How much did you cringe at this?
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Holy shit did she age like milk.
she's balding
Why are leaf shills spamming this video so much in the last 2 days? It's not like anyone watches Colbert or cares what celebrities say.
These youtube comments are so cringe.
Too many betas
who and who?
Lesbianism has ruined white women.
>post-wall muff diver ranting about Blumpf
It's "almost" like she has some sort of degenerative brain disease.
I didn't watch it, because I don't care what lesbian whores say about anything
Clearly scripted, poorly acted and too thick to realise nobody gives a shit what they think about anything.
like yogurt
Those fucking comments. Fucking gag.
Alright, time for something controversial but I noticed it.
What do you faggots think?
Women who dont have childrein until ~35 age like shit?
Shouldnt be that way but I actually noticed stay at home mothers look still good.
You think thats a mental thing?
Did anybod else notice this?
Page is a lesbian right?
No suprise she looks like shit while her eggs dry up.
her best role
Sleep deprivation and the stress of adopting the responsibility for another life take their toll. Stay at home mothers fair better because they have more down time. Having children can visibly age a woman if they have them too late - you have more stamina in your twenties, can deal with the lack of sleep, too dumb to be worried about what the world is really like...
If you only knew how bald things really are.
I'm balding but she is a legit 6 head
Do it right faggot
another celebrity elite just saying things with no basis hurting the heads of stupid normal people, throwing her out of a helicopter would do a lot of good.
I’ve ejaculated to her bare titties
what did Trump do to her forehead?
I feel so much better not having watched any of these late night shows anymore.
I tried watching a clip of that Bill Maher show.
About 20 seconds in I was like nothx, ur insane.
There's just no point or sense to any of the things they say.
That 5-head
Look at those comments. So organic.
man dick
Jesus...that's someone who is deeply disturbed. I genuinely hope she gets some help and works on her mental health.
I clicked by this and was amazed at what hot garbage she's become. Blech.
hey there's an obnoxious-looking queer over there, can't wait to hear all of its super perceptive and relevant political opinions
Cheering track is the worst part.
Jesus christ she looks like a Son'a
her face reminds me of a bare skull or a withering corpse
whatever stunted her growth caused her hairline to receed at an early age
>mfw watching this interview
She is clearly mentally unstable. The fact that these talk show hosts sit their giving mentally ill women a platform and voice is kind of irresponsible. The thing is, they are the only people who will repeat their retarded ideas unironically.
What's worse, that you knew that or that I knew you knew you knew that. Thank you, user.
honestly shocked how badly she is aging.
She looks like she's been using hard drugs, and the way she talks support my theory.
>And that's a good thing
Its not irresponsible mang its their job
i couldn't even listen to it, and i don't have anything against ellen page or whoever, stephen colbert. it was just so sterile and boring.
>steve cole bert
not even once
>Actors pretend to be great people so often that they believe they themselves are great.
Spoiled lez wants to talk about how a system is corrupt yet continues to work in a "misogynistic" field. $500 says she was sexually assaulted by a man when she was young. And that this action caused her to have an irrational fear of men, so much so that she prefers to be with women. I used to think the gay gene was real, but as I met more and more gays I realized the ones I knew grew up in drug infested homes, were abused by their fathers, or sexually assaulted at a young and impressionable age. Shit actress is shit
>5head btw
>If You Only Knew...
The fivehead needs throbbing veins.
The forehead on that faggottess hahahahahaha
Who the hell is this guy?
All these real accounts commenting and liking, so powerful!
>Women who dont have childrein until ~35 age like shit?
Not true my wife didn’t age like shit until after we had kids at 40.
>very very disrespectful
look at how much forehead she has. at least an eight
That's a man, baby.
Look at how recessed those fucking eye sockets are.
It's a Maritime thing
>Ellen Page, head protruding before Stephen Colbert, very very disrespectful
Someone please make a trump tweet edit out of this for the lulz
great thread
jesus fucking christ i didnt know lezzos were at high risk of aids too
How are shows like this still on the air? Who would spend their valuable free time - which they could use to do anything - to be lectured at for 45 minutes?
Listen to the audience. Everyone feels nervous and awkward.
>leaf muffdiver
im not even gonna watch it man
it’s bad. even her tone of voice is horrible
underrated as fuck
>pretending that 75% of the words that were spoken we unscripted.
she was clearly acting, waiting for audience applause at times, being very animated in her speech and facial expressions.
o fuck off, fuck Canada fuck all the marginal people fuck all the gays, fuck the coloreds get screwed hope a glacier crashes into this bitches forehead
And to think I thought she was cute in Juno...
Was her hairline always this shite?
this is what happens when you don't put a baby in a woman, she has decided to be the mother of troubled groups rather than cats
>watching fucking TV in
>that forehead
funniest part is half the people thought she was talking about hollywood
Looks like the predator
t. hard candy
Did she say that she had been dealing with all her partners being taller than her all the way back to elementary school? Pizzagate confirmed!
This should have been first post. You cunts are slipping.
People with big foreheads are generally very smart. But I don't know if this applies to the female race.
I used to like her 9 years ago, not knowing she was a fucking faggot.. Too bad she is really stupid.
you could park a fuckin aircraft carrier on her forehead jesus
Does she have a brain tumor or something?
My parents are old and much more simple. I took my kids to their house and my dad, a "right wing" boomer, was watching a show I felt absolutely nothing for. It was called Lip Sync Battle, and I swear, I'm glad my house has no direct TV line because that shit is so empty and hollow, I don't understand how things could have gotten as bad as they have.
She looks like heroin addict.
this is peak #ORANGEMANBAD considering Trump has barely done a fucking thing about faggots and the LGTIBOEJWQ shit. As much as I wish he'd make it open season on them, he hasn't really done much of anything yet he's still oppressing them somehow, nice
we're not all /tv/ refugees