What's the likelihood of the USA going full balkanization Yugoslav style based on it's current socio-political situation?
What's the likelihood of the USA going full balkanization Yugoslav style based on it's current socio-political...
US political divisions are not territorial, they are bureaucratic in nature.
Control over US is divided between Pentagon, State dept. and CIA.
I'm not too informed on the situation, but clearly the CIA/State Dept. controls the West Coast and major urban centers, as you can see the MKULTRA experiments have been most successful there.
New israel is just westchester and long island.
Just snuck in to the Pennsreich. Praise Kek!
I doubt that would happen, though I hope that peaceful dissolution will someday be possible.
Then fags can fag it up in California and realize that everything they support is shit, while I can live in an Anglo-Brythonic ethno-state in New England.
imagine giving black people that much land to ruin.
The actual divide in America is between urban and rural. If there's going to be balkanization it'll come from doing away with the electoral college.
With no electoral college, America politically becomes three massive citystates: Southern California, Ohio, and Bosnywash. Everyone else in the union becomes subservient to them including the rural areas required to keep those places alive.
There'd be an independent states movement to counter the Urban Bloc. Urbanites would see the flyover states as backwards ultra christian types, and the independent states would see the Urban Bloc as a massive nanny state filled with crime and out of touch hipsters.
I've been kicking around a story idea that takes place after a balkanization. The two great powers are an ecofascist Northwest Front/Cascadia and a Communist kangz New Afrika. The Western Bloc is Cascadia, an Aztlan ethnostate in the southwest, and an indigenous confederation of ethnostates in the interior. East of the Mississippi New Afrika has gotten Appalachia into a military alliance and Ontario/Quebec have joined with what's left of the US into a feminazi hellhole.
Also there's a (((conspiracy))) keeping tensions going based out of New York
>Reno Federation
Reno is the least relevant city in that area. Sad!
Just made this quickly.
woah satan, you're scaring me
>Implying Missouri isn't seizing both Illinois and Kansas along with the rest of the Midwest
*laughs in badly pronounced French while holding toasted ravioli*
>New Zulu Empire
Do you know that the the width of that territory is probably less than the distance between the actual Zulus and the place where the ancestors of American blacks came from.
If you honestly think the Southwest would turn Mexican, you're super mistaken. We'd go full RWDS before we ceded these lands to the reconquista.
0%. The next civil war will be between Americans and anti-American globalist democrats.
Balkanization always happens in multiracial countries. Once the demographics reach a tipping point, any severe economic downturn will kick start this process. The US doesn’t need an ideological geographic split to divide itself, the only thing holding the house of cards up at this point is inertia and an okay-ish economy. There is no sense of community, nobody knows their neighbors, people fear and avoid strangers. Imagine what will happen once the government can no longer bail out the economy and pay for gibs
If so it will be on the grounds of race
it's highly likely considering the current path we're on. you can absorb and assimilate culturally and racially similar people. however the massive and non stop influx of non whites will eventually reach a breaking point.
you cannot expect to hold such a large nation together that's so racially diverse without a massive China style police state. we have absolutely no uniting principle or identity as a nation. one economic down turn or large scale war and it will all come unraveled.
this is why you see people identifying with their race, religion and region far more than they do to the nation.
I wouldn't say this isn't reversible but since absolutely nobody wants to address this, it's going to happen.
it will absolutely be racial because religion has been so thoroughly dismantled as a societal force that race is really all we have left.
>What's the likelihood of the USA going full balkanization Yugoslav style based on it's current socio-political situation?
0% unless we allow it.
College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.
the elites are beginning to recognize the problem but you simply cannot undo 60 years of egalitarian multiculturalism damage over night. it's going to take generations to undo that damage, even under ideal circumstances. I know societies move glacially but I feel like we're literally at the edge of the chasm and nobody is really doing anything about it.
the democrats answer is to stubbornly push even harder whereas the republicans largely just play lip service and at worst push civic nationalism, which is really just same egalitarian multiculturalism. notice how Trump's always touting non whites but never whites, he's all for immigrants but just legal. it's no different than the liberal position, it's just said with smile. it's ok to flood the country with non whites just so long as they are here legally. we're not going to deport illegals because they're good people.
I'd like to believe the oligarchs who really run this country knew what they were doing and have a plan to unfuck this mess but I'm not that naive. they would have never got us in this mess in the first place. I hope they do but their actions say otherwise and I'm worried time is running out.
zero. the sides are very polarized, and not by geography. any hot conflict would result in cities falling into chaos, primarily blacks massacring whites and communists murdering non communists, then disease and starvation as the right barricaded the cities and stopped supplying them. over half the population would die, mostly blacks and liberals, other countries would try to come in and take control, quickly be killed by over 10,000,000 angry pent up gun owners and most of the military, and then everything would slowly return to normal.
New Israel is to far north from Lakewood NJ so it is inaccurate.
There will be an actual civil war first. That won’t happen.
The war will be horrible though.
Those who survive will be aware of what is needed to survive, in terms of family values.
There will be a correction, though bloody.
Here's hoping
Oh hell no, when that happens, Wisconsin is going to burn those FIBs and NIGs right into Lake Michigan and it will be the mighty Republic of Wisconsin behind the Cheddar Curtain.
My county in VA would definitely go with Confederacy, only one county above gray tho
I'll be damned if you make us Wisconsinites. I'll personally burn the Bong and Blatnik Bridges and split the Arrowhead off your tacky republic to form the Mesabi Federation.
When Trump leaves office, it will become more likely. Especially after when Texas and Florida turn blue.
>Las arenas de mierda
>live in texas
>sips dublin dr.pepper
literally never have to think about retarded shit like this,it's awesome
Almost certainly will happen within 200 years.
Zulu children
blue areas = bug people
someone post the Southern Separatists-Separatists mapgore glory
shit is cash
Hard to disagree
I'm assuming you're a Duluthfag? The Drunken shitheads in that mess known as Superior could easily just boat into Duluth and wipe all you faggots out. Been to both cities a few times and the lowlives in Inferior far outclass Duluth in sheer bullshit power.
>200 years
Try 30-50 years
Pro tip roads will be lawless and proxy states like ncr will crop up. Mayors and govenors at best. City states from the ashes of www iii shockwaves as most vanish in the blink of an eye. Then when everyone has lost loved ones the faux pity generated before by media will channel unadulterated rage against humanity and their neighbors. Greed has loisoned mens souls to the heavens amd pigs fly to business meetings in helicopters. Still when on the animal farm of racist old mcdonald and the looney coons we will find that its gonna be more tribal like mascots of sportsball and proper color that will identify sides. Humans kill for sport too as blood lust burns down the neighborhoods
I’m from Loudoun which is full of leftists and non whites
you fucking nigger
I'll take the under on that if you're offering odds.
>US political divisions are not territorial
People are sorting based on political view points
Within a few decades political views will be mostly geographic
Like people in Idaho and Montana want to be controlled by the trannies and losers in Seattle and Tacoma. Even Eastern Washington has had enough of their bullshit.
>State of Jefferson not being in the Northwest Front
u wot