Why did America overthrow his government?

He seemed to be running things fine

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He wanted to sell oil for currencies other than the US dollar.

Oh, and those spooky wmd's.

After witnessing how violent and tribalistic the folks in Iraq were from 2003-today, Saddam should have gotten a Nobel Peace Prize for how he was able to keep that whole situation intact in Iraq for so many years with relative peace... there was a reason why he had to rule with an iron fist

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T. Goy thats been brainwashed by the kikes who push the oil meme

Jew new world order

Got too big for his britches.


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Jesus stop posting this shit please

>t. got who's been brainwashed by stormfags

Nazis get the rope first

Kys kike

Because America is Israel's bitch and Israel is afraid of chad Muslim nations wrecking their shit.

>Why did America overthrow his government?
Jew agenda.

Understand the holohoax psyop and what jews have done to the West post-WW2.

Read through this thread, it's all there...

Use this info to redpill others. Redpilling normies is the ONLY battle that matters now. Redpill them and the rest will work itself out.

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T. Kike shill
Neck yourself faggot

no u

Brother, i think you might have the wrong idea how the day of the rope is going to go.

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This. Was wondering why he was demonized so much just the other day and the only thing I could remember was him mailing pieces of people or something. Given the state of the middle East today however he did a pretty fine job. A stable ME seems to be almost unattainable anymore.

Constant violations of the First Gulf War cease fire.
Refusal to participate in a meaningful way with weapons inspections.
Ownership of use of WMD by firing extended range SCUD missiles at US forces.
Attempted genocide of ethnic Kurds.
Tried to assassinate GHWB while his son was the fucking President.

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I'm gonna laugh so fucking hard when nazi fags get arrested for hate speech over your little internet larp fun time.

Saddam deserves a Peace Nobel Prize considering how he managed to turn Iraq into a power and almost 1st World level of development despite its darkie shitty savage population.

>there was a reason why he had to rule with an iron fist
See also: Yugoslavia

Saddam asked the UN for permission to invade Kuwait and they said yes, we have the recording of the conversation you can literally youtube it, then when it happened literally ousted actors pretended they saw human atrocities and America went in to attack. The US had no right to attack but USA is not a sovereign nation following international rules it's just a slave army for Israel. Kurds committed mass treason during the iran-iraq war and the penalty for treason is death, rightfully. And lastly, the jewish bloodline zionist bushes tried to assassinate him multiple times. Go fuck yourself, kindly.

T. Retard who doesn’t realise the federal reserve can keep printing fake money as long as the oil flows


that pic makes no sense. scrooge was obviously a jew


A good, kindhearted thing. Killing jews is a just action.

Those savages understand one thing: violence. That’s why Islam didn’t catch on until they started murdering people all the time.

also to launder, disappear, steal, and print even more money than they did with 9/11.


More specifically how he wanted to trade his oil for euros instead of the US dollar as all oil producing countries are forced to

>He seemed to be running things fine
because this

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He wanted to trade the oil his country produced for euros rather than USD


Now ask about Benghazi and Gaddafi


>Saddam asked the UN for permission to invade Kuwait and they said yes, we have the recording of the conversation you can literally youtube it, then when it happened literally ousted actors pretended they saw human atrocities and America went in to attack.
Here's what was said:

>I know you need funds. We understand that and our opinion is that you should have the opportunity to rebuild your country. But we have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait ... Frankly, we can only see that you have deployed massive troops in the south. Normally that would not be any of our business. But when this happens in the context of what you said on your national day, then when we read the details in the two letters of the Foreign Minister, then when we see the Iraqi point of view that the measures taken by the UAE and Kuwait is, in the final analysis, parallel to military aggression against Iraq, then it would be reasonable for me to be concerned

Saddam thought that was permission.

>The US had no right to attack but USA is not a sovereign nation following international rules it's just a slave army for Israel.
Asked for help by the government of Kuwait, and moved with a UN resolution against Iraq.

>Kurds committed mass treason during the iran-iraq war and the penalty for treason is death, rightfully.
Well they never got a trial and got artillery with blistering agents instead. If they had committed a crime then the government should have arrested people and given them trails.
>And lastly, the jewish bloodline zionist bushes tried to assassinate him multiple times. Go fuck yourself, kindly.
The USA stopped the first gulf war when the Iraqi military was destroyed, that was meant to give Saddam a chance to keep his nation, and rebuild in accordance to the UN cease fire and accepted world standards. But he wanted to be an ass hat and was targeting aircraft within days violating the cease fire effectively starting the war over.

>Tried to assassinate GHWB while his son was the fucking President.
OMG Shlomo my fucking sides!!

what is it with 6 million and the jews?

“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
The Infamous "Oded Yinon Plan". Introduction by Michel Chossudovsky

Because Americans blamed all Muslims for the actions of a small extremist group. Americans are not a very intelligent people, so they stereotype and make sweeping generalizations.

>the jews wanted him dead
in order to draw the usa into the ME so they are the eternal protector

The Incubator Babies Conspiracy

Israel and the Saudi Kingdom shilled for it with the inordinate influence they have in US politics to remove a regional rival

>his government

No. Saddam mentioned to our ambassador in Iraq, April Gallespie (sp?) that he had historic claims on the territory of Kuwait. She said nothing, remained neutral. Saddam proceeds to invade Kuwait. News reports Iraqi troops are massing on the border of Saudi Arabia. Joint Chiefs consult with Saudis. Literally that night American troops sent from 18th Airborne (I was there). Slow troop build up. Saddam refuses to withdraw or back down.


It was about the petro dollar when GW bush jr went


Commies are so fucking retarded it was about America mantaining control of their global hedgemony

didn't want to use the petrodollar so the jew took them out



Saddam acted pretty dumb in retrospect. All he had to do was comply with the conditions ending the Gulf War, and after about five years we would have stopped monitoring him and stopped caring. But he continuously appeared to be evading, hiding, or refusing to comply with inspectors.

>fabricated fake evidence for a jew war

Ask yourself, why couldn't Saddam just be bought off and made just another pro-American strongman dictator in the mold of Pinochet or Suharto? What was preventing that from happening? He could have been bought off just like the rest of them. There was a certain (((stumbling block))) that prevented such a deal from happening. Being pro-Israel is impossible for an Arab dictator, and America's political establishment can't make friends with anyone who has to be an enemy of Israel. It's impossible. If not for Zionist control in Washington, Saddam would have been just another tinpot dictator in America's pocket. Another one on a long list. The war may have been caused by Saddam wanting to sell oil in euros, but such a thing never would have happened if Israel didn't exist.

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Wanted to sell oil for gold.
Gave a few bucks to the families of slain Palestinians who were killed by IDF.
Project For A New American Century was really the start of Greater Israel, but things haven't gone as well as they had hoped.

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After 9/11 the prevailing question in Washington was: are there any loose ends in the Middle East where someone could be preparing another blindside attack on the US. Then we remembered that Saddam had been a constant source of conflict and thorn in our side since the end of the Gulf War. He would throw out inspectors and tell them there were certain places they could not inspect. So he constantly raised the spectre of hiding something.
So the event of 9/11 sealed his fate.

>oil for food
As soon as word hit that the program was being abused and that Americans were part of the abuse, WMDs became the new catchphrase.

smthg about oil i believe

Gen. Wesley Clark • 7 countries in 5 years

oil and gold, the kikes plundered the country

No. It was about about eliminating any person or regime who could or would conduct a blind side attack on the US in the horrible aftermath of 9/11.

To steal the Babylonian antiquities that are vital to (((their))) 'magic'

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