we work our asses off in higher education, work hard at our jobs, save and invest our money. lets compare that to white men:
white men: >ignore university and higher education >get shitty trade jobs because they are risk averse and don't care about investing in their future >get the minimum necessary income to afford a modest lifestyle >waste time on pointless hobbies like video games or watching niggers play handegg >never invest in real investments like stocks and real estate. instead they invest in bullshit like cars and crypto. >get in a shitload of debt with (((VISA))) and (((mastercard))) >marry borderline retarded white women who fuck niggers and are terrible mothers just because they have blue eyes and nice tits. >raise one or two stupid useless white children and hamper them even further with (((christianity)))
then the cycle repeats itself and the next generation of whites are even dumber and more pathetic than the last. i give it 80 years tops and the white race will be virtually extinct. once whites are out of the way asians can begin cleansing this planet of black and brown filth. I cant wait...
>my friends >much drink warm water >eat green vegetable >hard study differential equation work >do not allow bn criminal steal dance music
Eli Anderson
I've seen this thread before
Brayden Russell
Yet you cannot innovate
You are bug people Essentially replicants
You lack the spark that can innovate the world
If you do eventually claim the earth if we die out.
You will destroy the earth and lack the skills to leave it and you will die in a poison atmosphere and a barren earth save a carpet of poorly made apartment complexes.
When you finally lose access to our brilliance and innovation you will collapse into yourself like a neutron star of incompetence
Nathan Powell
Oh look stale bait pasta.
Jayden Cooper
Where are the non fiction books?
Also remember that great asian inventor? Ah... what was his name? He invented that technological breakthrough that changed modern life?
Nathan Bell
This isn't really true though, asians are probably not as creative as whites, slightly less penchant for abstraction. But Japan is reasonably innovative, and science is mostly just trial and error these days, we don't really need creative genuises any more. Asians will dominate the earth, esp with high IQ
Gavin Richardson
Okay Muhammad
Cooper Parker
Actually bugman they just copy existing technology and try to make it more efficient. Asians are bugs.
Joshua Ross
>we Anyone can larp if you have a nice image. Now, as members of this glorious board, how about we meet up sometime to plan out the Race War?
bots post the same threads on Jow Forums, over and over -- hundreds and hundreds of times over the span of months or years. Then they datamine the responses to improve their algorithms and prioritize which threads & comments they need to use humans to respond to, maximizing their shilling efficiency.
imagine being so desperate and evil
Michael Carter
I fucked your mom
Wyatt Jackson
based on that eragon book behind you I estimate your height at 5'4"
Chase Peterson
White man here. What you say is true. Some white community’s have what it takes, but most don’t.
I am a big fan of Chinese Medicine, because it works. I have literally fixed many chronic issues with it.
I pray that the Chinese will save Australia from Africans and Muslims, which will destroy the place.
Brandon Nelson
There's no reason for white's and Asians to quarrel, and what quarreling I see is usually over manufactured bullcrap, like this threat.
>marry borderline retarded women I thought you guys were annoyed when we marry your women?
Luke Thomas
>shelves full of books written by white men
Mason Rogers
Ultimate problem is, you Asians have down syndrome faces. Nobody cares about your hard work.Beauty is ALL that really matters in the universe ;)