Why aren’t you vegan?

99% of vegans are white and high IQ. I as a vegan hope the white race lasts forever. Shitskins are low IQ/low empathy and will happily destroy the planet and harm animals.

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>let's turn our back on consumption of the one product that allowed our brains to develop to their current state

Cooking meat forced us to develop the GENES to get big brains. Those genes will work no matter what you eat in the year 2019.

>high empathy
>uses racial slurs
Think, user.

Fuck you bitch ass vegan. Neck yourself you low t pussy. Hope you enjoy the kikes laughing at you as they celebrate literal retards like you embracing a diet that causes starvation.
>vegans think eating plants will provide them fats
>vegans think because plants contain protein, their bodies can digest and absorb them
>vegans think because animals can do it so can humans
>vegans deny the acidity of their stomach
>vegans deny their diet is literally impossible without a grocery store
>vegans deny their ancestors diet
>vegans believe eating algae is healthy
>vegans can not comprehend their diet is a religion
>vegans buy their food from the same places that sell meat
>vegans believe not eating milk, eggs, cheese, milk chocolate, and butter will save an animal even though animals do not die to produce those products
>vegans shit so much because their bodies do not absorb the food they eat
>vegans believe that high carbs and sugars are healthy
>vegans are dumb whites who follow trends the elites set for them
>vegans keep animals as slaves and feed meat eating predators vegetables

Fuck off faggot.

Attached: SmartSelect_20181122-235022_YouTube.gif (640x407, 1.27M)

citations needed

I've been vegan for 4 years and have the body of an ayran god. All you meat cucks can suck it

Nazis really do own the rights to being a basedboy

>99% of vegans are white and high IQ.
what is india?

>vegans think eating plants will provide them fats
Tons of plants provide fats
>vegans think because plants contain protein, their bodies can digest and absorb them
They can. Some not as much as others. Meat is of course most bioavailable but doesn't mean plants aren't.
>vegans think because animals can do it so can humans
>vegans deny the acidity of their stomach
While our stomach acid is capable of prcoessing meat, it is roughly 20 times weaker than an average carnivorous animal
>vegans deny their diet is literally impossible without a grocery store
Do you not go to a grocery store?
>vegans deny their ancestors diet
Earliest human ancestors were entirely frugivores and adapted to eating meat out of necessity. We were not originally designed to eat meat.
>vegans believe eating algae is healthy
Nori, kelp, spirulina, etc. Incredibly healthy.
>vegans can not comprehend their diet is a religion
Ad-hom nonsense
>vegans buy their food from the same places that sell meat
>vegans believe not eating milk, eggs, cheese, milk chocolate, and butter will save an animal even though animals do not die to produce those products
You have no idea what those industries do those animals, do you?
>vegans shit so much because their bodies do not absorb the food they eat
Plant food contains fiber whereas animal products typically do not. Tell me more about a meat heavy diet's gut bacteria and colon cancer rates
>vegans believe that high carbs and sugars are healthy
When consumed in unprocessed whole forms, yes they are. Moderation is key, however.
>vegans are dumb whites who follow trends the elites set for them
Shaolin warrior monks are vegan. Hindu brahmins are vegan. Japanese zen abbots are vegan. Are they all white trend followers?
>vegans keep animals as slaves and feed meat eating predators vegetables
Tell me about the literal slaves in CAFO's eating GMO grains and waste products

You seem so full of hate and very judgemental