What does it mean to be human, Jow Forums?
For jannies: this is political because all politics are derived from worldviews.
What does it mean to be human, Jow Forums?
For jannies: this is political because all politics are derived from worldviews.
Eat, fuck, die
Zionist inbred kikes like OP will never understand what it means to be human. Kikes are degenerate soulless mindless organic robots that do the bidding of their masters.
to struggle to become something better than human to no avail
I think, I read. I reach a conclusion. Every time I think I've figured it out, something happens or someone says something and I get thinking again. Maybe that's good, since it means I'm open to discovering the truth. Maybe it's just evidence of how little faith I can put behind my own conclusions. It's hard to tell anymore.
What is that 'better', though?
to suffer, endlessly.
What if you can't? What if you don't even feel like you should suffer, or want to suffer, even when it feels like it's the natural thing to do? What then?
This. Being human has no single meaning or one exclusive purpose, we aren't tools.
Existence is suffering.
Make the best out of the time you have. Don't fuck up other people's time.
Something like this I guess
To work hard to become UBERMENSCH.
The answer lies within your question OP.
Self awareness, and the never ending pursuit of the source that inspires it is the meaning of being a human. Don't be fooled by the blackpill, extinction/expiration is the ultimate red pill.
>given the gift of self awareness
>use said gift to manipulate environment to suit
>exhaust gigantic petri dish of resources
>expire, and take most surrounding species with us, leaving ironic traces of our self imposed extinction for future lifeforms on Venus to discover and debate
It's a happening on a mass scale, and it's been happening for literally hours now.
Sometimes I wake up and think death would be better than this /blogpost
Unironically ? Why ?
I used to think like that too
I'm not sure why but I feel like I was born in the wrong era.
if i could pick just one .webm to sum up all of the human experience it would be this one
It's hard to give a complete answer in so small a space, but I think it has to do with a few critical things:
>improving self-awareness: recognizing your instincts, passions, compulsions, desires, fantasies, goals, and longings, and trying to understand them in a meaningful way
>achieving things that provide you with fulfillment, pride, security, and expression
>connecting with other humans in an intimate, compassionate, interesting, and productive way
>recognizing that mother nature has provided us with our first sources of inspiration, beauty, art, nourishment, escape, productivity, ingenuity, and sense of the universe
If one manages to keep these things in mind more or less all the time, I believe he will tend naturally toward good, productive, fulfilling, and inspiring things. He will get meaning from life. Who decided that meaning was valuable or good? No one. We defined meaning as that which is valuable and good in a conceptual, life-affirming context.
Probably yes , but death is not your answer bro.
I used to be a nihilist, but now that i looked back i see how stupid i was.
I know that life is hard but you got to get yourself out of this hell ,just by making tiny improvement, lose some weight get some muscle,stop buying useless shit , cook , play less videogame, read (doesn't matter what i can give you some title if you want) just by doing that you will see life on a new perspective.
Not talking about tools, man. It's just complicated. If you know anything about serial killers, gangs, sadistic violent criminals then you should think twice when referring to them as human, because what worth is humanity if that sort of lifestyle is a perfectly valid example of it. So you focus on the good things or at least the neutral things. Shit like happiness is temporary, it is passing. People need something more lasting. So you narrow it down to striving for greatness, striving for success, striving for something of value. Except what has value? We look down on the normies because they don't really engage in serious thinking. In fact, they hate it. However, they are like that because of who they are. They're also the majority. Majority =/= good OR normal, but is what is "human" meant to be good, anyway? What if the lower thought is the norm, not just the average? What if the silly, emotional existence it enables is more applicable to whatever "human" is supposed to mean? Idk. My thought process is all over the place, but it's hard to elaborate on this.
You aren't human if you aren't spending every waking second owning the libs
If I'm fighting for this civilisation then I'm fighting for it to last. I'm not even sure what I'm doing anymore though. Am I fighting for anything? If so, am I good, or at least not bad for it? How does that affect the rest of my life, the people in it, the potential use of my time that I am putting towards this? These ideas and discoveries I make, are they actually valuable? Am I taking them in and truly integrating them in my life? It feels that way, but maybe it's all a huge subconscious larp. Maybe it's just me doing what the normies do, except with a smaller subculture. I don't think it's that way. But I have no way to confirm that. There's no higher authority to appeal to for answer, there's just the masses, the lowest common denominator. Any smart person I put on a pedestal lets me down. There's nowhere I can get my answers from. I do what I do and I feel fine and happy doing it. I'll continue to do it. But am I doing it because it's true, or just because of the normie instinct I believe I've overcome and that I look down on so much?
Same. I'd probably die a shit death in the middle ages of the 1910s. But I feel like I could've grasped at so much more. Our era feels like a mere afterglow. It's not that it is wholly bad or that it doesn't have its own battles. It has battles. The enemies just suck. I can't respect them.
Based and auspilled.
Thanks leafbro. This is unironically somewhat helpful. The thing is I worry if my views are actually true in every objective sense. I've taken in a lot of philosophy in the past couple of years and it's been very transformative. I feel like I'm losing touch with myself and idk if it's because I'm actually developing or just aping what I think is popular (or in this case should be popular) like what the normies do. Reading what you said makes me think that perhaps interacting with high quality individuals is more important than I'm giving it credit for. Maybe it's because I'm trying to self-regulate instead of participating in a social group with high quality people to regulate me that I am feeling out of balance. Not sure. It's a start, at any case.
Keep fighting user. Persistent growth is the crux of humanity, my comment was a sloppy and poor summary of my actual thoughts. I'll go into long winded detail if this thread is still kicking when I finish my day.
Over the course of my twenties, the things which I thought were self-defining and meaningless exercises all sort of faded away. Used to smoke and drink, thinking that those were features of an identity. Used to have a wide knowledge of popular culture, television, and modern music, thinking that it was meaningful art instead of just banal commercialism. I used to avoid serious conversations for fear of offending or experiencing awkward exchanges.
Sometime around age 27, nearing my peak alcoholism, I noticed that the ONLY thing I enjoyed doing sober was having conversations about philosophy, religion, history, and literature. It was the only thing that I cared about. Movies, tv, music, small talk, partying, travel, etc...it all did nothing for me anymore. It was boring, mind-numbing, frustrating, tedious. And then I realized that there was only one or two people I ever had serious discussions with in my life. So I enacted a policy: express my honest feelings when asked, and don't shy away from heavy topics. Doing this brings out people's depths and personal values very quickly, excitingly, and makes for a good time no matter where you are or who you're with. So seek out people who don't pull back when you express your honest thoughts.
Thanks ausbro, gl with your work.
I'll try to do that more. Discussing the big things is my favourite thing to do as well. It's just it's also about finding similarly minded people. I can be honest with everyone, but normies have knee-jerk reactions to everything. Harsh disagreement is good when you get something out of it, specifically the knowledge that you're off of the right path. Except normies are in 99% of the cases wrong themselves, so it's just isolating to talk to them directly. I can't expect them to correct my course because they're working in another framework entirely since they've bought into the modern zeitgeist. And being on the right course worries me. You must've seen videos of some of those based magapede kids that record bad faith videos of them being dicks to liberals and then post that to YouTube, feeling all smug and self-satisfied about 'owning the libs', completely unaware that they're not doing the right thing for the right reasons, that they're just doing exactly what the libs do, just in reverse. Sometimes I worry about that, since ingesting political thought carelessly can fuck you up like that. I don't think I'd ever make the same failings as the maga kids, but the idea of falling into some more sophisticated trap, be it to one extent or another, is still there. Just cause I've not fallen for the same trick doesn't mean that I couldn't end up falling for a trick in a similar vein. I scrutinise everything I take in, but integrating the new information is also a place where one can fall short. Especially if you've been a liberal normie for most of your life. So I get worried. I can't get affirmation of my path neither from above nor from below. Not from individuals anyway, maybe group dynamics would be more helpful with that. It's hard to find good groups, though. Especially if you're unlucky with the area you live in. So it's a big struggle to be certain in your position sometimes.