There's clearly increasing frustration among all of us on the right about our options on how to change the direction of western civilization. No matter who we vote for or what rallies we attend, the mere act of being a functioning member of society and paying taxes is basically funding a war against us. Perhaps a more concrete solution to the parasitic relationship we have with our society involves fundamentally changing the white way of life, and realigning our priorities?
The current status quo is maintained by concentrating the nations power and wealth in urban centers, where the cost of maintaining a comfortable way of life is perpetually extracted out of you through taxes, finance, and other costs. All of that wealth is then used to perpetuate the degeneration of our society, and fund the tools of your enslavement. We are trapped in a self-reinforcing cycle. Political action may be great, but its unlikely to ever be more than a stop-gap for a real solution.
A more permanent change means detaching ourselves from the status quo. There are lessons to be learned from people today who live in more rural and tight-nit communities, or how our own great-grandparents may have lived just a century ago. Shed all the crap from your life that you don't need, and learn to rely on yourself. Learn practical skills that will make you more self reliant, instead of eating food that was picked by Guatemalans 300 miles away, make your own. Learn to be in charge of your own life. This is how large and healthy families are made.
We got ourselves into this mess by constantly seeking comfort above all, choosing to move one more exit down the highway to escape the encroaching minorities, instead of addressing the problem head on.
Let's discuss some pragmatic ways to survive clownworld.
The only way it will end is when the electric grid goes down. Without the grid cities become death camps and modern life as we know it ends. As long as urbanization continues we will continue to be enslaved.
Ayden Davis
Speaking of the current winter storms. Everyone does have a wood stove or fireplace or something to use if the power goes out right? right???
Nope, I probably should have one though because during this winter storm, my power went out AND the gas supply company somehow exploded their gas plant and lost 64% of the gas supply.
Justin Sanchez
could you put in a simple fan to let out the smoke? i know you would need power for that...
Aaron Kelly
don't freeze to death bud
Dominic Jackson
that was in michigan right?
Nathaniel James
Tight knit? Doesn't it refer to a higher quality weave meaning a stronger fabric both metaphorically and physically?
I have the same kind of stove as Varg has. Jötul f118, and it's amazing. Takes 50cm firewood and you can cook on it. And on top I have a heat driven fan that spreads the goodness around. However, if we lost power i don't think my firewood would last more than a month which would be a bit of a bugger.
Tyler James
a month is probably enough time to figure something out. you're doing better than most.
Mason Scott
>clownworld As the person to have "coined" that meme almost a year or two ago while complaining about something, only for 8ch types to fall in love with it and run with it, I'd like to say that you're a faggot.