Guy goes to AVN convention to discuss No Fap with professionals in the porn industry and the first woman he talks to...

Guy goes to AVN convention to discuss No Fap with professionals in the porn industry and the first woman he talks to gets insulted and shames him in front of passersby.
Watching such an interaction as this really shows the parasitic nature of pornography and how it relies on its addicted consumers to continue to exist.
Is No Fap the only way to keep a sane and sober mind in such a sexually degenerate society such as ours?

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NoFap is the redpill.

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I love this video. Dunno who the host is but he's funny and very charismatic. I guess that's what you get with nofap.

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fap free february. make the jew feel your blue balls as you become galaxy brained and incarnate Evola.

That looks like pure degeneracy

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Buddha said that women cannot become enlightened

This is why

Women do not have desires, they ARE desire

Their existence is swamped in it

They cannot awaken for the same reasons an animal or deva cannot awaken

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those women are completely worthless

>enlightening yourself by isolation
buddhism is a meme

You’re on something dude. The three jewels are Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Emphasis on the Sangha in this case.

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I watch porn regularly and I've never seen or heard of any of these porn "stars"

He's definitely worth a subscribe. He makes really entertaining and sometimes informing videos

>be interviewed guy at porn convention
>offend whore
>die by getting beaten to death by creepy old basement perverts wearing pocket pussies in semen stain crusted sweatpants at a porn convention

I think it should just be nopr0n. Just imagination only. Or hookers.


>I watch porn regularly


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>those women are completely worthless

they seem like they'd be a lot of fun unlike dumb boring tradfus

I just subscribed. Seems like a cool dude.

When Jow Forums says that nofap is a way of life, you mean noporn right? No way someone can live without fapping once in a while

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I don't take advice from losers

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>Is No Fap the only way to keep a sane and sober mind in such a sexually degenerate society such as ours?


Look at the Saints, they were the most free of all people

Because they resisted vices and temptations, depriving yourself of good and excising in vices will only unbalance your body, soul, and mind.

Porn is literally an EPIDEMIC now, even girls next door are starting to get involve by camming. It's weird because society in general wants to protect kids against anything that harms them.....yet porn is still legal?

Can someone give me a quick rundown of beardy mcweirdy @ 2 minutes in?

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the bible also says women are suppose to be cover'd and dress modestly, and submissive to their male counterparts.

Western Society emancipates women, they turn society into a carnal hell. Remember it was Eve to took the apple first.

No most of them will advise both. Do what works for you.

says the guy who cant stop jerking his dick like a baboon

Reminder if you aren't on at least double digit nofap streak you cannot consider yourself repilled at all, you're literally no different then a liberal larping as a Chad.



I'm sure you bang supermodels non stop

Once in a blue moon is fine. Don't watch porn tho

holy shit this guy has balls of fucking steel

Guy should've shot the place up

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Fap regularly eh? Let me guess you cannot bench more then 145 pounds right? I'd put you to shame irl. I'll even do it here if you want cuck boy.

Why don't you shut up, you degenerate piece of shit.

irrelevant to the my implication

I wonder how many leafs are actually leafs.

Must have struck a nerve

These whores depend their livelihoods on beta-cucks, buying their shit

look at most of the guys that attend those Porn shows, they are ugly, gross beta men who see a shower once a month..LOL

haha faggot I could knock you out one blow not a problem too easy sucka

I'm a fucking navy seal with 300 hundred confirm kills. See it's easy to larp.

Ha! So that's what Glink's been up to lately. Was wondering why that faggot wasn't pushing rank 1 on his hunter anymore. He's still austistic as ever I see. Guess things do never change.

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why don't you go shit on your girlfriend or something

>acts retarded
>gets called a retard
I mean what did you even expect?

>Steven Crowder goes to AVN convention
>"Masturbation is bad change my mind"

Yes, the nerve of having self control.

You don't even flush toilet paper down the toilet.
You people are no better than street shitters.

beef status: roasted

Im better than you, wanker.

What's the matter, didn't sell any heroin today?

I’ve been on NoFap for so long I’ve lost count. I think it’s been 2 months, and a friend was shocked to here this. He said that that’s soldier-tier shit, feels pretty good.

guarantee he fucked one of these chicks at the AVNs

My bet is on the last girl.

I'm perfect no fap for February so far, best streak ever

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In a healthy and non-kiked society all those pornstar whores would be brutally executed for what they do.

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That is pretty fucking amazing

i tried NoFap for 2 weeks, the only thing that happened was i tried to rape my sister's friend. it's a shit system

gross why would you fuck a pornstar

I don't think he did, but I was just entertaining the other Anons statement in a hypothetical way.

>that happened was i tried to rape my sister's friend.

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T. Doesn't know shit about Buddhism

I'm serious. look all i'm saying is that 2 weeks with no change is bullshit. And whenever i ask about nofap there is no like infographic showing any real results or anything from it.

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Do buddhist monks isolate themselves in mountains and take vows to never speak? Philosophical arguing is more enlightening than that meme religion.

Me neither.

>projecting this badly

Why didn’t you address his point

im too ugly to love and im poor

>Is No Fap the only way to keep a sane and sober mind in such a sexually degenerate society such as ours?

No, because NoFap is stupid and unhealthy. What you need is NoPorn.

What point?

Why does he approach emptiness? Such an enlightened force trying to sway to drum beats being performed by the whores of Babylon? See the hourglass is cracked and the grains of sand are lost in the winds of Ithaca. Red lip gloss, intense homosexual club beats. A new futuristic sound you’ve never heard before. I can only equate this feeling to the moment I realized the democrats have done more for the white race than any other party. Think about for just a moment and you will know I speak the truth. You’re’re control me....I forgot the last verse of this song sung by mr kitty.

see perfect fucking example. you can't explain how this helps us, so you just call someone a kike.

Kek you shills never learn.

I couldnt finish the video. Im pissed off that an arab is allowed near white women in this era.

Tells us where in the Sutras, Dharmapada, Vinaya, or ANY other Buddhist text, (Mahayana, Vajrayana, or Theravada), this is said.

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Who makes the porn in this hypothetical non-kiked society?
>Nobody because pornography is a Jewish weapon.

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Kek, wonder if he talked to the Nazi who's a client at my work. He goes to that every year and sends my coworker pictures with all these freakish whores.

>p-please keep masturbating

All of them are extremely distraught women who experienced much abuse as children.

What I noticed is that while before I was an autist ignoring social cues, with nofap I looked at girls and some looked back and I gave a shit about finding a partner.
Not worth it though because I started getting depressed about not having a gf

Yeah because you jerking off benefits me personally.

Are you 10 years old? What did you expect to become TurboChad?

>made it 2 months
>failed miserably for a little while since then
>starting a new streak with a new potential gf hopefully

Do the girls go back to hotels with fans for cash?

kek BASED!

if they're literal whores then one can assume for the right price

Never been to one of those but used to go to anime conventions from 2010-2014. Banged a lot of sluts dressed up as animu chars. One of the best periods of my life ever

Of course they do.

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Sperm dies in 3 days whether you fap or not. So semen retention and hormone arguments are bullshit.
As for the personality disorders formed by excessive porn, that is a fair argument to make.

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How much?

>what are minerals

I don't know, user; I don't patronise whores. It was the first escort ad on Google that had "adult film star" in the picture.

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You get minerals from food and vitamins.

I eat food every day, most of the time. I mean one day I am peeing, and another day I am drinking something. Seems to all work out.

I am not an advocate of pornography or fapping, as they both damage people psychologically. I fap about once a week to ensure everything is working down there, but whatever.

Are you really talking about the mineral composition of semen being lost? Do you spit often, do you sweat? There isn't much difference. I get that the body harvests the semen again and can get some form of positive gain from it, but not really.

>I eat food every day
Fucking wierdo

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What ever price you would have posted I was going to say too much.
She got a botched tit job, looks fucked up.
Also her voice is so high pitched it's like nails on a chalk board.
I bet it's something like a grand an hour tho.

>not raping your sister

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You can't create or buy time. And every precious second you waste obsessing over fucking, or wanking your cock in a never ending circle of dopamine addiction, are seconds that you are not bending your thought toward something productive, either for yourself or your nation.

Controlled and bluntened. Just as the filthy jews want.

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So you should use your energy and insight to level yourself up. You're a loser because of your own decisions