there's no back, only forwards senpai. The only backwards you get is memory and nostalgia.
Are Jews over there mostly as annoying as the ones here? Like once Bibi and his military/intel bros lose to a leftist, is Israel going to become just as gay as America/Europe?
Dylan King
Trump would just tweet all those creepy Biden pics
Nolan Brooks
I get 5 (You)s just because my flag no matter what I say. I have good reason to be here
Trump just actually called him a liar more than anything else, what was very smart by him. He didn't call him a racist or what ever. He more or less used Mueller's tactic of process crimes. If COONMAN had not made hist statement today, what was a lie between, Trump probably would not have said anything. But now Trump can focus exclusively on the fact the the faggot lied claiming he was not either of them in the yearbook. This is a much smarter strategy if you think about it!
uh wait a sec here... are you suggesting they couldn't see this during the last mid-terms? Why are they suddenly going to wake up and get out to vote now? Democrat crazy has been on full display for a long , long time ...
yeah I had an Israeli try to "redpill" me once back in college. It was a very amusing experience, but I kind of assumed he was an outlier (read: autist)
John Lewis
>mfw even socialist Democrats are even turning on you guys now
That bodes well for Joni Ernst’s re-election chances too.
Caleb Young
It's tacit admission that Mueller failed and that Trump will survive to stand for reelection, so they have to give at least a shred of hope to the resistards by poll flogging.
>Coonman car seats >with a big fucking spike to euthanize the baby in case of a crash
Connor Watson
Technically like 1 year and 9 months until election day but yeah i hope you like polls
Cameron Wilson
Remember the Pickup Truck ad
Juan Diaz
>Be JIDF >Have to work on Saturday night to shill >Get paid in (YOU)s only >Literally doing it for free
Brody Richardson
I'd kek unironically.
Nolan Butler
>in case of a crash >not at ignition
Blake Wilson
Come on, Mister President, leave Governor Coonman alone. He doesn't need more people piling on him right now and he serves Republican interests if he resists the calls to resign.
Lincoln Ross
It's Sunday morning in Israel. They won't make shills work on Shabbat.
Gabriel James
>the seatbelt is just a cord you tie around the babies neck.
Cooper Stewart
The whole point of Northam's yearbook photo was to make everyone focus on how "Northam was in this racist photo, how horrible" and conveniently forget that he defended post-birth abortions.
In one tweet, Trump reminded everyone that those comments existed and ruined the DNC's plan.