What Percentage of Jews Own the Meat Industry ?

Has there been any research on this subject ?
We know that Jews owned the majority of slave ships and the slave trade. What percentage now own the meat / slaughter house industry ?

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6 Gorillion percent

"Wait this isn't google"
Sage shill threads.

Fuck off stupid vegan

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Why would a jew want to own non-kosher meat?

Just fucking gouge my eye out right now.

Very little, hence why they push for veganism and lab grown "meats"


I found the Jews in this thread

I would assume that the photo is not of a kosher plant because the cattle doesn't look bled.
But it would be nice if there was more research on how many meat plants are owned by Jews so that vegans and vegetarians can be made more aware.

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Fuck off Vegan
No one wants to eat some gay science meat.
Meat must come from Murdered animals before consumed. Its the only way


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Abattoirs are a perfect excuse to get Muslims in white countries. I have worked in a kosher/ halal abattoirs and have personal experience.
My threads on the industry and its practices especially around the damage the abattoirs do to local communities concerning immigration, drug/ alcohol and other issues are constantly saged on /pol.
They exploit the workers themselves and the government by using the 457 visa working program. The owners are basically stand over types who rip off and underpay their own workers.
White people technically own and operate the abattoirs but how much foreign or Jewish investment in them is unclear to me.

That's my point retard, Jews are pushing for those things because they don't have a steak (lol) in the meat industry.

There needs to be an effort to research how much of the slaughter houses are actually owned by Jewish interest
Start with the basics, -

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That's what we call them here. The slaughter house is called a kill floor.

They invest in kosher abattoirs and do whatever they can to ruin and drive out of business non kosher abattoirs. It also involves how the cows are weighed and bought from local farmers at the sale yards. And shutting down the live export industry.

The shut down live exports calling it 'cruel' in the media so farmers have no other option but selling to them. At the sale yards they are currently manipulating the weighing system which inevitably will mean less profit for farmers.

I work as a butcher.
Over half the meat carried at the average meat department is Kosher killed.
Not a joke, you can look it up yourself.

The reality is almost every piece of meat is kosher killed.
They don't have to tell you this as a customer as it's not federally required.
It's clearly on the boxes for shipments we get in though.
Clear as day a little checkbox that says Kosher.

Meat itself is jewish

oh fuck.
I'm saving this.
This made me want to laugh and throw up at the same time

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>israel has the largest percentage of vegans in the world
>implying israel doesn't keep the good vegetables for itself and sell you genetically altered cancer causing vegetables

Vegetables have to be kosher also
If you're eating vegetables in a 1st world country, you're falling for Jewish memes.

And if you have seen the way they are slaughtered it would make you weep. Especially when it only takes a bullet to put it out of its misery. But bah, these people have to watch the cow suffer and thrash about while taking minutes to die while being cut apart while it's still alive. The mental health and social problems like drinking and drug use plus domestic violence and anti social behaviour is brushed under the rug while these people exploit local communities and make huge profits in this modern slave driven industry. Its a discusting and barbaric practice that does not need to exist in this day and age.

>horrid and disgusting industry
>not jewish
pick one

I've literally seen animals slaughtered my entire life and it has had zero effect on me.
My grandparents were butchers during a time where people still brought live animals to the butchery to have them processed.
I've killed multiple animals myself, beheaded chickens, shot a cow to death, hunted deer, gutted a goat.

I deal with cutting meat daily.
It's really not that big a deal at all.

You're implying working in the meat industry causes any of those issues when society itself has those same issues (in larger amounts in other work environments).
Butchers have existed as long as humans have existed. Improper management of meat will easily kill humans and it was one of the first traits we learned when we began to thrive as a species.

Death does not cause the social behaviors that violence causes. Which is where you're confused.

Killing an animal for survival purposes isn't violence.
All life must feed on something.

Your picking and choo and not understanding what I'm saying. There is a massive difference between killing what you need in the wild or on a farm and doing it humanly as possible. I have no problem with that. What I have a problem with is 300-500 cows and 2500 sheep every single day thrashing about while being cut apart when they are still alive hanging from the good on a production line. The people who work their are Muslims imported from third world countries who have to stay Thier and do the job or risk being deported. They are forced to work for 5 years under the 457 visa work program.

In no other farming or rural industry have I seen the level of alcohol consumption, drug abuse and heard stories about domestic violence than i have in the slaughter industry. Butchering an already dead and cold animal can not even compare to the feeling of working on a kill floor. The people are dead and cold inside. They have a dead cold look in their eyes. They are emotionally and socially distant and abusive to each other.


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*Picking and choosing
*Hanging from the roof

>All life must feed on something.
Kind of makes you wonder what feeds on us, doesn't it?

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>my girlfriend's sperm
[current year]

lol no...
You live in Australia where a regular Petrol Station worker huffs gasoline and fucks his son nightly while beating his wife and daughter.
Don't blame killing some animals on problems that obviously exist in other facets of your society as I stated in higher rates.

I Googled it and the only correlation between slaughterhouses, meat cutters, and violence is the fact that a lot of these workers are severely underpaid for the amount of work they do (and the demand for said work).
Poverty breeds violence and abuse.

Kill your first animal.
The feeling doesn't change ever.
It doesn't get worse and it doesn't get better.

Until that point don't talk to me about the psychological effects of killing things.
My wife is already upset that I had to kill one of our chickens that got injured.

You know what i felt?
Nothing, because it's a fucking animal and while I can spend moments of life with it enjoying its company. It will always be an animal.

Inhumane animal killing is one thing. Because it begets violence as I already stated.

However a clean kill takes only seconds.

Everything m8, that's why kikes are obsessed with "proper" burials and making insanely expensive caskets to try and preserve themselves even in death.

Animals, bacteria, nematodes, insects.
We are suppose to be recycled back to Earth.
It's just something people have to understand or else live in the same garbage delusions that liberals live in.

For every human that lives, that much more environmental land is taken away from other life. That much fresh water is used, that much more minerals.

Faggots think we can live in harmony with nature and go "Green". It's fucking retarded.
It's a literal war and eventually so many humans will exist that there won't be animals or plants to eat.
We will literally kill eachother off in such vast numbers just to give nature a chance to repopulate the world with other lifeforms.

Fun to think about.

The only thing I like about you responding is the fact it's keeping the thread alive. I witnessed 300+ full size cows plus 2500 sheep being slaughtered and cut apart while still alive. This was not one day, this was everyday of the week for years on end. You killed one chicken? I have cut the skin off of countless cows faces, I have cut testicles off 1000's of sheep, I have used my knife to cut through the spine of beasts that fully stretched reach from the roof to the floor of and industrial facility weighing 1000's of kgs. Of coarse the full effects are not going to be googled. People change jobs and wouldn't even speak about it and if they do those figures aren't going to be recognised fully because of numerous factors. I have seen it personally. It's funny how whenever this industry is mentioned a bunch of shills with thier heads up Thier asses comment negatively about people who know what they are talking about in an attempt to maintain a false public opinion. I know exactly what I'm talking about and have witnessed it first hand from a young age living in town where it is one of our major industries. So much of these social problems and flow on effects could be avoided by just killing the animals humanly instead of abiding by some biblical bullshit from centuries ago to worship some Jewish god in white countries. The hormones produced from the fear and suffering is in the meat itself and effects the person eating it in negative ways. A simple bullet to the cows head could fix this. But these people who own the industry are inherently evil.

>my dick is bigger than yours

Thanks for proving you did not read a single bit of anything I typed faggot.
One chicken?
I stated quite very readily that I was raised around a Butcher, I've killed multiple animals, and I cut mean for a living.

God I thought Australians were suppose to be tough, not sissy boys.
Just because you can't handle killing animals, doesn't mean it causes PTSD.
Grow a pair of balls.

But ya still shuddna fooked that little boy m8

You stupid fucking moron, veganism is the diet of the new world order. They want us to be dumb weak cattle unable to fight back or think.

Cant wait for your teeth to fall out and your brain to rot from the inside out.

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Shut the fuck up idiot. I don't give a fuck what you think. I know Americans are stupid, I don't need to read what you write. If you don't know the difference between farm life and systematic slaughter what's the point in talking to you? If you are going to refute my real life experience in the industry with a 5 second Google search why would I fucking bother explaining it to you? I actually did read everything you wrote but was purposefully vauge and uncaring because that's the exact way in which you responded to mem. So fuck up and stop trying to argue and run me down. I know exactly what I'm talking about so admit that before commenting. Fucking American, you know you cunts are getting super unpopular around the world? Shits gonna change for you boy.

Are you feeling alright cunt? Self projecting much?

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Idea: Outlaw the inhumane slaughter of animals for meat consumption. Ensure that the definition of "inhumane" includes jewish and islamic ritual slaughter.

Starve the parasites out.

>What Percentage of Jews Own the Meat Industry ?

What Percentage of the Meat Industry is owned by Jews?

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Probably not many, that would require work.

Kek cry more you criminal bastard
Our spics take fine care of our meat for us over here

lots of iranians in this thread. oh, and nice 2 proxies , Parvaz!

Can't wit to watch your country crumble. Most corrupt bunch of war mongering criminally minded parasites on the face of the earth. "Us" "our" have a listen to yourself you pathetic faggot.

I agree with you, OP.
Have a bump. It isn't about being a soiboi beta vegan, just about causing as little harm as possible. Vegetarianism is the compassionate man's choice.

I've been vegetarian for many years, strictly since around 2013. My health has declined rapidly, i have reoccuring infections, extreme and constant acid reflux and deep gnawing hunger pain 24/7 aswell as hives and nonstop itchy skin caused most likely by a fucked immune system . If you can get over the suffering and killing part my advise is to stay the fuck away from this diet. Empathy is suicide. I'm seriously considering going back to atleast fish but i'm such a fucking domesticated pussy that puts empathy over self preservation that i find myself time and time again chickening out every time i try to eat it again. but now shits getting real for me out of fear and not wanting to live in pain i'm thinking of putting myself first . Anyone got any advice on how i can eat it without giving a fuck, close myself to the individual creatures suffering? i know its natural and all is war but i hate nature and reality i'm so fucking conflicted. Any help?


Fuck sake, seems whenever i stop lurking and post something the thread dies

Threads on this topic slide off the board or toward the end of the catalogue suspiciously fast