Lets discuss the best parts of the United States for White Americans to live. What state/city would you recommend Jow Forums?
USA General
Ill start.
Anywhere in Utah. The state has a high White birthrate do to Mormons.
Not Houston.
Better question:what can we do to make all parts of the US livable for the White population again?
>Repeal Hart-Celler
>Deport with EXTREME prejudice
>Gold Standard
i would not recommend delaware
i would not recommend maryland
i would not recommend virginia
>Gold Standard
What would be the benefit of returning to the gold standard
Illinois outside Chicago
Sound currency
>Rural PA
>Most of WY
>Most of MT
>Most of ID
Basically avoid major cities and anything subtropical. The entire left coast sucks, most of New England sucks. The east cost south of CT is all niggers.
Ok, how is the us dollar not sound?