why the fuck do pinoys have nigger noses?
Asian nigger-beaner
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because everyone who isn't white is a nigger
Abo genes.
whats even the point of getting a photo retouched to the point it doesn't even look like you?
Asians are niggers. Anyone not descended from Europe is a nigger.
t. mutt
t. kike
They’re descended from Negritos
The same reason they have dark skin: they’re basically niggers
Japanese/Chinese/Koreans aren’t niggers, but Filipinos/Malaysians/Vietnamese are. Not all “Asians” are the same.
they're like the slavs of the asian race
beat you in the space race, and we are whiter than you, nigger mutt
Umm, they're all the same.
The negro feature must be from the Negritos people who lived in the Philippines before they were invaded another tribe from China.
>nigger mutt
you're literally a nation of asian-nigger weirdos.
because gooks and niggers are both hamites.
its plastic surgery. product of la creatura parents
South Pacific asians are just terrible, only the british old men like the lady boys and china likes the cheap labor
THANK YOU. flips are god damned subhuman nigger-spic-chinks. im sick of their ugly women being called beautiful TOO. disgusting!
>why the fuck do pinoys have nigger noses?
Needs more bleach
Three face types in Asia:
1. Pig
2. Fish
3. Moon
dont knock it until youve tried it. see how happy this satisfied german customer is (07:50 minute)
go clean my poo pipes slavshit