You may not think this is political but gender relations is a huge part of the political climate today especially in the west and lots of us here come from broken/fatherless homes and have only a fuzzy idea of proper decorum regarding the opposite sex
When, if ever, is it okay to hit a woman?
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Most likely in self-defense if she physically attacks you first. Some video capture would be handy for evidence, as well.
Its only okay if the woman is seriously massive, unhinged, and throwing haymakers with the intent to seriously harm you. This woman must be so massive that you cant simply just throw her to the ground or restrain her.
>self defense when she threatens your life either because youre a weak fag or she has a lethal weapon
pretty much all I can think of that isn't too extreme, hitting a woman when its not self defense is asking for legal and financial ruin, even if its your wife who cheated on you
What if it’s a petite lass but she has a knife?
what is the proper way to deal with an unfaithful wife?
Never. If you are no a S O y boy, you are physically built different and should act accordingly. Only niggers and Mexicans beat there women. A real man has complete control of the situation because he commands it.
This. When she comes at you with the knife or frying pan. Then you placidly serve out your prison term because you held back on her and got a traumatic brain injury.
When it makes me pp hard
During sex.
When the bitch thinks she knows better.
Right now.
When, as a man, you deem it necessary. Letting others dictate when, how and why is feminine as fuck.
It's okay to hit them when they need to be hit.
Good luck, faganon
when a woman is acting completely hysterical and words alone won't restore peace.
>Its only okay if the woman is seriously massive, unhinged, and throwing haymakers with the intent to seriously harm you. This woman must be so massive that you cant simply just throw her to the ground or restrain her.
I don't think men would have thought like this 100 years ago.
I think back then women didn't raise a hand to you and that was why you didn't raise a hand to them.
If they had to deal with the violent freaks that exist today I think they would have put them in the hospital.
By the way: you "just restrain her" guys know that shit isn't going to fly in court, right? You can't just walk up and grapple a dude in the street: that would be treated the same or worse than if you popped him one.
The same is going to be true if you have to grapple a woman for some reason.
She slaps your woman's ass
What would you do?
Anytime she steps out of line.
Attempting to restrain a hysterical woman doesn't help.
Seriously the only thing that helps calm them down is a hard slap or light punch to the face.
I've done it involuntarily on two occasions when I was dealing with an irrational girlfriend in a state of hysteria. Both times they INSTANTLY calmed down the moment I hit them.
Nigger women don't exist, so hitting a long haired nig is always ok
Same times it's ok to hit a man
I know of a guy that has it sorted out. His marriage has agreed upon domestic discipline. If his wife doesn't do her job she gets spanked.
Swift kick try not to bruise her arms or face.
When she's being a bitch I just trash the house and force her to clean it up.
That would traumatize kids if you had them. Maybe you could involve the kids in it.
>Mum is being a cunt, kids, time to smash this shit!
when she physically assaults you. use as much force as necessary to stop the assault but only what is necessary
When she's late with dinner, talks back, bad attitude, spends money foolishly, drinks during the day...the regular stuff...
I'm not trying to say that hitting women is good. It's not.
But there are occasions when it's both appropriate and effective.
Sean Connery was right.
>It's never ok to hit a woman.
But if she deserves to be bitchslapped, and sometimes they do, punishment must be adequate.
>Self defense
Da fuck kinda pussy are you? Black girls in your neighborhood Jamal?
Lol, wifey gave me the idea by trashing the house when she was chimping out. You don't even have to break anything, just flip shit over, trash the whole place. One time wifey was trying to kick me, so I tore all the blankets off the bed, pushed the mattress off turned over a bunch of containers, emptied the dirty clothes hamper onto the bed, tossed all the clean clothes out of the dressers and tסld her never to try to get violent with me again and clean it the fuck up.
She cleaned it the fuck up.
>When, if ever, is it okay to hit a woman?
Whenever they misbehave. If you've told them not to do something more than twice and she still isn't listening then it's okay to hit her. But only openhanded, mind you, not with a closed fist.
Wednesday and Saturday
With a stick no thicker than your thumb, huh mate?
> Top Savage
when she won't shut her goddamn mouth
Women, especially non-white women, are living punching bags.
kick her out of the house. if you don't then your just being cucked by another man.
When she speaks without asking for a man's permission. What kind of cuck question is that? No wonder why all withe*Ids are getting cucked.
Had myself some Latina pussy, and one needed to be put in her place badly.
Slapped her, and fucked her in the ass hard after as punishment.
dont let it happen in the first place. You be the unfaithful one and fuck her hot friend. Then kick her out of the house. If she walks in on you fucking her friend, dont apologize
>When is it okay to hit a women?
If you don't know her and she attacks you or your GF.
Hitting a women that you know or that is in your life just shouldn't happen because it means you're beta af if you allow a women to get to you that much.
If she attacks you then you do not have the correct man-women dynamic established with her.
If she attacks you because you cheated on her then you should just restrain her.
If she comes at you with a weapon then she's crazy, you fucked up getting in a relationship with a crazy bitch but sure beat her ass in this scenario.
when you give her the last word, and its still not enough, then, you might have to give her a schlap
wait what
whenever you feel like it
If there is something like actual self-defense that might justify hitting a woman, you have already failed as a man.
Women want to be lead by men. Just make it clear what you want, listen to her, think about it, communicate back to her, and treat her with respect. If you do that, a woman is probably not going to attack you.