/SIG/ Self Improvement General

Hey /sig/gers. How is life treating you? What have you been working towards? Accomplished? Struggle with?

I don't have the copy pasta, and I imagine this will be moved/pruned, but while it's up, lets discuss, share, comgratulate, and help one another on the road to being the best we can be.

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I guess I'll start.
I've been saving money and learning about basic agricultural practices and general homesteading. I've been teaching myself the trumpet and trying to abstain from porn and masturbation. Smoking is next on the list of poor habits to rid myself of and I think the best way to go about that is to start exercising again regularly.

Guess I should've made the image a scantily clad woman.

Everything I do is geared around being smarter, more prepared, faster, stronger, deadlier.

What have you been doing to hone those skills?


Quit weed, quit porn, currently reading the Iliad.
Squat is up to 195 lbs
Bench is up to 135 lbs

Looking up user

Always remember, make Carl XII proud!

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not much just stuck on the maslow pyramid level of "relationships" but I am very healthy and found the antidote to 5G along with immortality and the gods favor me sig heil
picking up a 30pound dumbbell and moving it in advanced ways became easy today sig heil

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I can't beat the sugar jew.
I am utterly addicted to sweet things and I can't stop, I get fucking shakes if I don't have it for 2 days.
Way do? I want to stop being a fat add but any exercise is pointless if I'm hooked on sugar

If you could only read one motivational self-development book your entire life which one would you recommend? (No religious books)

Good job user.
kek /sig/ heil user.
checkd. fruits user. keep a bowl of fresh fruits readily available. I like apples.

Yep me too. I need foods that I can snack on if I feel hungry that aren't sweet

How to win friends and influence people.

nuts are a good alternative too.

Use fruit like apples to wean yourself off.
Also, read more about the effects of sugar on the body, if you know the consequences it makes fighting it easier.

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Fuck man, I am turning my life around and I can't even believe it. It's taken years but I'm turning 25 this year and my goal is to be more fit and happier than I was in highschool.
Dropped the destination happiness bullshit, started exercising again, and been meditating. Stress relief is #1, you need to get cortisol out of your system to become more intune with yourself. Our bodies and minds can't handle excessive cortisol for extended periods of time. Learn to meditate and to control your thoughts. Invest in yourself, because the more time and effort you put it in the bigger the payout.

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Is this for real or just a meme? Sounds like a cheap scam but I feel like it could actually be of value.
Stay glorious lads

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How do I get gains if I can't afford to eat the proper foods? I'm a wage cuck that isn't on niggerstamps.
First time in a self improvement thread and it is really needed.

It's a good book. Something you should keep on you and keep on rereading.

Do you have access to shellfish like mussels? Usually incredibly cheap and full of protein and minerals.

Good on you user. I'm 24 and am starting to get into working out.

It's pretty basic stuff, but a good starting point for considering interacting with others in a more productive way.

Also pasta is good too.

Replace your carbs with rice, wheat produces phytic acid. If you're really stressed you most likely have shit gut flora which means you can't break it down right. You'll have sore bones and joints, bad teeth, and low energy if that's the case.
Buy whole chickens like the fuckers you can buy at the store and learn to butcher them on YouTube. Bulk is your new friend.
Try to ferment your own veggies, huge health benefits and low cost.

Thank you good sir. I will look into it for sure. I am trying to improve. I stopped NEEThood about three years ago and stopped the herbal Jew. I've been lifting but I'm not seeing any results. Thank you again.

Life is pretty good I guess. Got some full tuition scholarships to some decent law school for next year so I'm not doomed yet. However I'm unable to stop watching porn and it's fucking debilitating. Please help

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-Start by cutting out the food that is doing you harm. This is fast food, junk food, soda, even beer if necessary.
-Learn how to shop the sales, only buy the meat that is cheapest $/kg (unless you begin eating nothing but beef liver lol)
-Prep meals ahead of time so that you don't need to buy frozen food that costs extra.
-Eat a lot of potatoes/rice to get super cheap calories, look up recipes in your spare time
-If you can get good Oats at a reasonable price they make an excellent breakfast

k9 web protection.
just don't forget the password.

Porn is abusing women
Porn is a waste of your sexual energy
Porn is funded by Jews to keep you weak

Don't let your ancestors down user

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This user has good advice too. Probably knows more than I do about diet.

Ate an entire loaf of bread today.
Bad call.

Checked but that's meth

How To Win Friends and Influence People has been edited and rewritten to cuck it.

Get an old edition. Older the better.

Thanks user, and yeah I didn't know whether it was sugar or not but the point stands. Sugar has genuinely no health benefits, can make you fat, rot your teeth, and worst of all it makes normal food taste bland.

Always remember that the pornography industry is run by the Jews, and your righteous anger will kill your boner.

greetings fags. been working hard on /sig/ goals thus far in 2019 - doing lots more HIIT stuff in the gym, reading at least 1 book every month, donated a bunch of old clothes and sold shit i don't need anymore to strive towards minimalism... meditation, and volunteering at a local fire department. got engaged to a beautiful white blonde a few months ago, life is good.

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lots of struggle, pockets of hope, not sure I want to go into super much detail, reconnecting with dad, trying to give living more north a shot again, who knows if it will work or not, but I'm hoping. nowhere near but being a degenerate inferior makes catching up basically impossible.

hung on to more money than I thought I did but we'll see if it goes anywhere.

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