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How do you reconcile your racism with your desire for qt brown latinas?
Carter Wilson
Jordan Torres
asian women
Jaxon Rogers
i only hate whites , brown women are based
Lucas Gutierrez
They happen to hate niggers too
Jackson Wilson
>qt brown latinas
Alexander Peterson
>desire for qt brown latinas
I'm not into bestiality
Aaron James
Delet this
Dylan Brooks
im neither racist or attracted to brown peoples typical body proportions or mannerisms
Camden Foster
welcome to Jow Forums
you are now considered racist by the federal government.
don't forget, you're here forever.
Jose Wood
Search "India Ayamara" user. You won't be disappointed.
Jackson Evans
by being not racist kek, well i actually am but only to the average white girl.
Leo Lopez
because I live in a spic country and I am whatever enough percent white(probably not) to have a meagerly creamy skin and I know what those abominaciones end up looking like
Evan Wright
Just think you're bleaching their bloodline. Also if she has indigenous factions just think that their blood line is probably of amerindian imperialist descent, so in contrast of "Native USA" indians they hate immigrants too.
This depends on country, class and history. For example, my country Costa Rica, has pseudo black fetish in which we are impressed that blacks are real, since we were too poor to buy during the colonial period and we lived segregated until 60-70 years ago.
Michael Green
Anal only so as to not pollute my bloodline.
Ian Jones
By being attracted to white women like a normal white guy
Aiden Ross
by not having a desire for non whites in the first place
Oliver Rogers
Asians and Latinas are easy to redpill, and their families already hate dindus
Levi Phillips
>brown latinas?
Eli Morgan
Better does a christcuck accept that to be racist means that they are hypocrites since god preached that all of the colors of the world were his children and his son was definitely not white. Are you happy to worship a sandnigger and go to a final afterlife that is supposed to be paradise but will be filled with niggers and spics?
Jordan Kelly
I am a race realist. I don't hate someone because they are black, I recognize that blacks are cursed with the mark of cain and are more prone to violence and have low IQs. I know some honest decent black people and have no problem with them being in heaven. Heaven would be a super majority white if you went on polls of Christians throughout the ages.
Henry Jenkins
I'm not racist
Andrew Jones
by remembering this is how they all look after age 35
Michael Jones
make no mistake, bleaching mestizas and castizas IS racist, but you shouldn't do it if you have to choose between that and having kids with a white woman, hispanic culture from the mother will seep into your kids and they will likely adopt it even if they are only 10% native
Michael Harris
>he believes in a god that cursed a whole race of people for the entire existence of their race over something one person did milions of years ago
No wonder the world is what is when so many people delude themselves into believing this nonsensical shit
Thomas Lopez
Stupidity accounts for it
Jose Jackson
Remember all the cute bits are the white bits
Gavin Diaz
By reminding myself of my previous long term relationship with one. Every latina I have met has some sort of mental hang-up. Depression, mommy issues, trust issues, etc. It's fun as hell, but at the same time, don't dip your dick in crazy.
Asher Hill
Nathaniel Martin
date a qt white or yellow girl that you care about
Ryan Robinson