Why do white women shill for the enemy with such alarming frequency? Is it due to the Jews, or is there a deeper...

Why do white women shill for the enemy with such alarming frequency? Is it due to the Jews, or is there a deeper, biological reason at play?

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Women are fucking retarded and their opinions should never be considered

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Stockholm syndrome. Women will side with whatever is the dominant force in society (neoliberalism or Islam) in order to preserve their reputation and reproduce. Historically, men were killed when invaders came and took over; women were used as sex slaves. The best, most complacent sex slaves reproduced and their genes became more plentiful in the next generation. Those who fought back died. Women will always tend to side with the invaders. They are pathologically altruistic and don’t suffer the same consequences of dispossession that men do.

Why did you make a thread on a politics board that has absolutely nothing to do with politics?

>Why do white women shill for the enemy with such alarming frequency?
24/7 jew programming from birth.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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This. Jews target women's compassion and low logic.

That's quite well thought out

They live off wealth redistribution
Those with unearned power dehumanize those beneath them

feels vs reals

if men think something isn't right, they're more likely to react to it.
if women *feel* something isn't right they're more likely to react to it.

they are easily manipulated bcuz of their feefees and their lack of logic, reason, and rationality

Because Trump. All they see is "muh pussy grabbing disgusting pig" .. it'll go away in a few years

theory time.

Is that why in ancient civilizations the king could fuck any woman?

If badmouth the bitch but you don't fuck her after that she'll not vote for u.

It’s more simple than that


>Why do white women shill for the enemy with such alarming frequency?
In the case of United States women *shill* for Democrats because the GoP would rescind their voting rights. Makes no sense to vote against your own interests.

This. Same reason minorities, especially 1st generation immigrants with inferior education, all vote left wing, without fail. Remember that over 95 PERCENT of niggers vote democrat year after year after year.

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>reasons at play?
it's penus envy. this has been discussed and confirmed like a fucking millenia ago.
i'll explain

penus envy is not just the envy of a women not having a dick. it's a deep feeling when realizing that men are superior to women in every aspect

every woman realizes this quite early in life and it really fucks up their mind. women develop this psychotic tendensy to have multiple personalities, which they would turn on\off.. depending on who they have to interact with.

women develop specific personalities to interact with different types of men.. and just to add to the party.. since they are already crazy.. they develop a few more personalities, including the vengeful psycho-bitch persona, which most of the time is very passive-aggressive but sometimes can be batshit crazy violent.

a woman is a creature that ironically loves to live. actually a woman likes to enjoy those little moments which give her whatever the fuck she considers to be a joy, and in most cases women adapt defensively to an environment, where they manage to larp as "good girls".. but that's only a facade, since on the inside there is a squad of personalities and the dominant one wants to wage a war against an unfair world that made her a woman

so.. those who knew about this, throughout the ages used women as weapons against men. usually women would be used to sabotage the society or even poison men to weaken a group

..it's not really a matter of propaganda or brainwashing. it's a matter of knowing how to release that fucked up female personality and make it the dominant one on the outside, not on the inside.. sort of speak

what feminism does.. it doesn't brainwash women. it just agitates that fucked up personality in a woman to come out and become the dominant one.

but those personalities are developed by women themselves. understand this. women have a side of them on the inside that fucking hates men.. existentially. but it's sort of dormant until awakened.

Fucking based and redpilled

Women should be raised in isolation from men and kept unaware that the opposite sex even exists until they are handed over to their husband on "wedding night" whereupon they'd be raped into submission.

Explains why women were immediately banned from voting once Trump, Bush, Reagan etc got into power

yeah.. something like that. but it still wouldn't save them from going mad. they all go mad, once they dicover they have been made total servants and inferior to men in every aspect.

can you imagine knowing that being born literally almost a crippled retard is NORMAL and that's exactly what was intended by nature??

can you imagine the shock or realizing this??
women all go through this phase of realization of how unfair the nature dealt them their cards. and basically from that point on.. it's all about compensation for this.

who do they compensate against? women mostly.. but if they have a chance at getting back at men, they'll do it.

they'll try to do it by someone else's hand if possible, since women are scared of being killed for their intentions.

it's not a subject which is spoken off openly. but the main reason why men in a marriage live shorter lives in general is because their wives poison them.

how?? by different means.. starting from nagging and all kinds of irratation to straight out adding some shit to your morning tea.

it's impossible to avoid the wrath of a woman.
the best a man can hope for with a woman is a miserable life.. the worst is some painful fucking death

they are essentially are not our partners. ironically.

basically what sould be done is for women to be kept in cages until they give 5-10 births. then just put them to sleep, burn them and scatter the ashes.

they should not exist in society. they are not human and they are insane.

ideally, an artificial womb would solve the problem.

women shouldn't exist. the reason why they do.. only proves that whoever or whatever created this world.. meant for men to have this handicap in a form of a crazy bitch running around poisoning the well.

it's like.. a fuse on an advancement. women innately don't want men to do well. contrary to the belief as if they do.. they don't. becuase they can't really have the fruits of men's achievements. they can't be praised or even admired

It's an exploit of the necessary retardation of women. Women will anthropomorphize anything. It's an important function for the maximal survival of the species that women 'adopt' and bond with their children or any stray children they find. So with a little old fashioned (((media brainwashing))), women see these literal invaders as 'lost children' they need to take care of.

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It can be said that all power women have comes from men, and all they do with that power is use it against them.
The best we can do is domesticate them just like any other animal. As is they have reverted back to their feral, atavistic form and men must collectively realize this. We have suffered long enough. I know I have.

The Jew media have programmed them into being pathologicaly altruistic and I guess that in spite of white men being portrayed in very degoratory manner in the western media, they project some sort of mother instincts on the "weak and vulnerable" mudpeople that of course were, as the Jew media say - harmed in every aspect od their lives by the evil white man and his colonialism even though the colonialism ended and now they can enjoy their Wakanda. They see white men as some abusive father - the creator of evil capitalist, patriarchal, colonial, racist, sexist matrix that they and "people of colour" are subdued to and as some hands of the demiurge slaughtering the innocent shitskinned women and children of the world.

white women think they do everything best so they overdo that one

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In a little hurry I said "shitskinned women and children of the world", forgetting that we talk naturaly mostly about young male rapefugees, but as you know there were cases where they recognized some middle aged dude as some teenage refugee so, yeah, you know (((women and children))) refugees.

It's abortion, a lot of women are straight D voters just because the option to kill their fetus reigns supreme over anything else.

Because men dont lead women anymore and instead let jews do it

>domesticate them just like any other animal.
easier said then done. well.. actually given there were not agitative factors, it would be completely possible to domisticate them and keep them in this dormant passive subservient state where they would actually like to serve etc etc.. but since keeping women in informational buble today is not an option.. thus domisticating them is not an option either.

the most logical solution is robots. but meanwhile.. it's really throwing dice against the wall in regards to dealing with each woman in particular.. some maybe relatively sane, some may not. it's just all of them are insane on the inside.

you can try your luck with women.. but it's just like in a casino.. you can't win for days in a row. one of the days you will lose.. even if you dimisticate all the dealers.. lol. it's just the game itself is rigged against you. it has always been like this.

actually its much easier to employ women as your own weapons against other men, then to have women as your personal companion. you can still fuck'em but never allow one to be around you on personal level and have access to your body at any moment.

>but since keeping women in informational buble today is not an option
not sending them to public school is why dont mot fathers do this?
not having cable tv is why dont most fathers do this?

It is a woman's wont to stir up shit, and see who will fight for her. They do not measure value in what they can accomplish, only in what others place in them.

>White (((women)))

white women have messiah complexes

they want the bbc

I find that hybristophilia is an effective method of control. Once she knows you are batshit crazy and have a capacity for extreme violence you win.

Because women respond to strength. The strong ones are not the ones the ones hiding on an anonymous board hiding their power level afraid of the repercussions of what would happen if they let their actual views be known in public.

The shitty thing about this is, if enough people revealed their power level, we would defeat the enemy... but currently we're on the ropes goys.

Because muh emotions and why doesnt everyone hold hands and get along. Mental faculties of a child

Would genuinely suck some Jow Forumstards cock for a chance to hammer her fucking skull open with a brick.

You're blaming the computer not the programmer. You are at fault user. Any man that does not publicly stand up and say enough is enough is at fault. Do we blame children for throwing fits? No. It's the terrible parents.

that's actually very well put

Right wing women are prettier, who cares what uggos think, they are obviously trying to compensate for their ugliness by having the "right" opinions

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>women have no accountability itas mens fault always

It is mens fault
they are suppose to control their women

Depends which women. I don't think women in Hungary or Czechia shill for anybody foreign

we're winning

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The archeological record and DNA show that native Spaniard men were genocided while women bred with invaders.

that chick doesn't look good even with makeup

a fucking leaf?!

Oh, no no no no!

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Women are low quality people, and see deporting low quality men as malevolent action.

>Why do white women shill for the enemy
these women are the enemy

it's the opposite, actually
women only want to breed with strong men
with the infection of feminism and the symptoms of masculine women and effeminate men
women are no longer interested in breeding as they no longer find men worthy of mating with
thus they will encourage the importation of truly masculine men who will take away their rights,
cure them of their disease,
force them back into their proper place in society
and breed them
ensuring the continuation of the human race

The Dynamical Laws

The only power that females have is given to them by males;
The only thing which females do with that power is use it against males.

The Dynamical Laws are part of a new system of behaviour analysis called Procedural Analysis. Behaviours are regarded as masculine or feminine according to whether they are advantageous for male or female genes. For example, the optimal male policy for the furtherance of his genes is to impregnate as many reproductive females as possible, while the most advantageous female policy is to secure a single, long-term mate of exceptional fitness who will remain with her and provide for her while she rears children.




You’re regurgitating what Molymeme has said many times. But yes, it is true.

Because you have it in reverse. You are the one shilling for the enemy and refusing to admit they have you brainwashed to their agenda.

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its literally "muh feels" all the way up their vag
they use "emotional logic", a contradiction in terms, to function socially and if they cant social status and sex it up, they cant into that and will gladly sell their whole world for a bit of dick or "social standing",
.."image", never substance...

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this is the ONE thing that Sharia gets right
but it is the man who should be beheaded for allowing his wife or daughter to dishonor him
as she is expected to be week and morally compromised

Fuck off commie. You're so fucking stupid because you still believe Marxism is the answer to everything.

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The current government already steals enough of my paycheck for socialist programs that do not benefit me
while growing larger and invading more intrusive on my personal life and reducing my personal liberties.
The more socialistic the government becomes, the greater the oppression and lower both my quality of life and personal freedom
if the government becomes completely socialist they will rule with authoritarian power and control all aspects of every individuals life
I understand the attraction though, to people that have surrendered all individuality and enjoy slavery and the security of having mom pay the rent and grocery bill for them.

Is it because youre weak and refuse to lead?

How poor are you?


I have no fucking idea why no guard or worker went and removed her from the plane

Because they're Dunning-Kruger: The Demographic.
That's literally it. Smart enough to comprehend the tangled web of bs that's fed to them, but not smart enough to see why it's not something worth supporting.

Because cunts are the sacred cows of Western Civilization.

This as well. I don’t think we are in disagreement.

Women have always been that way.

Because all the white men with any real power do. Women always emulate the most powerful of their tribe and not some outcast autists.



Women have no guiding principles. Crying for rapists and open borders is popular now. Once brown people start destroying the west, women will be begging white men to grow spines and be their guardians.

misplaced maternal instinct. You can see it clearly considering women become more "conservative" after having children. Essentially they're misdirecting their maternal/nurturing nature towards the (((helpless))) brown hordes because you haven't done the right thing and given them a few kids.


“An unconscience desire for brutal male domination”

Women are simply waiting for white men to beat them to their senses and control the situation, before the shitskins do it first. This is all a shit test.

Women suffer from neurosis and a good beating and being told what to do cures it.

>white men to beat them to their senses
beat them?? im sure if you saw your dad beat your mum you'd grow up to a normal human being

She has no strong male in her life

>human being
>being human
in other words not really human, just being one.

I'm sure if you grew up watching your mom henpeck your father you'd grow up to be a man.

Women are literally NPCs

I never thought I'd say this but she has an extremely rapeable face.

Yes, I saw my father slap my mother, whenever she went through her neurotic manipulative angry bitch phase, which left the family stressed, and it worked. Men need to stand up to crazy unhinged women, not enable them like we do now, which just makes them even less stable. There’s a difference between minimal force to coerce someone and bashing someone to a pulp. You have to make that distinction. The muslims turned out to be right I guess.

dude, women have no fucking idea whats going on. not at all. they dont think even 10% as much as a man does.

It is possible there is nothing deep, women truly are just siding with other people they see as marginalized like they feel they are. It's not without basis, since even the Democrats trash Northam when he makes a rational case against forcing a woman to raise a retard via forced breeding laws.

Continued: many women need guidance, like overgrown childrenl, or elsewhere they’ll just start hurting themselves and everyone around them. Neuroticism is prevalent in women. You need a steady hand to calm the storm. Women’s emotional state is very temperemtal and sometimes driven by irrational impulses.


I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet. I'm only going to forgive you faggots because its saturday night.

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>Why do white women shill for the enemy with such alarming frequency? Is it due to the Jews, or is there a deeper, biological reason at play?

It's because they want to have conscience but most of them are feebly bad at it because the female capacity to really pay attention and notice all the relevant variables, and not just the superficial ones, isn't even terrible.

That is to say, the average white female, just like the average white male, has terrible powers of actual perspective. And whereas the white male uses his below-dog-shit powers of perspective to be a belligerent douchebag, when their females try to apply those same feeble abilities to fight the good fight as an SJW, all they end up doing is making a royal mess of everything and giving aid and comfort to the worst of the worst.

White people -- not even once.

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Stupid sexist meme image. There's plenty of capable women, they just occur at a lower rate than men given lack of history of training. Successful men have generations of mentors to thank, while women are supposed to be forming strong role models now, but the Jew is perverting the field.

There's no sense in misogyny. Misanthropy is the only logical conclusion.

Shut the fuck up kike

Misplaced maternal instinct coupled with brainwashing by media.
Even for those of us raised right, being sexually mature and not having a child is a recipe for this type of disaster.

Rude but also hard to argue against, many such cases

fuck off, shill

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I literally can't tell if one of them is a woman. Fucking nasty chimps. LOL

Not stupid at all. There are capable women, but they're too few and far between. And while they're not stupid, they're not spectacular thinkers (not that all men are ofc). But it's a game of averages.

They're too easily fooled (by the jew in particular), too emotional, and just don't care about things that matter, like thinking about how to structure stuff.

Misanthropy is surrender to the situation of society. Let me get even more specific with my sexism for you +++user+++.
When it comes to intelligence, the best of women are ugly. The beautiful women 99% of the time are dumb as shit. I was at a bar with a bunch of suicide girls (some porn website) in portland, basically the headquarters of antifa, and these beautiful women were nigger levels of retarded. Actually, I don't want to offend the niggers on this point. They were all talking about how the universe was like lego's. A conversation you would expect with 8-10 year olds.
I had rarely been around a group of such beautiful women, and at the same time so stupid. The only reason they are surviving in our gene pool is on appearance only.
Misogyny should honestly be better focused on the lipstick elite of women, who are the worst of offenders. Now having said that, the ugly ones are still followers and not thought leaders.
Nuance is beyond them, and only an emotional experience to them. Nuance is not in their analytical future predicting cognition.

no they are fed a 24/7 propaganda diet that changes what the normie thinks. A lot of white women are disgusted by nigger and before the chad brainwashing they were arguably even more racist then their husbands.

It's 30% jew,globalist 70% biology. People clearly understand how to manipulate women, over the last 100 years it's been proven they can do it in any country, with any race, and it's to the point now where the manipulation has almost been perfected. Jews/global elites sell the drugs, women are just unrealistically receptive twords them. They understand how to prop up the state, media, social media as the alphas that women pay attention to for most of their lives.

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>treating women like shit is actually a good thing
Make sure whenever you get a gif that you pound her asshole so hard she has to lay there panting like a dog for 10 minutes. She wont respect you otherwise

Stuff it

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It's a mixture of biological programming and outside influence. They will always go for who they perceive as the stronger man, even if he is from an outside tribe, because deep down all they care about is passing on genetics with the most suitable mate. But this perception can be altered and is exacerbated by the feminization of western men (white men in particular), the promotion of absent fathers and/or the state taking over the role as father, the encouraging of slutty behavior by mass media, just to name a few.