Why did this never happen?


Why is the International Space Station we have so mediocre in terms of technological development, with a tiny crew and extremely claustrophobic quarters? Why was nothing like what Wernher von Braun describes in this 1955 video developed, when we've had the technology for it for decades? Or was it, and we simply don't know about it? There is some indication that US had a moon base wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/P790011-1247_e.html.

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literally the vietnam war.

a bunch of idiots are going to swam this thread and spew bullshit but the 100% truth is that the vietnam war destroyed support for space colonization (and the money)

Because it has to fit in a warehouse

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Vietnam War, The Civil Rights Movement, and Johnson’s “Great Society” all killed the Space Program.

You're an American and don't know what commercials are. Confusing.

Look at all of the money that goes to welfare, exits the country through illegal immigrants (36 billion/year), and goes to the arts/propaganda. Doesn't take a genius to figure out that space travel is fucked in the public sphere nowadays (thus why Elon and Bezos are trying to do it privately, albeit it takes time).

That's probably a really big component. I'd say the fallout from the cold war and the west gutting Russia probably didn't help either. We could have had a white nation as a powerful Ally, but we had to pillage the corpse of their collapsed empire.

Lets get an orbital ring up first.

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Because we can’t build a vessel that can withstand the crushing pressure of space yet

I can only hope I live to see this happen. The Jews, through socialism, Marxism, corruption, pornography, multiculturalism, race mixing, and other degeneracy have stolen that timeline where space travel and colonization occured soon after the 1950's and 60's from us.

Elon understands the value of marketing like von Braun. It's about the image in the head of the other.

We told the space niggers to crash on the moon.
So we had to stop our domination of space.

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Feeding and housing inner-city negroes. Also war.

>he thinks the ISS and space is actually real
Fucking leafs will believe anything

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>>he thinks the ISS and space is actually real
>Fucking leafs will believe anything

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because we are stuck on earth babysitting some races that can't form a civilization

>Why did this never happen?

do you really think that the jews want people escaping their global slavery system?

Expensive rockets. It cost more than 150 billion dollars to put a space station with as much room as your typical American house into space. Most of the costs went to launching the modules to LEO. If Bezos and Musks companies succeed in building reusable super heavy launch vehicles, that would cost less than 10 million to put as much cargo into space as the volume of the ISS in one go, then this would be possible, and we can start building space megastructures.

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Pic related.

The government spends more on entitlement programs in one year than the combined cost of all space exploration research in history.

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Government spending went toward welfare for niggers and wamen instead.

elysium was a faggoty retard movie and a retarded literal "castle in the sky" is unrealistic
>why is ISS so mediocre
every penny thrown into space is a penny out of the pockets of the deepstate, so they axed NASA
plus, retards can shoot stuff into space, its not rocket science, just look at musk,bezos,branson
all it takes is money
now imagine your enemy in orbit, throwing shit down at you
plus space is dangerus


And if you wanna know what we can do in the next ten years if Blue Origin and SpaceX succeeds with their roadmap in building cheap super fact lifters with fairings that are 8+ m in diameter, read what Bigelow aerospace is doing with inflatable modules that are stronger, more durable and spacier than the whole ISS.

Their Olympus module will be more than twice as big as the ISS whilst being 20 times cheaper.

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The leaf gets a cookie. Plus, it was supposed to be a joint effort thing, except really what that meant is the US and sorta Russia were supposed to foot the bill and let the other countries crash on their couch forever and eat all the snacks and beer. Also, internation cooperation is a really bad joke. Trying to coordinate at a national level is messy. Globally? Just light the money on fire. It's faster.

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>needs license from government to launch a satellite imager into space

no fucking shit retard, even ww2 imagery were clean enough to make out license plates


I still don't get this one. Why it isn't a reality. Based on 70s projections, we could afford it ourselves without any international cooperation kikery.

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We couldn't achieve it so we had to divert the attention.

>what is a submarine
I don't get it, are you shit posting or is this something flat earther insanity?

The research made in space will benefit all humanity far more than this bitch will
Its wishful thinking but space exploration could help eliminate shit like hunger and death

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socialism. private enterprise will make better spaceflight happen, not governments.

Where do you see us in a couple decades time? technology wise, and our development into space

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With the money California spends on illegals we could have a Moon colony right now.

We've literally re-engineered our entire society to pump wealth into these shitty brown communities, we are literally missing out on the universe right now. And the sad thing is, once the oil is gone, we've missed the boat. No second chances

We have this very brief moment in the sunshine of supreme wealth and development, and we're using it to breed up these massive populations of developmentally disabled, stunted little brown people who are only a burden on the world. It's fucking criminal

I know right? I can’t wait for the Venezuelan space program to kick off.

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You don't understand the way the world works.

You're too stupid to understand the way the world works.

I'm usually pretty hard core on capitalism, but this one might require a mix of both. The only, and I mean ONLY thing that states do better than private corporations is long term research where there's little to no short term return. Most corps dump a line of research if it won't turn a profit in 5-10 years. And space stuff usually does, but it's unpredictable. Hence the need for gov money to keep it going in the interim. I wish you could choose how your tax money is applied. All my social security and shit would go straight to NASA.

You are right faggot, but there is a similar infographic showing the same breakdown, but it includes sex. Only white MALES have a positive budgetary impact. That is the one you should use.

Neither do you, we already had many manned space missions, many moon missions, we have the ISS, there is no doubt that this "can" be done. I was deliberately asking hypothetical, open-ended questions to spark discussion, not necessarily because I don't know the answer to the title of this thread.

Criminally underrated

Don't divide men and women. Women are not our enemies. They just tools in the our enemy's hands right now, but who's going to raise our future generations if we start antagonizing women? We need to reshape them and we can do that if we defeat the main enemy.

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Once the military sucked all the useful tech out of NASA they just focused on destroying nations. No point in having people in space if all you need to do is coordinate your missiles

As with all things, Jews.

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we have 3 huge space stations, and 6 methane Farms so far out there.
We also have a large moon with water and flora in the next solar system

In the next 30 years, if we succeed in manufacturing high temperature superconductors that requires less energy to maintain its superconducting qualities, I’d imagine we could start devising plans to build an orbital ring that can cut the costs to access to space by another magnitude, which would allow the average person to visit LEO and beyond for less than the cost of a trip on a cruise ship. We also need iterative versions of the BFR and New Armstrong, which can take hundreds of tons to LEO too. By 2050, I expect a working orbital ring to encircle the planet.


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remember when nasa got caught giving out fake moon rocks
remember how nasa says they’re the ony authority on the authenticity of moon rocks
remember how the astronauts were covered in moon dust and yet not even a single molecule got tracked inside the ship and clogged the precious controls

niggers and spics.

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>orbital ring
somebody's never heard of the roche limit.

Because it costs about $30,000 per kilogram to put something into space.

little bit of "hunger" best thing for her

BTW, I like AOC's "Fed Jobs Guarantee" to get all the Niggers out of Public Housing, off Welfare and back on Plantations where they belong.

Wrong video

Gotta love how shit faced Commies think Capitalists are at fault when Capitalists produced not only enough to fight their shitty ideological war and win it, but to also beat them in the Space Race as well.

Fucking Commies.

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Let's just hope the European peoples can still be apart of this future

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(((And that's a good thing!))) We have more money for social programs now!!

That future only happens if Europeans are around. Who else would or even could build it?

look, i like space fudd but he's not much of a source on these things.

Based leaf. Sincere 11/10

Because we have to devote trillions every year feeding, housing and giving medical care to tens of millions of NIGGERS and beaners.

because it costs a shit ton and has little return?


he hooks his pocket with his pinky.
Also, if he were on waist-mounted wires, why didn't his arms and legs clip them? He made a complete turn.

what swede-fag has never been able to answer is why do we hook trapeze wires to the waist on earth. He literally doesn't understand how center of mass works.

I know you!

the Chinese and Japanese are fairly capable - but I see where you are coming from..

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Absolutely sickening at how much technological development and human space colonization we are missing out on because of dumb fat useless niggers.

Unreal. The Jews must pay for this.

Billions of dollars annually from the west are poured into third world shitholes in foreign aid,

Billions that could be funneled into the space program which will guarantee our civilization a place in the stars for the future generations to come

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Best and only accurate answer.

>beat them in the Space Race
Soviets sent
-the first satelite
-first dogs
-the first man
-first woman
-first non-white man
-first space station
-first robot to the Moon
-first robot to Venus
Soviet Soyuz is currently the only craft sending men into space

Mutts proclaiming themselves the winner after only beating the Soviets to space is retarded

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>Wernher von Braun


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People are not allowed of the farm! Research cattle mutilations and you will begin to understand how your blue marble actually works threw that lens.

>crushing pressure of space

Because we have no motivation to do so.
The space race ended, and the Outer Space Treaty killed all motivation governments would have to go to space.
It's up to private companies now.

We need to get off this fucking rock and drop some rods from god

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holy fuck

Why is the skin coloring/makeup so dark on both the the intro guy and then von braun? The intro guys face is especially odd, it looks like bad faux tanning application, Just weird

wow impressive

The strain 'space elevators' would undergo is too great. We have no known material capable of withstanding it.


Now a lofstrom loop, on the other hand, we could build today.

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Military industrial complex

I dont remember technicolor looking so unnatural before.

dude lived in Florida and got tanned AF

This, and once its up there it needs maintenance, atmosphere, and propulsion to keep it in the correct orbit.

A secondary problem is that as you increase living area, you increase the odds of a serious accident. Not just meteor/debris strikes, but equipment malfunctions as well.

Woke leaf

Orbital rings are not stable, dipshit.

The insane amount of damage done due to even low orbit cosmic radiation exposure. The people stationed there would come back and be guaranteed to get cancer. The genetic damage done as you go up and beyond the Van Allen belt is no joke.

>Because we can’t build a vessel that can withstand the crushing pressure of space yet
Why not send submarines to space then? They even have propellers to move around.

>"We're detecting some radiation, get a flare down there"

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Holy shit! This is the meme that will just keep on giving!

(((diversity))) destroyed NASA.

there can be no progress until jews, niggers, muslims and christians are erased from humanity.

Fucking kek