When does the Venezuelan civil war start? I’d love to go kill some socialists and help instill a fascist government
When does the Venezuelan civil war start? I’d love to go kill some socialists and help instill a fascist government
>I'd love to do the ZOG's will and instill one of their approved puppets in power
>they thought the ZOG wars ended
daily reminder I am A European National Socialist. I will put Europe and National Socialism above everyone and everything else
The "interim" guy is also a socialist, so nice try.
While I don't like Maduro, I don't really see what putting in the new guy is going to accomplish if he still buys into the same Kool-Aid as PSUV anyways beyond rearranging Venezuela's butt-buddies.
I do not support that Juan Guaidó cuck, I would like to see Venezuela become national socialist and not the leftists shit they got now
the cia is involved.. it's going to be a death trap and cancer for degeneracy. if you support any* form of intervention, you're a demonic rat
what part of FUCK OFF don't you lunatics not understand?!
The resolution voted by the European Parliament is actually worse than President Trump’s 'recognition' of Guaido on January 23. Four political groups in the European Parliament, acting independently of one another before later agreeing on a common resolution, sat down to formulate their texts, in legal language, which state that Juan Guaido is the legitimate president 'according to Article 233 of the Venezuelan constitution.'
No one who has ever read Article 233 of the Venezuelan constitution could possibly conclude that it says anything of the kind.
On the contrary, Article 233 is precisely what Juan Guaido violated when he performed his little stunt of proclaiming himself president in a public square in Caracas on January 23.
Most countries’ constitutions have articles like Article 233 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. It deals with what happens if the president of the Republic does not, or cannot, fulfill his duties.
It lists six circumstances in which his term can be cut short: if he dies; if he resigns; if he is removed from office by a ruling of the country’s supreme court; if he is proclaimed physically or mentally unfit after a formal medical procedure validated by the National Assembly and by the supreme court; if he abandons his office; or if he is impeached by a popular referendum.
Not a single one of these conditions has been fulfilled: President Maduro has not resigned; he is not dead or unfit; he has not been impeached by the courts or by the people. Worse, Article 233 goes on to say who takes power if the presidency falls vacant – which it has not – and, guess what? It specifies that it is the vice-president who takes over, in this case Mrs Delcy Rodriguez, not the president of the National Assembly (Guaido).
The only circumstance in which the president of the National Assembly takes over is if the president has not been inaugurated. As Maduro has been president since 2013, it is impossible to pretend that this is the case. He took the oath of office for his second term on January 10, in front of the president of the Supreme Tribunal of Justice.
Show your devil star, jew
Of course the neocon news network FoxNews is going to help sell the interventionist non-sense like they did all the shit in the Middle East. Meanwhile CNN and the other networks are waiting to claim "due to US intervention in Venezuela it is the our moral obligation send aid and accept Venezuelan refugees". Pure goddamn cancer.
I dont support it but I also dont care
Theyre getting what they voted for
I already am using the flag of the devil. The whore of (((babylon))) until every nation bows to the same master she does the demonic animals will not rest
t. Russian
The socialists lost the 2015 parliamentary elections. Maduro responded by convening a new parliament elected by members of socialist-aligned trade unions and assigning the powers of the Assembly to it.
From that moment on, Maduro has been a dictator operating outside of constitutional bounds. The second Presidential election was not legitimate and therefore Guaido is the rightful leader.
by being diplomatic you're giving permission. I have somewhere to go but where will you go when the world has finally been conquered for the devil.
>top general
>some bureaucratic paper shuffler
>instantly declared as a traitor and soon will be jailed when police catch him under his bed
it's easy to accuse someone of being a Russian. It's probably much harder to do any research yourself.
CIA, do something!
I am bored from nothappenings.