Am I the only one here who is like, really pissed at God?
Am I the only one here who is like, really pissed at God?
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Nah hes doing great, righteous judgement is coming.
God unironically does not exist brother and I say that as a catholic
>God unironically does not exist brother and I say that as a catholic
its yer ego gettin best of ya op
why are you pissed at god?
Would the creator not be both the divine and the horrible? good and evil?
you need bad things fren, the world could not exist without them and they all have their place, even the jew, vile as they may be.
i hate him with every fiber of my being.
i know he exists, he used to answer my prayers.
but now hes silent, and now i keep getting fucked in the asshole by the world over and over repeatedly.
my life is shit. i am shit. i suffer. and i wouldnt be suffering if it werent for that fucker.
id like to kill him for making me a manlet.
i have switched sides, i embrace the pit of hell, and i will do what i have to to bring about the new world order and i absolutely will take the mark of the beast purely out of spite and bitterness.
fuck that cunt fluff
god made evil to make himself look good in comparison.
he had to make a super villain so he can be the hero in his own movie.
however, i wish there were no movie. fuck the director, fuck the producer, and fuck the cast.
No god doesn't exist you just want someone to blame for your crappy life, that's understandable though most of the world does it, but it leads to nobody doing shit about the most serious issues.
some people use the term catholic like jews use the word jew. it's totally common to be an atheist jew. jewishness is a culture and tribe. some catholics view catholicism the same way.
anyway, op. god is fake, at least the christian god. think about it. it's the dumbest thing imaginable. even just the main premise: god creates people who are weak and skeptical and then if they don't adequately worship him he sends them to be tortured for eternity. what kind of fucked up god would spend his existence creating that? it makes much more sense that the bible is just a cobbled-together collection of old wives tales about a cult leader from a pretty illiterate part of the world 2,000 years ago, during which time there were many such cult leaders. but lucky for jebus, emperor constantine thought chrisitanity seemed kind of cool so he adopted it and it caught on. look at buddhism or hinduism or islam--this type of personality cult that blows up into a full religion isn't that rare--certainly nothing divine about it. by the way, you can even test praying to god and then praying to a fucking coffee table--results will be comparable.
he does exist unfortunately.
i am not sick and sadistic enough to day dream about a genocidal fuck in the clouds.
i wish atheism were true. i would kill myself immediately if hell werent a thing
i wouldn't believe if i were Catholic either.
I'm sorry you think that's true maybe in the future you'll find out the truth, anyways I won't kill myself either because there's nothing waiting for me, no afterlife. Those ideas were put in your head by a book you didn't come up with them, the only difference between The Hobbit and The Bible is that some stupid sand niggers were retarded enough to die for fiction.
>pissed at god
>assumes god exist
you do you buddy.
in an atheist perspective, death would be like before you were born. just black, you have no consciousness. no worries, no troubles.
all bad sounds, sights, smells, and feelings gone forever.
why wouldnt you want that? thats what i want more than anything, for people to leave me the fuck alone.
you go to antarctica, theres people there. you go to the "wild" and theres people there.
you go in the ocean, and theres people there.
you go to the sahara desert, surprise... theres people there.
you cant escape this horrible reality, and you can never be alone.
not even in death can I fucking escape.
theres no way out. imprisoned in this fucking universe. this is jail
What if we're all god? What if we're just pissed at ourselves?
Why would you be angry? Because you're not getting things you think you want?
There are a bunch of really pathetic atheists in this thread. Jow Forums is a disappointment.
I was always this way because he nurtures evil.
"He who has eyes can see the sickening sight;
Why does not Brahma set his creatures right?
If his wide power no limit can restrain,
Why is his hand so rarely spread to bless?
Why are all his creatures condemned to pain?
Why does he not to all give happiness?
Why do fraud, lies, and ignorance prevail?
Why triumphs falsehood -- truth and justice fail?
I count you Brahma one among the unjust
Who made a world in which to shelter wrong."
-- Bhuridatta Jataka, No. 453
It'll pass, O.P.
this quote is so me
>le f bomb conniseur
I wish I could get a sweet virginal girlfriend like OP pic. The hair is a little questionable but she has such kind eyes.
Evil by your definition. God is always righteous by definition even if it seems inconsistent or wrong to you. Your opinion, feelings, thoughts, and logic are irrelevant/worthless. Learn your place in comparison to God which is all, controls all, and created you and reality.
Lmao I wish I had your perspective, I'm going to cling on to this life until the very end because I know it's the only one I have. It wouldn't just be darkness by the way since nothing itself is inconceivable, although i do agree that when you're dead there are no more worries, but I'd rather live and try to be happy. You say you don't want anybody, but I'm sure you'd go crazy if you there were no human left alive, sometimes I just want to be alone too, but forever nope not happening.
if god created the material world, where we chase good feelings all the while everything seeks to rip us inside out, then in a sense god is evil and created us as slaves, while giving into the "evil" forces is the only way to freedom.
God is evil and he has branded our path to freedom "evil". pain is god's punishment for wanting to escape this prison
I would say truth hurts and the world is designed to bring you pain. Yes God did all that, but hopefully it's worth it someday.
There's a pretty good chance God doesen't exist at all. Why be pissed at somethiing which isn't there? He would be an easy target but no.
trust me, your expreience is an illusion, a dream like state, in fact, your dreams aren't more real than this reality is and vice versa. I know this from first hand experience as for a specific reason parts of my brain have malfunctioned and I finally saw this reality for what it is. People think we cannot perceive true nothingness when in reality, we experience it all our lives.
trust me, being dead is no different than being alive. Consciousness is nothing and everything because there is no perfect word to describe it. it exists forever as a potential, awaiting to take form. its a mirage, a joke. a bad joke
I fear him now more than ever. Get your shit right with God and if you can be a solid Christian in some of the most degenerate and soul corrupting times in history, you'll be in the good books. Be positive and trust.
I no longer believe this. The ego created this lie to keep suffering going.
Evil by your dumb human definition. If God set you on fire, horribly disfigured you, and made you live 80 years in pain, He'd be righteous in doing so because He is God and Creator of All. And you still would be wrong to question it and not accept it because you're not the creator of all reality and your feelings and pain mean are irrelevant.
The fact that you don't get this means that you're defiant and don't accept God's -absolute- sovereignty.
>Am I the only one here who is like, really pissed at God?
Let me know how that works out for ya.
Yeah the guys running this simulation are total fags
some people are born to be happy.
some are born to be a punching bag.
my fate wasnt so lucky, I have no desire to be conscious.
i turned down the girl i loved when she asked me out, because anything in my life that could bring me happiness, has always ended up screwing me in the ass later.
i dont trust any good thing, god would never allow good things to happen to me.
so when something good does happen, i flee from it.
i cant be happy because im not allowed. the only thing i can hope for is death, that way i dont feel anything.
but death isnt annhilation like i want it to be.
god will make my life 80 times worse if i kill myself. burn me with fire and rip me apart. fucker is sick and evil and sadistic.
all i wanted is to not exist. thats my only prayet
I come from a Catholic family and believe in God.
That’s probably because I wasn’t born into a communist country.
Might not be able to say that for my future children.
god isn't a person, god is a machine, i use this for lack of better word, i can't describe god but i feel it everywhere, god is dreaming all the time, its true machinations im not able to describe. i hate this experience, I await for this body's non existence but i know this sick jokester that is consciousness/god will take another form to torment us all
I got some words for that motherfucker!
we perceive evil therefore it is real. nothing exists without the observer. think about it, you will never know when you are dead because you will not exist to observe it. in a sence you are living forever and everything you experience is real but yet you can tell it's a mirage.
>getting mad at God
Why bro? What has he done to you? Nothing at all. The evil you have suffered is perpetrated by humans, against other humans. God has done nothing to you at all. Look into your own heart user, you know that to be the case.
I hate that I was born just in time to see the downfall of society. It was inevitable according to the bible though.
Focus on the positive, know the wicked will get their time.
and you agree that god loves the sensation of pain. the machine wants us to suffer. you accept this? you are peak npc. I won't tell you to kill yourself because that would save you, stay here and suffer since you love it.
Suffering/Evil is just a human's ego. If you don't care about yourself or what happens to you, you don't suffer.
People let their base wants/desires control them. When they don't believe they get their base wants/desires, their ego is hurt, and they whine about suffering and evil.
It's entitlement.
I don't know man. That's what every demonic asshole believes. If you research Marcello Bacci'sdocumentary on youtube, there is yet again evidence that there is a world above ours that is much better than this one. It's like our world, but it's for the soul. There isn't bullshit like time, death, posterity, disease and old age in that world. It's eternity, our true home, where you'll find Beethoven, Mozart, creativity, passion, love, joy... and all that is holy.
This place is meant to shelter evil and insanity. To give you things so that they can be taken away. It's meant to turn the innocent guilty, and to have idiots ruling the intelligent. I think this place is the anti-Christ.
Nah, Gianna must be pissed at god too for giving her that fucking fivehead, seriously.
what created humans? humans are no more than machines, same as the universe and every other living thing. as above so below, god loves its sensation slaves.
so you agree that letting go of ALL ego (including the most basic human needs) sets you free. you agreed with me essentially. Dying and giving into the pain will set you free. its just that nobody is strong enough to do it because the tyrants has made those sensations unbearable.
Stop whining about pain. The only reason you whine about pain is because you care about yourself. Your ego is getting in the way. "I want this, this, and this! God is evil because he doesn't give me those things! Waaaaaaah!"
Get over yourself and realize that you don't even deserve conscious thought. The sooner you appreciate that, the sooner you'll get through this life and reality more smoothly.
More space for cum. There's a certain bukkake vid of hers that gets me harder than Chinese math.
Nothing produces more atheists than 12 years of Catholic school.
if i dont care about myself i die. im useless to the machine if the sensation vampire cant feed off of its energy slave. therefore you agree with me that seeking non existence is seeking true freedom. god is a tyrant because
>you dont deserve conscious thought
i pray daily for that fuck to take away his "gift" of consciousness from me.
fuckwit doesnt do shit.
explain that?
this isnt a gift you blind npc. this is living waking hell
hell yes i dont deserve it. i dont want it i never asked for it. gimme nothing
Pain is not unbearable, and pain isn't even real, in a sense.
The only challenge each of us have is getting over ourselves. That's our only task.
Read Job and Ecclesiastes. Drop the pretense that you're owed anything.
Adopt these three ideas:
1. Be thankful for everything and anything you have (because you don't even deserve that)
2. Be forgiving of others (because you're worse)
3. Accept that God is sovereign (because you're nothing)
Yeah I genuinly don't think it works like that though, but maybe. I certainly USED to think so. Now I'm earnestly wondering if the God who created this universe is a pseudo-diety, and the argument is simple: I've experience The Great Compassion many times in my life, and there's no way that someone of the nature of Christ or the Buddha would create this bullshit. It's impossible because it's contradictory.
Actually, when you experience The Great Compassion, you don't want to be here anymore. That in itself is (nearly) proof that the universe is a cheap imitation of REAL life. For example, time is utterly ridiculous. We life forever, so why should there be a sensation of time? It's a lie.
Not me, God knows that I really want to die, and he hasmade sure that that's going to happen. Thanks god.
See what happens when you pray to saints and the Virgin Mary? Nothing.
non existence would be the only escape.
too bad we are all fucking trapped in a sadists world made by a psychopath who wants to torture us.
but nothing in this world means the absense of something within it, but what is nothing beyond everything (consciousness). i want that kind of thing
If god really wanted to make you suffer he would have done so from the beginning, think of how bad your life could be. There's a supercomputer in fiction that does a lot worse than what you just told me, the guy can't even kill himself, I don't believe in God, but if he does exist he's not doing anything to us.
based, just because he doesn't exist that doesn't mean you should not believe in some form of omnipotent figure to save your sanity through hardships
Take it to r9gay faggot
mercy is obliteration.
thanos would be 9 billion times better than our real life god.
thanos is ACTUALLY merciful, unlike yahgey and jeebus
Didn't recognize her without a herpes-infested cock in her cunt, but I can't help but love her tits.
Kek everyone from all the ages had said that you're not special, I bet a roman child thought the exact same thing, but guess what Society will come back even stronger if we do fall.
pain isnt real? then the same can be argued about every sensation, colors, sound etc. its real because it is real and because the word real arises from those sensations themselves. that is proof enough.
getting over yourself is getting out. so, literally KYS. but i know you wont do it, as 7 billion other humans wont do it right now and many other living things wont. we are chained predestined slaves for our tyrant.
quit blabbing the same shit or i will ignore you you fucking npc agent of the dreaming tyrant
Which god?
Yup. Ego fags and atheists just need to calm the fuck down.
I’m sorry, you’re so absolutely wrong.
the one you think he exists, kek
That's stupid. You're currently in a paradox that you don't understand. God is timeless. He is the Past, Present, and Future of all events. He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. The paradox is you are partially God, He controls you, He knows what you're going to do, and you still have free will at the same time. No human being will ever be able to understand that contradiction. We're part of God, but we're not God. God doesn't "feed" off you. You simply exist because it's God's will.
Get over what you think you should have.
Get over what you think you deserve. Stop believing you deserve a life free of "suffering." You don't. None of us do.
Clearly you have never had to endure great pain or misery. Once you get on the other side, you realize it was your own FUCKING STUPIDITY
psychopath god. i like this. because human psychopaths are unemotional and will toy with you all around, predator vs pray, they dont hate you neither do they care about you, its just the yin and yang taking for in this partuclar example, as above so below, we can see god's mind in everything around us, everything is a projection of it, a god with absolute knowledge imagining a fucked up world i am the star in.
Kek why, if you beg from nothing, nothing will happen, you can't rely on something that's not there you yourself have to do it.
I miss her bros
Listen to yourself. You wouldn't be saying what you are if you didn't believe that you don't "deserve" "suffering."
You're able to accept and embrace it, but you're choosing not to. No one talks like you unless they believe they were not given what they deserve in their short, insignificant life. Be grateful you even have the ability to whine and complain.
Yup here we go, YOU'RE NOT SPECIAL we all were created randomly most likely, even if god did exist you're still not special get over yourself.
maybe you should be put in some extreme situation to understand what I mean, a war or even financial hardship or something
wait you preach free will. haha. literal NPC agent. i wonder why the tyrant loves to send you after tortured bloomed consciousi. i will glitch you
god doesn't exist, but the demiurge certainly does
you can only be pissed at him if you believe in him, which again is .. well ...
if God doesn't exist there is zero reason for me to not become Pagan
god is like a snake carrying anti venom.
youre minding your own business, then the snake comes along and bites you.
you suffer in agony, dragging your limp body across the ground, hours and hours go by.
then the snake offers you anti venom to "save" you.
thats essentially jesus.
i wouldnt need saving in the first place if the fuckwit didnt condemn me to death. and if the fuckwit didnt create me, i wouldnt be here in agony.
you expect me to be grateful for it?
yeah fucking right kid. ill gut god down the middle and open roast him over a fire.
our only hope for peace and REAL salvation, is to kill god and replace him with lucifer (who tried to save us).
You got it all wrong Mr. Bong. God is really pissed off at you.
Which one?
She's cute. Any nudes?
sometimes, but i have faith he isnt goimg to let us dissapear from existence.
The Demons created Christianity around Jesus Christ so as to control people with fear and to have perpetual religious wars raging so they can feed on the suffering energy.
Try to get over it.
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour.
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for you sins and rose again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work.
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord.
randomness doesn't exist, human perception can find cause in everything, it's a cycle of predetermined events, the only way i can excuse you for thinking randomness is real is beleiving in free will which is false. what you think as randomness is simply not enough knowledge to allow us to make an accurate predicton.your brain functions in a predetermined fashion and you imagining control is an illsusion created by brain structures. you are experiencing a movie, in a sense. a dream
i dont discuss with agents of the machine. your script is obsolete
Can I still go to heaven if I continue to commit sins while at the same time believing he is my savior?
Yeah -you know -like all those pedos facing the guillotine...
There is NO business you OWN. You own /nothing/. You deserve /nothing/. You don't deserve to go without your idea of "suffering."
What part of this don't you understand? Nothing that happens to you warrants your reprobate mind.
Job suffered far worse. You refuse to accept the correct understanding of the book.
That's what Catholics believe.
this is an agent of the machine, do not talk to them, their job is to create confusion and second guessing
people forget that the concept of satan is essentially as the "fall guy" for all of the bad shit God needs to happen in the universe