Is it true that Jow Forums is an Enclave board?

Is it true that Jow Forums is an Enclave board?

We support them.. right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Eden is a jewish AI

>reddit spacing
>Jow Forums is a collective
Man you fucking kike shills seriously just need to learn when to stop shilling.

Enclave = Glow in the dark CIA niggers

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cringe game

No, fuck you.

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Of course we enclave

Fuck hippies

I’m willing to praise their aesthetic but enclave niggers are retarded.
Jow Forums is a pro legion board

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all video games are time burglars enjoyed by secret faggots with no awareness that Death is coming for them one day.

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Fuck that, Jow Forums is and forever will be a Tunnel Snakes board.

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>spending time on Jow Forums is somehow better spent than time spent on vidya
if you're spending any time on the internet you're wasting your time

Fuck yeah. Exterminate muatants (kikes). Frank Horrigan btw ama

>spends whole day on Jow Forums

Nigger, vidya is what makes the wait for death to arrive easier.

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And (((Cerberus))).

nah, half hour at most.
I have sex with a lady, work, and take a class thats a prereq for a grad program. Also I play in a band:

Finally, someone get's it.

Kill the kikes, kill the impure. Rebuild America as tall as it once stood.

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False. I learned how to finger a lady well. So after I come after 4 minutes, I do some finger blasting until I'm ready to go again.
Thank you internets!

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>someone making unverifiable claims on the internet
Never seen that one before.

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>Anons not beating up roastie Amata alongside the tunnel chads
Not even closed to redpilled tbqh.

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It’s pretty straight forward.

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Not really.

The Enclave one clean the world. They wanna kill the kikes, they wanna MAGA. The Legion is basically a bunch of dirty savages that eat shit and fuck. If you wanna roll around in your own shit.. fine. But i'm with the Enclave.

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>>Jow Forums is a collective
but this is fact

I think Jow Forums would side with The BOS. They hate super mutants and other mutants - Jow Forums hates shitskins. We're practically the same.

But I do have sex with a lady, work, take a class, and play in a for real band link related!
You've become very cyncial!
Who hurt you, user?
Fuck Uncle?

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>but this is fact
No it really isn't. The mere fact ANYONE FROM ALMOST ANYWHERE can post proves you wrong. Even kike shills like you trying to frame this board in a certain light for journalists to write bullshit stories about.

The enclave really is maga. They want to kill all Muties but they don't realize that their leaders are also Muties

>Victim card
Literally pulled out every time.

Enclave is the only clave

Kys deep state glownigger
Jow Forums is a BoS board

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Jow Forums supports Caesars Legion. As if this wasn't clear already. Leave.

Jesus fucking tit niggers

>come to thread
>no one mentioned /pol is
>in that order fuck everyone else
>fuck NCR die Cali fags for real
>fuck Jannies

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>Lanius destroys your remnants power armor.

You’re not wrong about the enclave, but the legion is all about good health, removing non-desirables, and keeping women where they should be. I respect your opinion but am true to Caesar.

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Friendly reminder fleshbags need not apply. Enclave and Big Mt. Forever.

BOS is way too squishy. They remind me of the Army in the old days. They kicked ass and did good things for their country.. but when the major conflicts where concluded (WW1 and 2) They became soft. They allowed filthy kikies to movie into their proud country. Do you think the Nazis *coughs* I mean the Enclave would allow for such things to happen? The Enclave will do the dirty work that others would think is immoral. But in reality they would only be saving you in the end...

>Pic related

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>Posters all comment the same thing
Thanks for proving my point

Anything that remains of the gay fake countries of the world needs to be supplanted with an organically developed nation state of similar tribes. They are what caused 2077 in the first place.
Ave, true to Caesar.

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kikes aren’t part of the we retard, and it isnt stupid for people to use we on jere when there is alot of consensus on certain topics here.

Legion are literal homosexuals, who is mr house and the brotherhood of steel which bans homosexuallity?!!!

>But i'm with the Enclave.
>implying the enclave wouldn’t just kill you.
I see where you’re coming from but i’d like to live to see society rebuilt in the hypothetical wasteland. Also if the legion didn’t LARP so hard and stopped wearing fucking shoulder pads they would seem less retarded but everything they say is true.

death to chatham house

There’s a male prostitue in west side who talks about how the legion literally executes homosexuals

Enclave is based and redpilled, but Legion is bro-tier and also very pic related.

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I wish instead of larping as Romans they were Nazi Cowboys or something, and didn't rely on slaves so much - and if Caesar wasn't an autistic utilitarian.

From what i understand the Enclave don't kill like minded people from what i understand, Even some super mutants they may keep alive due to their good deeds. Have you ever heard of the noble jew? Well even Hitler (The Enclave) found the good in SOME impure breeds. Also. The legions really needs to step up their game, they remind me of fucking Africans. Stuck in the past with fucking pointy sticks and rocks. While the Enclave is actually taking the time to better their society and nation.

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ave, true to caesar

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Are you suggesting..... they join forces as one?

Caesar's Legion is /ourfaction/, explained by the man himself:
>What does "Pax Romana" mean?
>It means a nationalist, imperialist, totalitarian, homogeneous culture that obliterates the identity of every group it conquers. Long-term stability at all costs. The individual has no value beyond his utility to the state, whether as an instrument of war, or production.

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> Responsible for the nuclear war, super mutants, and experiments on people in vaults.
> Better their society.

Pick one

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House = technofascist utopia with an immortal fuhrer.

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Nuclear war is inevitable. In fiction and in real life. The experiments where taken place upon filthy kikes, so nothing of value was lost. And yes, all this mayhem is to better society.

>stupid faggot advertising
kys shill cunt
gb2reddit with your viral marketing faggotry

Legion was redpilled on the woman question

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The only good thing about the Enclave was killing Canadians.
Jow Forums is clearly based and Grahampilled

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Did you think before you posted?

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>ave, true to caesar
>Ave, get killed from 400 yards by an angry man with a beret.

>Formed a fully readable sentence to your question

>Did you think before you posted?


The legion is fucking retarded

Their entire nation isn't based on any values to live by, everything they stand for is to worship Caesar

When Caesar dies, they'll be lost and die as a nation.

It's basically canon that the legion is dead after new Vegas in all endings because of this


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More like technocratic.
House is a boring Old World corporate mogul who's obsessed with the idea of technological "progress". Nation building to him is basically the same as running a larger private company.
You want fash, your only chance is Caesar - and even he has some flaws (like a lack of a proper succession plan and civilian institutions).

The enclave is fucking dead man. Fuck them anyways

except that we are absolutely not you blithering newfag retard.
Look up the Jow Forums 2017 irl meetup threads sometime. We're unironically more diverse then any western nation, and we somehow get it to actually fucking work.
doesn't look good for your precious globalism when something like (typically) white supermacist idealogy finds popularity even with niggers and actual Israeli kikes.

>You want fash, your only chance is Caesar - and even he has some flaws (like a lack of a proper succession plan and civilian institutions).
And Caesar's retarded disdain for long range weapons.
>Be legion
>Use hatchets and power fists
>Be dumbass NCR
>Win because you just kill the legion from a distance.

Yea, let's assume they're dead.. However the Idea still lives on regardless if they lost or not. Long live the Enclave, long live America. MAGA

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>Even some super mutants they may keep alive due to their good deeds.
This exposes their hypocrisy. Their ideaology revolves around ‘purifying’ the wastes of anyone who was exposed to the FEV or radiation, yet Frank Horrigan is allowed among their ranks. They planned on poisoning the jet stream with an FEV strain that would literally kill everyone on the mainland. They’re essentially purity spergs birthed out of pre war government agencies who have actual mutants amid their organization.

If the legion had better technology and an actual army organization, even if based on the legion system would be the best hope for the wasteland, but a hypothetical "best enclave" would be the best hope for america and 200 hundred years of having the mainland littered with mutants they would have moved away from the pre war hypercapitalism into real fascism(also take in mind how everyone here is a pre war unmutated human, so no, the enclave wouldn't kill us on the spot)

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Yeah, they really didn't do the Legion justice.
If their identity was something based on a more local homogeneous culture for a more organic state with a hereditary Monarchy and if they didn't shy away from using useful tech they would absolutely STEAMROLL the gay, plutocratic, and corrupt NCR. Quality beats quantity after all.
I suppose we can't have everything we want.

A small price to pay for the future of a better America. The mutants on the Enclaves side served their purpose. In the end, nothing of true value was lost.

Based and tunnel pilled

Nah brah Tunnel Snakes rule!

>Yeah, they really didn't do the Legion justice.
No they did the legion justice just fine.
The legion are your classic expanding Empire lead by a charismatic General.
Like the Huns, Mongols, and many American Indian tribes.
The legion was never going to have any longevity because it was a cult of personality.

K, that's pretty fucking based.

> not using harry porrter and star wars references
Do you feel in charge?

Jow Forums would never tie it's hands by not using tech like ceasars legion did.

Jow Forums is pre eden enclave under modus dropping nukes with impunity

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We're the tunnel snakes, that's us, and we rule!

Magapedes unite under based civic nationalism! Women and blacks are our equals and fight alongside each to restore jewmerica!