Why are western women going to Africa for sex?

Why are western women going to Africa for sex?

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Why do progressive white men have such an obsession with cuckspam?

White women? Because white feminists can't even go without locking their car and clutching their purse while driving through a black neighborhood.

Do you have a girlfriend?

because african men know how to please women. they are much more masculine and much more hotter. I think that every african man should have sex with a white women atleast once in his life,Maybe then we can pay for the crimes our ancesters did in past.

Ask your mom

...they... arent?

nobody goes to africa, user

They haven't been warned of AIDS??

the answer is and always will be


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I would take this with a grain of salt but you being Swedish I have a feeling this is what you really believe? And ancestors? You mean the Vikings? Cause I see the irony right there, going from Vikings with boats blah blah blah to being conquered by Somalians. #mälm

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African manwhores have no self respect and will do literally anything, since their standard of life is actually dependent on pleasing obese middle aged office ladies richer that they will ever be.

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Everyone thinking that Swedenistans are the descendant of vikings is damn naive. The reason why the Vikings went on their conquest in the first place is because their land was an unripe shithole. Every damn reasonable Viking went to fuck up England and France.

Another “Nordic” example of a man always having this blacked thing. Why are you cross flag people all the same.

You are right.

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I can assure you that Netherlands would be popular female sex vacation spot if women traveling there would be surrounded by teenage boys and 20-something male prostitutes giving their company for cheap right from the airport. But your boys and men don't, as they don't anywhere in the west.

What about Afghan men, can you support that too?

Gross, Afgani,indian and other south asian men are bottom tier trash.

We need either more boy-ish men as prostitutes or not give a fuck about 200 million plus burnt out western women. who the fuck cares Jari. Stop being so worried about things that the grown up western countries have been dealing with for generations. Just feel sad that you guys literally get the shit tier Indians, Afghans, and the whole Zulu Somali nation as guests.

They’ll fuck anything over there. I’m not mad at them. If you saw what these women look like 95% of the time you wouldn’t be mad either.