Why don’t white women care about anti white shit?

Why doesn’t it ever bother them?

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Because they are still praised and treated just as good because of pussy oppression points

But I do, ive a benis though

It does. They just hide it becausethey don't have anyone to talk to about it.

They are expecting us to man up and start fixing things ourselves.

They want us to prove were worth it

Too blind from blacked

the women are retarded

basically this

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we need to make propaganda to target them

They're on the liberal team.

Women have no loyalty. When Invaders come strolling in after killing your men having loyalty to one's tribe is a detriment; they have instead evolved to open their legs to said invaders to ensure their own survival.

Because they think "Woman" is a color so they try to hide their privilege to get victim points. They think the animosity is only towards "Ciswhitemales" and that they couldn't POSSIBLY be seen as one of us. But little do they know...

Much more likely to be swept up by the social current and to not speak out against it

indoctrination from childhood

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I will fucking rake you. Ban every leaf

They are either cowards, or implicitly support feminist aspects of liberal bullshit. Stop pushing this shit on men, when women do absolutely nothing to help

those are both jews

It bothers me very much.

They see XMWF as a confirmation of their desirability. They hate WMXF though for the opposite reason

They see the mudflood as just an enlarging of the pool of potential beta orbiters

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they get to cherry pick what 'responsibilities' they take on, so they choose basically none
boomer women are used to men doing everything

because they were very close to being born as the preferable race & gender combination and they were off by one. they resent us for it.

It's pretty simple...women aren't part of the "white people" tribe, they're part of the woman tribe. they still get everything handed to them with minimum effort and almost no responsibility. women are forced to the top where failure isn't a possibility, because they'll just be propped back up so matter how many stupid ass decisions they make

white men are the only white people left, and we collectively (as white men) face all the burdens of the brown and roastie menace

100% serious, white women should hang on the day of the rope too. keep the little white girls, raise them properly, and keep the race going with them. kill the rest, they're irreversibly braindead trash

It makes me really sad when white Women say bad things about white Men. When non wbites do it, I don’t care because honestly I’ve never cared about their opinion on anything. When white men do it, I just assume their cucks. When white Women do it, i always feel betrayed and saddened. I just wanted to love you. :/

Unironically this.
Except my mom and grandma, I really like them both.

Pedo alert

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THIS. I once talked to a hypnotically pretty girl back when I was in high school about it (zoomer here.) She was legit the most popular Stacy in school. She giggled cruelly and told me she loves BLACKED.

White faggots on suicide watch

Cause they've been conned into thinking white men oppressed them, 90% of white soibois and women don't know history. They actually think that women could live a normal life before modern medicine. They don't understand that everyone was dying of consumption or child birth or general cancer because their hormones stopped regulating. No one could fuck because of all the diseases and lack of birth control.

Women have terrible empathy skills for people in the past.

I was talking to my boomer mom the other day. I asked her how she felt about the increasing abuse her grandkids will suffer at the hands of shitskins, and if she still thought diversity was a strength-in light of her eldest grandson being beaten up so much by black kids on the school bus that his mom has to drive him to and from now. She didn’t see an issue, because he was now driven there so no biggie, problem solved.

Anyways women are stupid and do what they are told. The bright side is the experience red-pilled the fuck out of my sister-in-law (with gentle nudging by yours truly) so maybe all hope isn’t lost.


>Why doesn’t it ever bother them?
Because they don't have anything to lose. When a nation loses a war, the men either get castrated and enslaved, or they get genocided. The women get taken as wives.

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>Except my mom and grandma, I really like them both.
There's no exceptions, but we don't expect you to hang them yourself, so don't say we're not compassionate.

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Many do.

Wanna know why? Because women only think about boys they like. They talk about men the entire fucking day. That's why they don't care politics, race, economy, anything, except men they wanna fuck, or marry.

Trump is a kike puppet. You can't be "redpilled" and vote for the pawn of the Jew, user. You also can't expect women, who are typically 10 IQ points higher than most amerimutts except for the purest of Aryan / Anglo / Germanic / Nords (literally 3% of the US, the rest of you are mixed bastards), to support "White" interests when you're not White. Want to be White? Find your ancestry, move to Europe and save it. America isn't worth saving. It's a shit hole full of niggers and kikes and AntiWhite hatred. Save Europe or your ancestry is doomed (which I'm assuming your genetics already are if you're American, you are all the literal Goyim of the Kike Talmudic prophecies. You literally serve Israel.

Shut the fuck up leaf, come anywhere near mommy and Grandmommy and I will rake you.

That is one sad bait.

When confronted with anti-White crap they go into ButI’mNotLikeThat mode. Women have no true loyalty because they’re extremely susceptible to social pressure (which can be manipulated by enemy groups); had these same women lived in Nazi Germany they would have been the most hardcore Jew-hating creatures to ever walk the earth.

They want revenge on men for years of socially-enforced monogamy and basically forcing them to live in a society.

Funny thing is it's true Swedecuck

Half of white women voted for Trump.

Women are NPC's that can be programmed by any man. Become a man, grab a young, not yet programmed, woman, and start making babies.

Just ask Gen Z. They have legitimately jewed this propaganda into existence

because if they faced the problem, it would make white men look weak in their emotional brain. Do you even have a clue how women think? this is partly the reason that its inadvisable to redpill them beyond the merits of motherhood.

Women have never cared about the genetic lineage of their offspring. They know their children are theirs. Men cannot know this, so they're more invested in physical indicators of paternity.

if you want to troll then learn from the leafs, fag

Because they are submissive toward invaders.

Because they're women, you have to impregnate them first for them to start worrying about important things.

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women can partially integrate themselves through their ability to provide partially racially validated offspring by the invading races men. While white women don't actually have a place within another society they will begrudging tolerate them as sex slave baby makers or parade them around as trophies of conquest but with no real place.

That's what these dumb fuck white women don't get. They aren't accepted, they are trophies, they are slaves. Their place is given in return for loyalty to the conquerors but understand that the love will not be mutual as if it was a woman of the man's race.

But fuck it, the Jews are tricking everyone and you can't convince anyone of anything anymore. Let it all burn.

>Women have terrible empathy skills for people in the past.
I never truly thought about this until I read this sentence, but it's absolutely true. Women and leftists in general have zero problem holding people who lived 200 years ago by today's social standards.Nevermind they wouldn't exist were it not for their "oppressive colonizing" ancestors

They are oppressed. They don't need to do anything but fuck migrants and vote democrats while being taken care of by daddy government.

This is your fault for worshipping women instead of letting them know they won't get a pussy pass.

This is the only correct answer. Women literally evolved to be slaves to whichever men are currently in control. Giving them the right to vote was an absurd development.

Because their role is to be submissive. Men were supposed to keep the browns away.

That's also why are idiots for calling out white men. They're actually mainly calling out poor white people who were raised by single mums and know people who died in the heroin epidemic of this decade or the 90s. The rich or middle class ones don't give a fuck because they're rich and middle class.

They don't even understand that historically white people have been trying to help more than anything. A fucking slave in the south had a better life expectancy than a yankee who worked in a factory.

Dude it's honestly true. I really had a pretty white girl tell me that.

They are just dying to destroy America... with sex. Sex with non-whites sometimes.

I do. and im convincing my female friends aswell. but they are very sjw. time to make new friends


Because they would rather take a camping trip in Morocco to get their head chopped off.

Good luck moving to Europe if you're not brown.


This. Women barely have memories far less a conscience. I mean I love them, but they're traitors right now. Mass cleansing includes the fairer sex, and almost all of them sparing only those too young to remember.

Why dont fathers care about their daughters?
Why do they let the kikes raise them?

This is the reason why. Pic related

Although it really is all women's fault because they are supposed to be the nurturers of the race and it all begins with them, they are supposed to be the fighters for integrity of community but have totally failed.

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The question of course is how to keep them away from the establishment media, user.

My sister dislikes it, watched her turn from a basic conservative to a extremist in the past 3 years.


I was actually thinking of starting a channel but I don’t like being on camera. I’m horribly shy but I’m a white female who would like to address the JW, anti-white rhetoric, and liberals fucking up society

I don’t know how to go about it? Blogging maybe?


If you’re serious yeah just do a commentary. Fuck make it a gameplay channel while you talk about the JQ over it. You need something moving on the screen at all times to keep people interested

Mothers with sons are starting to rail against it.

L.O.L. You really hit it out of the park. This small bit of text has given me a lot to chew on. Do you blog or anything, by chance?

You don’t have to be on camera.

That’s what I hope but Twitter blackpills me. I’ve seen posts where white Women call white men the scum of the earth and they’ve literally got their white sons as their display picture. It’s like a religion to them.

I’ll watch

Women are mostly NPCs who care mostly about their children. When they don't have children, they mostly care about their pets or their job. There are some women who aren't NPCs.

Most or all women will just go along with whatever male group appears to be winning or is going to win.

are you ugly?
cant have ugly bitches talking about JW
it cheapens the message

Because instead of their maternal instinct going to their kids (which they aren't having anymore because of BASED feminism), its going to perceived "children" ie subhumans. They want to nurture and care for something that has an awful ability to care for itself, like children.

If you want to redpill women, get them pregnant.

women are way too easy minded to care about complex stuff like political things, bro

This. Spread the knowledge

You're a faggot, kys.

Stay off Twitter. I live in a blue state and every white women I know who isn’t a trashy coal burner is “racist.”
Most women don’t know anything about politics but if you talk to them you’ll see they lean right and that’s double for the moms. All the white girls I grew up with I see in FB, and especially the mothers always like and comment on my post and I’m purely on there to post anti diversity shit.ci said in an earlier post I seen my sister turn into a right wing extremist purely over anti white rhetoric and she’s admitted to noticing it in the past but it never really hit her until she had my nephew.

Imagine actually thinking this. Why are Canadians so fucking cucked?

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Listen, women only do what they are told. The world, popular culture, the media, the magazines they read, the news, this is their man. It tells them what to do.

In a proper society, their fathers or their husband would tell them what to do and guide them in the right direction.

The only way to control what women do is to take posession of them (ie: wed and bed them.)

So stop worrying about what random bitches do. They cannot help it. They are animals and can only be controlled/patrolled by strong and reasonable men.


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Which state, that’s quite the whitepill if true. I feel really down and isolated. I want to believe that white women at least aren’t against us.

I’m seriously considering it because being feel the women right now in the movement are in it for genuine reasons. We need to address many things wrong with society and really get into women’s heads that liberalism is truly a disease. We’re dealing with Jews and their loxism. I’m tired of fake pretty girls saying whatever they think you guys want and take advantage with Patreon accounts. It’s like gamer girls but this time I’m actually enraged.

Hrs right though

Also what age range are the women you’re talking about ?

Because they follow men, and we haven't been leading all that well in the west.

Pennsylvania, right outside of philly

Women are programmed to breed with males with the most unrelated DNA.

Race loyalty among women is an intellectual drive...not an instinctual drive.

I’m 30 so I’d say between 25 being the absolute youngest.

>back when I was in high school
Last year?

No, I’m a blonde girl but I’m not selling myself, I’m simply handing others what I’ve learned over the years about the holocaust, the Jews/Israel, and liberalism. I also can’t show my face because of my job.

Naah, ya ugly sub-human gorillas just cant compete with the superior white DNA.You know it, I know it, we all know it, monkey boy nigger ;)

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Oh, yeah, for sure, that's why you saw all those white Stacey's at Charlottesville and putting up It's Okay To Be White flyers and--


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Go for it. If you are cute it will work for your advantage. I would try to appeal to other women, not men, you’re going to have to have thick skin though.

This is true. Outside the retarded coal burners, which are still rare, most white girls are low key racially minded. They just aren’t Jow Forums- tier, or that ideological about it. I’m in Southern California, kind you.

Some of you watch too much TV and buy into leftist memes too much.

>women follow whatever is mainstream opinion
>women are not loyal to their race inherently
>Jewish media brainwash