ITT we discuss what political bullshit will be broadcast tomorrow during the game. We know that every commercial will be "diverse" and such - but there's gotta be at least one or two MAJOR statements made by commerical or even halftime. So boys, what's it gonna be this year?
Super Bowl Propaganda Predictions
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The faggot from Maroon 5 already said that SJWs will be given "a voice" during the halftime show.
>camera pans more slowly when showing 2 Rams players kneeling
*crumples can in anger*
Something about women being in charge for sure. Kikes are pushing for female politicians hard because they won't step out of line and are easy to control.
Oh boy I can't wait, any more details? That's the first I'm hearing of that
and that voice comes from his vagina
Already have the """historic""" inclusion of male cheerleaders, so it's off to a terrible start before it even begins.
>tfw the stadium is keeping beer prices at $5 for the super bowl
Not gonna lie, I don't give a shit about sports and realizing all the leagues and media are controlled by kikes didn't help that at all.
Can't wait to see how normies react to that
>watching the Halftime show at all
The last good commercials were the ones with the Budweiser Clydesdale horses. Maybe the Doritos ones as well
I haven't watched a super bowl in like 4 years, I really don't care about the NFL or any pro sports at all. But I'll be with the family tomorrow so I'll be seeing it - can't wait to see what theyll try and push on us
Probably something about social securirty or the Real ID program
Coke's running another "diversity" ad. If I recall right, they have done so every year since like 2014 now.
If this was just one company, I'd assume they were targeting some untapped demographic, but they're almost all pushing that "tolerance, diversity, inclusion" stuff these past few years, so I can only surmise some market research somewhere says this is what Millennials and/or Generation Z wants.
Can't wait for this ad trend to end. Hopefully Generation Z's offspring will want something different.
this shit is so fucking rigged.
"patriots lost and why thats a good thing" will be all over the news for a week.
complete predictive programming garbage.
I wonder which supersportsball team will win this year! Its so much fun watching grown men run around pretending what they do matters and getting paid millions for it.
I heard the first male cheerleader will be prominent during the game. Enjoy
>I'll call it sportsball because I'm so above it, I'll sound like a neckbeard retard before I utter its real name
Nigger I'm clearly asking about what propaganda they're going to push on the millions of normal people who are watching it just to see football. You don't even have to watch it - within seconds of whatever progressive bullshit they pull, there will be dozens of articles up about why it's a good thing.
Try critical thinking out you fucking moron, nobody here is even saying you should watch it. Fuck the NFL. But millions of people are going to get a direct injection of propaganda tomorrow.
a slow fade in to pic related and some message about building bridges not walls
>Watching the super bowl
After what happened in the saints rams game, why the fuck would anyone tune into that trash?
This was news on bong TV news the other day, two black faggots on the cheer leading squad talking about how progressive it is.
Two more niggers in niggerball doesn't really change much
>watching and supporting niggerball
Being this brainwashed
literal NFL shills post fake conspiracies here to get anons to watch their subliminal message packed halftime show.
Sjw are going all in... npr, even npr, seriously npr has its jewy peanut allergies cat lady midgets shilling for the super bowl... it’s the purest cringe from the tallest cringey mountain in cringistan
>t. New Orleans nigger
stop watching nigball you faggots
>t. probably a Steelers fan
Go back to Homewood nigger Tom Brady has another Bowl to win for the white man
Why do SJW kikes and niggers hate the Patriots so much?
Half time show will have a part where Maroon Five and Travis Scott will sing the Spongebob Squarepants song "Sweet Victory" after it is introduced by Squidward.
After the Patriots win, open mouthed white liberals will take to Twitter and use it as a symbol of resistance against Tom Brady and "Trumps Team".
Screencap this. 100% going to happen.
>watching grown men play a child's game
There's gonna be more "be a better man" stuff like the gillette ad or the audi commercial from last superbowl and everyone is going to be rooting against the Patriots because the team is too white but they'll probably still win because LA's defense is a joke.
3:1 odds that talcum x makes a tweet framing Tom Brady and the Patriots as white supremacists
The amount of pats shittery in these recent years have convinced me the whole things just a more disguised show than WWE. Go ahead and tell me that 2nd half turnaround wasn't scripted
Rams will lose there cool causing Patriot's win in final seconds of overtime
>God hates us
yes, he does
Kek I cant w8 for Brady to bring it home for the huwhite man, only thing niggers are good at and we took it from them.
How can anyone seriously watch and support niggerball in this day and age.
Majority of the players are tattooed up ghetto trash niggers who can't speak English.
And this is what you want your kids see you watch on TV?, cheering and yelling at a bunch of niggers who want nothing more then to see whitey be killed.
You are the reason why society is shit and why your kids are going to grow up to be shit people who hate themselves for being white.
>football is a child's game
let's not forget
I ding-dong diddly watch WWE though and post on based /asp/ which is the best board you Jannetty.
The singer of the national anthem is going to stop halfway and kneel.
I enjoy watching overpaid niggers screw up.
The Rams will be in position to win and then do something retarded like he Falcons and Seahawks
those are just bots
>I enjoy watching niggers
you reap what you sow
the woman with her gunt hanging out of her Elsagate shirt is the most blatant human trafficer I've ever seen.
what kind of mother drags her shoeless, half-naked children across a desert?
See retard
pewdiepie commercial
The stadium will receive over $800 million in public funding over its life. "Only" charging $5 for a beer is easy to do when you've got that much taxpayer cash sloshing around in your pockets.
And those millions of people need to be round up and gassed. Niggerball fans won't be saved on the day of the rope.
I would never side with any niggerball fan if the shit hit the fan. If the government fell niggerball fans would be target number one along with niggers and spics, and all the SJW white trash.
I don't fucking care how white they think they are, their minds to far going for anyone to help them if the can't see why watching this shit is cancer.
White people who watch and are fans of niggerball are part of the cancer of our society.
There is already going to be an ASMR beer ad.
Reminder that Gladys Knight's chicken and waffles restaurant was seized by the State of Georgia for keeping the sales tax money they collected from customers instead of passing it on to the public treasury.
a simulated threesome by trannies and Desmond the 8 year old tranny performing a solo pole dance with other straight white males throwing money ar him, screencap this you faggots.
>this is what Millennials and/or Generation Z
This has been the consensus for at least a decade back when I was in Marketing, there wouldn't be a thriving counter culture if it was in any way true though. More indepth studies are showing that Millennials aren't actually all that different that Gen X or Boomers, but people are slow to catch on.
inb4 Russia hacked the Superb Owl
U can already see the ads on yt. Ur usual shit doubt the half time gonna be too progressive 2bh
>Superb Owl
Did someone call?
Tom pedo Hanks is voicing a 60 second
WaPo commercial about protecting honest
journalism.... read that right
>a slow fade in to pic related and some message about building bridges not walls
>Dramatic Music
>Brown Sludge Crying; covered in sweat; etc. Emotional warfare assaulted on your eyes; ears.
>White men portrayed as evil; yelling
>Some dramatic pan towards the wall
>Maybe some kind of Melodramatic analogy about "walls" using your front door
>The usually annoying shit of 144 Lesbians; Niggers; Poos; Nogs; Trannies; Kikes; Spics and Slopes all in rapid succession on a white background and a "serious face" saying how we're all equal and shit (Apple Computer Purity Style).
The only white male you will see is a post boomer 85 years old and "irrelevant to the discussion". You will not see one positive image of a middle aged white conservative male father; a loving white male husband or any display of strength concerning a white male.
Most commercials featuring a white male will be a faggot or feminist apologist.
If the Mr Beast/Pewdiepie ad happens it'll be all white males.
This would raise so many red flags regarding funding of journalists.
In an era where print journalism is dying, profits are slumping and circulation is collapsing WaPo can afford a 60 second Superbowl spot...
Off by one...and how, how does one acquire an owl.
What somebody really needs to do is make an Identity Politics Bingo Card with "Strong White Conservative Male" the rare square.
Keep count of all the 3,000 Victims of the Left and put that on a board of squares.
The night of advertising and half time show will be an overwhelming assault on anything National; Male; Family Oriented; White; History Related, etc It's going to be New World Order and "99% of people agree this is where we're going." so get on board.
Lets list all the likely "squares" that will be on the Bingo card.
>white women are now the property of every other race, getting blacked.
And probably something like this, whamens need to be in charge so they can kill more white bois,import more brown bois, and take whit bois guns away because they are all crazy.
There will also be some kind of "Save the Children!!!!" Global Warming ad.
Some cute Swedish girl, all of sixteen years old, speaking like an adult about "Mush 3 Degrees" and how we're all going to die in 3 years unless we Do What Government Says To Do Right Now You Fucking White Male Scum. She will be stern and "Pleading" for the baaaaaAAAAd adults to listen to her, since she's Swedish and so smart.
It will be an emotional warfare ad with animals fading into white nothing or sinking into the sea or "dying" in the most painful; excruciating way possible. There will be a cut back to Trump making some Snarky Remark about Global Warming on Twitter and some Celebrity saying "This is not the America That We Are Dammit!". They'll probably hire that fucking Cuck Faggot Robert Diniro and fit a cardigan on him so he looks all soft and fatherly even though we know he sucks dick.
Halftime: Beyonce brings out a white guy in a suit on a leash and katie perry parachutes in naked to make a statement. Fat white bitches roll around screaming in pink hats to defend black people even though it has nothing to do with womens rights.
The Left will also try to "Meme Something" using one of their Messiah Chants, much like the Gillette commercial, "Is this the Best a man Can Be?"
It will be a Pro-Globalism phrase; anti white male; pro feminism; pro female president; pro spic; pro nigger and there will be a matching Twitter Campaign roaring to life with 892 shills feeding the fire 60 seconds after the ad plays live.
It will be a "topic of discussion" the next day on all the news circuits. Some doe-eyed news woman will say, "I'm glad [This Company] was bold enough to approach this topic. I think we really need to discuss this.
What if we can pressure the league into not allowing players with criminal records, especially drug or domestic abuse charges. Feel like the whole thing would whiten up a bit.
>colored men being heroes
>white women being empowered by strong colored man
>strong single white women with mixed kids
>white men be angry, weak, beta, and toxic
yet white men will still keep watching this shit with their families.
Don't know, dont care. Refuse to watch that horse shit. Im gonna play my video game and probably jerk off to old Traci Lords videos on the internet or something.
There will be no shortage of Tech Product commercials featuring "black hands". This is a meme that the Left is trying to pass down. You'll see it on all the time now, the Black Hand....maybe holding a phone or with a ring on. It's some kind of Psychological Op they are working to demoralize white men.
Samsung; Apple: Microsoft will feature a "Personal Interest Story" about some Nog who rose from rags to riches and now he has a $700 cell phone and it got him some half-white; half-asian; half-eskimo pussy and there will be a cut to the City Skyline where they are all hugging and texting bullshit back and forth. The message being that the phone "Connects us All". Small cut of somebody laughing. Small cut of somebody crying. Small cut of somebody cheering as a kid blows out candles of a birthday cake.
And to add to that, there will be a massive push for 5G phone networks. You'll hear all kinds of propaganda about how lovely it will be. ATT may do a spot about how 5G will control our cars and crockpots and "Isn't this the greatest future you can imagine??"
5G is straight up 666, The Mark of the Beast and Mind Control on Steroids. You'll hear a lot about it from the Cell providers.
OP you fucker, bump the thread. It's a good topic and needs to get to the first page.
Fuck the Patriots, fuck Tom Brady, fuck Bill Belichik, and FUCK NIGGERS
Enjoy your male cheerleaders norm*lfaggots
I'm a Chiefs fan but patty cakes in a nigger go Brady
>cop celebrating with all the fans
>something something white men bad and silly, *powerful music* something black people inspiring something something race mixed couple something faggots.
I think there may also be some attacks on Conspiracy Theorists, such as Alex Jones. There will be a political style ad where the enemy is featured in a really dark background with screen schisms; static and tuning lines coving the video. It will be visually disturbing and the voice track will be turned down a couple octaves. There will be several sound bytes such as "Sandy Hook was a Hoax!" or "Jews did 9/11!"
The message will be "Conspiracy Theorists Are Out of Control. Don't Listen to Them." and perhaps they will shill the new NewsGuard App that gives you Correct Think News for your phone; tablet and laptop.
Some pink hat will remark how "Good Technology" protects her from conspiracy theory and "fake news" (aka; anything conservative or nationalist). There will be a puring cat in the background as she taps her phone and sips her latte.
Of course Adam (((Levine))) is gonna do something cucked
Came here to say this. I can't fucking wait.
well thanks.
tired of these fags assuming that this is about watching the super bowl. I don't think anyone should watch it if they can avoid it, and I hope the NFL crashes and burns. I just wanna speculate on the propaganda that normies are gonna be seeing by the millions tomorrow, but some retards are too stupid to realize that
examples of retards that missed the point:
It's on NBC so I would expect a shit load.
- Multiple mentions of Black History Month and it's relation to Atlanta.
"Oh (X Player) went to the MLK museum and said (enter boilerplate racial shit)."
Tranny cheerleaders
>gay sex commericals
>cuck commericals
>blacks humiliating whites for comedic relief
>immagrant commericals
It"s just standard practice by now. I'm still waiting for a commerical where a nigger gay fucks a white boy and a pepsi logo appears.
It's a good thread. There are faggots who don't understand minutia and just spout off faggot level shit. Low IQs. Many such cases!
who gives a fuck lmao i havnt watched a nigger bowl or a nigger ball game in like 14 years literally
i hope a plane crashes into the stadium then id watch
can't be worse than what lady gaga did here
Many cuts towards workers in Atlanta, who will all be black and smiling and showing big tribal teeth.
Underlying message, "Atlanta: Powered by Niggers"
I wouldn't doubt seeing a couple of personal interest stories about black Gubmit Workers like IRS drones and how Terrible Trump hurt their family during the shut down. How they nearly got deported to Asia for missing two paychecks and had to visit food banks and live on the street on cardboard, Because Orange Man Bad and I really suffered terrible from missing two paychecks on muh gubmit job. "Why are you hurting us Trump? Why are you so bad, you big orange man?"
After very negative anti-Trump emotional warfare, there will be several cuts of blacks holding hands; and being "family" made to reaffirm that they stay on the Democratic Plantation and vote for Kamala Harris because she's a Two-Fer. A Stronk Wahmyn and Nog (not really. Just playin'). That's the extra budge to get a Leftist in the White House (Hillary almost made it by winning the popular vote). This will be a leap board to turn Georgia Blue by 2020.
There will be a lot of political poison towards blacks to reaffirm their victim mentality and how the Left will save them.
I think they will really ramp up the targeting towards blacks yeah. Especially because I think Trump has actually been making gains with black voters
Also a personal interest piece about how important TSA is and air traffic control. They may do a propaganda piece, not implicitly mentioning the Shut Down but drawing the dots so you can understand, "#OrangeManBad".
Take Away: If Trump does another shutdown in the week. Osama Bin Laden will emerge from a tube of toothpaste and completely Rekt Hartsfield International.
I wont be watching it . haven't watched football in over 10 years now ,I dont own a TV either. Iwill be planting a garden.
>Trump has actually been making gains with black voters
He has honestly. Also hispanics. A lot of red pills going around lately.
If enough minorities went red pill I may stop being such a blatant fucking racist. The Left made me racist. I was way more accepting 20 years ago.
I hope none of you retards are actually going to give (((them))) views