Judge Jeanine just tore the Pope and the Catholic church a new asshole

Holy fucking based

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Did anyone else see that??

Catholicism is a pagan system of governance, just like Islam

blessed and truthpilled

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Hardly, God's Kingdom has hierarchy. It isn't the orderless nonsense found in Prot denominations

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>God's Kingdom has hierarchy.
Yeah it goes like this

this stupid cross eyed bitch just bought herself a one way ticket to Hell

>watching Fox Jews
user, I....


Judge Jeanine is the biggest Jew evangelicuck piece of shit ever to exist. I don't even know how you can qualify to be a judge when your brain works on nothing but superficiality and religious subjectivity.

Attached: Judge Jeanine.jpg (480x480, 19K)

Her stare gives them impression that she is on SSRI's.

>listening to anything this Lucchese schill on any subject

>American Protestants

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Religion must be abolished

The Jesuits are angry

it should but how do you a) convince the sheep not to follow b) not eliminate it using communism

fuck you, shill. Our whole system of law is based on religious precepts. That's why MURDER is wrong!

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Pirro is catholic

You didn't understand what I meant but I don't feel like explaining it either.

>Judge Jew-nine
Israeli Firsters get the rope first.

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she's bald and wears a wig

>insulting the Pope
>insulting the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church
hahaha I know people don't do this seriously, but even joking around about that is dumb.

Is anyone going to discuss what she actually said or provide a link or should I just go?

5:08-5:52 for the sweet sweet catholic bashing