>atheist liberal kike fag dresses up as Jesus & mocks Him
*Fast forward 2 weeks
>proceeds to get divorced
>proceeds to lose all belongings to wife
>proceeds to get accused of sexual misconduct
>proceeds to lose custody of kids
>proceeds to be stuck with alimony without even seeing his kids for the rest of his life

Dont fuck with Jesus

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Other urls found in this thread:


I didnt mind his original video but is AMA and this one just make me want to support the wife

atheists BTFO

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>family courts are corrupt therefore don't be an atheist or something?
You mean don't be a man, right? That's the true meaning of your post.

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Does no one else think it's weird that the bible Jesus was raised by a cuck?

fuck off kike

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Christians themselves mocked Joseph for it.

Weird? It's perfectly appropriate for a Jew slave religion

Interesting how none of these people quoted were involved in the story or creation of the bible, really makes you think.

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I'm sure if he were a real Christian then somehow California divorce courts would magically stop being corrupt as fuck and openly anti-male.

I feel like something is off about him. I watched the first video and thought, wow this sure does sound like some huge internet scam trying to get more money due to fiver kicking him off. And then I also think he may be some psycho who is a schizo rapist abuser behind the camera. I mean... its the fucking internet and these fags believe this guy because he larps as jesus on youtube?!

Joseph was such an alpha that he was chosen by God to raise Jesus as his son

He grew up in some kind of cult apparently, so it would explain why he has a couple screws just a bit loose

>Dude Tyrone picked my wife to impregnate I feel like such an alpha male
we're reaching mental gymnastic levels that shouldn't even be possible

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sure thing shlomo

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No, he SAID he was part of some cult that doesnt mean its true. For all we know he is a larping piece of trash.

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>Norway user spends his time worshipping a desert kike idol
>user never got married to begin with
>Has no real amount of wealth a woman would ever want
>Never had children regardless

Ah yes, the kike kebab must be behind this.

And now he has been humbled and relies on the good graces of the people he mocked.

Reminder that anti-memeflag sentiment is a boomer meme created so that literally any flag can be deflected to in place of an actual argument. If you can't be a big boy and defend your beliefs go back to lurking for a couple more years.
Absolutely, he's some cali-cuck so I have no reason to believe hes a good person

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reminder that memeflags AND tripfags get the rope

>t. Literal reddit fag pagan larper


Thank you for proving my point

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Exactly, if I see some reddit tier trash on YouTube e-begging I just say fuck em. I dont know the dude personally, and his videos are completely trash. Totally unfunny greenscreen shit for those wACKKYYY CraZZY EddDGGY VIDEOs.

The dude should fight this battle on his own, like a real man. He chose his partner and now he will suffer his bad choices to create a child with a rabid cunt--- oh course if she actually is one because we dont know

Joseph wasnt a cuck, as he was married before Mary, he even had a son called James which was the half brother of Jesus. God gave Joseph, Mary who gave birth to Jesus through virgin birth (no sexual intercourse was involved) after josephs wife died. Joseph technically isn't a cuck.

Moreover, I could be persuaded to join his cause if he had some record of criticizing the corrupt family court system that routinely kidnaps children, but he doesn't as far as I know.

Oh man it's happening to me now it's a big problem :(( pls help

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exactly. fucking top kek

>posted april first, 2018

you christcucks are the worst.

This. Joseph was chosen by our Lord for something incredible. Who do you think taught Jesus how to be a good carpenter? I'm sure Jesus probably tried to make his dad proud his entire life, and he went to the cross knowing that he was dying to deliver his dad, who loved him in a near-perfect way.

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How’s the weather in Jerusalem, rabbi?

If he uploads video and audio evidence of his claims, but I still wouldn't touch it. Helping financially and fighting a battle for a larper dude you dont even know on the internet seems retarded to me

He chose this path, and now this larping atheist piece of shit will rot with it

if conspiring with the government to extort using something that was meant to PROTECT children doesn't justify murder

nothing does

the term 'cuck' comes from the cuckoo bird who lays their eggs in another birds nest to trick them into raising their own.
Raising another man's (or God's) child is pretty much as cuck as it gets desu
hate to interrupt your little circlejerk but what in hell's name makes you think this edgy 2008 tier atheist has a Christian audience?

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Mess with Christ, pay the price.

I knew about him losing his kids, but 0 visitation rights and sexual misconduct? ouch

>if argument == nil then
>run jewccuse.exe

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Great news.
Fuck this guy.

his name is literally Jesus
he was Born into a Cult
now hes trying to get out and they want to keep his family
Praise Kek and Praise Pewds you guys are Heathens

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>some random nog is the same as god


>Truly I say to you, all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin - Mark 3:28
Blasphemers BTFO. This is now a Christian thread.

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This is the main problem I have with you religious types, you think just because this guy claims to have power and calls himself God that it's reason enough to give up your liberty and even knock up your wife.

Fucking be a man, as if I would let some skyjew push me around willingly

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>cancer kids

even let him knock up*

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you ain’t kidding brother.

Absolutely incredible. I never knew of this man until now. Definitely have to check him out.

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ayy lmao

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And to the idiots that watch poodiepie, he is endorsing this fake jesus telling people to donate money to him. Unsub. Poopiepie's not funny anyway and definitely a reprobate fag. Inb4 gf, hes bi.


He changed his name to Jesus. It costs like 10 bucks to do at records.

Mormonism isnt much a cult by cult sandards. There is some fundementalist sects and shit but they dont even want men around due to ratio of females to males.

We are all God's children my guy
Ok most of us.

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He gay, Jesus gay, Jesus big gay

he is getting showered with money by youtube zoomers and pewdiepie fans tho

user wishes he was chosen to raise a God as his son.
Instead, intelligent design will leave him behind.

"Vengeance is mine. Says the LORD. I will repay."



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Jesus isnt Gods child, Jesus is God in Human form, you cant really call him a full blown cuck ethier since there was no sexual intercourse involved and since he wasnt raising somebody elses child but God himself the supreme being.

Do Christians believe both the old and new testament to be true or just the new?
Also isn't the Old Test just the Torah or Tanahk, something along those lines?

>low IQ retards posting bullshit specifically proves the god your parents indoctrinated you to believe

the irony of this is that king david is described in the bible as being a ginger with a ruddy complexion

>Mormonism isnt much a cult by cult sandards.
It's shite

Found the brainlet, yeah because I wouldn’t want god asking me to raise his son on earth, the absolute state

That's actually 'Ecci Homo' which is Behold the man
pls retitle you file

Reminder that you’d have to be retarded to believe this obvious nonsense. Just admit you’re a kike shill

Also Joseph got something in return he got a replacement for his dead wife plus he got to be together with God himself.

Your lack of intelligence is shocking yet expected when I look at your flag

your arguments have been dismantled so you resort to giving your opinion.

Ok let's go with your interpretation
You're saying God inserted himself into Joseph's wife's vagina so he could be born out of that same vagina
Sounds like God has a fucking fetish and Joseph is a turbo cuck desu
>reply to a post decrying non-arguments with the most obvious non-argument of all
You're a smart one

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>if caught out repeat the same retarded bullshit and keep dodging the fact that you’re a retarded kike with a memeflag

lmao mentally ill degenerate atheist BTFOOOOOOOOOO


Chirstians believe in the old and new testament but the new has more power over the old.

How exactly does any of that bullshit make sense?

>muh iq
your insecurity is showing

Very nice and true. This is a perfect description of today's society or the remains of its moral fabric.

I named all my paintings after what scene it depicts, not the name of the painting. But I'll rename it, just for you.

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non-argument with extra seeth
>non-argument with blatant reality warping
ok retard

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"Supreme poster of Pol"

... Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Ex-Mormon here. You escape mormonism the same way you escape being a baptist. You stop going to church. It's about as culty as any given megachurch but this time with a wacky set of scriptures. Lots of exmormons go full fedora tipper and get bitter about being told not to have sex before marriage.

no cucking happened
no "holy penis" was inserted
there was no orgasm
there was no bonding

I'm sorry, let me put it into terms you can understand.
>Don't insult, mock, or curse God, or He'll send you to hell.

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Dude has to have arguably done or have been accused of something really shitty to never be able to see his kids.

The family courts are corrupt and skewed af but standard is visitation at the least.

or am I wrong?

you should try to order it by painter, title, and then year

based haha poster

This is really beautiful. But also a useful thing to reflect on for someone who has to raise a brother's child or a similar situation. This was a lot more common until recent times.

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trip code fags are the worst


look out guys, we got a super woke nazi itt.

I think you forgot to say that he makes 16 k dollars per video?

>When the Christcuck thread literally devolves into a cuck emotional support group
Agreed, why can't they be as good as me?

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this but unironically

Joseph met Mary when she was pregnant.
God wants to become man so he chooses a pure virgin to be his host, Mary becomes pregnant. Joseph mets mary while pregnant his wife is dead and he has to raise his son by himself. Joseph and Mary become a couple, Joseph takes care of mary and Jesus (who is God in human form) in exchange Joseph gets a replacement for his wife and somebody to take care of his child (james).
Mary gives virgin birth to Jesus, Mary remains a virgin.
In order for God to become fully human he had to be born in the same way as a human but with no sexual intercourse involved as both God and Mary are pure.
As you can see Joseph isnt really a cuck.
A example of a turbo cuck is somebody that marries a whore with kids that aint his own and the whore still keeps sleeping with other guys.

What was the sexual misconduct accusation?

The beauty of raising my wife’s son